Test-taking strategies shared by your peers:

  1. write content down
  2. look over notes: material not understood-make drawings and label them
  3. check teacher’s blogs, including Ms. Klu, Mr. Mulkey, Mr. Limpert, and Ms. Keyser
  4. study blog materials, such as review powerpoint that I posted
  5. online textbook
  6. go back to previous blog posts to review materials
  7. attend Mr. Limpert’s Flashcard Friday sessions
  8. make your own flashcards
  9. make your own card sorts-match definition with word and picture
  10. make real-world connections with science content
  11. “Gov-O”
  12. find a study buddy
  13. look over previous assessments
  14. make rhymes

Universe Theories

Unit 1 Quiz Study Guide-2jdidqn


Small Bodies in our solar system:

Moon Phases

Solar System



Universe/Galaxy/Solar System/Planet



Unit 1 Study Guide-Astronomy-1vcpakc

Astronomy Final Study Guide-2jqpmhj

Layers of atmosphere

Heat Transfer

10.20 class notes-1wqh8pa

Global and Local Winds

10.30.17 Wind Review-1bcnhn0

Air Pressure

Coriolis Effect

Unit Review: Atmosphere, heat transfer, wind, and water cycle

Unit-Test-Review Atmosphere, heat transfer, wind, water cycle-1unmdl5

Air Masses and Weather Fronts

Jeopardy link

1.Login to 2. Choose student login 3. Enter room number 54D3733C


Cold Front=moves fast/cold air moves under warm air which is less dense and pushes the warm air up. Bring Thunderstorms. After a cold front passes, cooler and drier weather. The cold air has replaced the warm air.

Warm Front=moves slower/warm air moves over cold, denser air. Warm air gradually replaces cold air. Bring drizzly rain and after the warm front passes, the weather is clear and warm.

Occluded front=complex weather=only front with 3 players involved. A warm air mass is caught or trapped in between two colder air masses. An Occluded Front has cool temps and large amounts of rain and snow/precipitation

Stationary Front=does not move much=a cold air mass meets a warm air mass and they do not have enough force to lift the warm air mass over the cold air mass. This front brings many, many days of cloudy, wet weather.


m=maritime=forms over water, wet c=continental=forms over land, dry P=polar=polar regions, cold T=tropical=tropics,warmA=arctic=extremely cold


An air mass is a large body of air where the temperature and moisture content are the same throughout…

first letter of an air mass is lowercase and represents the moisture content(wet/dry)

second letter of an air mass is capitalized and represents the temperature(warm, cold, very cold)

Severe Weather


  1. Occur during cold fronts(cumulonimbus clouds)
  2. Requirements: warm, moist air near Earth’s surface and an unstable atmosphere
  3. Lightning=dangerous part of thunderstorms
  4. Lightning safety=get low to the ground, stay away from trees, metal objects, water


  1. A tornado is a small, spinning column of air that has high wind speeds and low pressure and that touches the ground
  2. The funnel cloud BECOMES A TORNADO WHEN IT MAKES CONTACT WITH EARTH’S SURFACE.(touches the ground)
  3. Forms when wind moving in 2 different directions causes a layer of air in the middle to begin to spin like a roll of toilet paper. Strong updrafts of air in cumulonimbus clouds cause spinning column of air to turn to a vertical position.
  4. 75% of world’s tornadoes occur in U.S. Usually, during spring and summer
  5. Dangerous part of tornado=STRONG, SPINNING WINDS
  6. Tornado safety= get to the lowest level of home or basement away from windows, if outside…lie down in a large, open field or deep ditch.


  1. A large, rotating tropical storm with wind speeds at least 74 mph
  2. Hurricanes form over warm, tropical oceans
  3. Hurricanes GAIN STRENGTH over WARM WATER
  4. A hurricane gets its energy from the condensation of water vapor. Once formed, the hurricane is fueled through contact with the WARM OCEAN WATER. Moisture is added to the warm air by evaporation from the ocean.
  5. A hurricane will continue to grow as long as it is over its source of warm, moist air
  6. Hurricanes WEAKEN when it moves into COLDER WATERS or OVER LAND.
  7. Dangerous part of a Hurricane= flash flooding by storm surge
  8. Hurricane safety=evacuate the area/cover windows in home with plywood
  9. Hurricane parts=eye wall=cumulonimbus clouds that produce heavy rain and strong winds…THE EYE=WARM, RELATIVELY CALM AIR, LIGHT WINDS…Rain bands=spiraling bands of clouds that circle the center of the hurricane…heavy rains and high winds

Water Cycle

11.6.17 class notes water cycle poster and chart-2kvzo0l

Water Distribution

Water Distribution Notes 12.12.17-2n035tl


Surface and Deep Currents:


Anatomy of Waves DR KEY-sls3jl

GOOceanWaves KEY-x6fsfh

interactive_wave_study_guide-2j6305y-w0bvwl (4)-28qifbd

Video clips

  1. Tsunamis
  2. Ocean Swells
  3. White Caps (The white spray/foam on the crest of a wave in the open ocean)
  4. Undertow
  5. Long Shore Current

Hydrology Unit Test Review

Ocean Floor Topography

Ocean Floor Topography Blank Diagram-2cxocbd

ocean floor topography answer key diagram-13lory9

Alfred Wegener/Continental Drift

Video Clip

continental drift-1v82n1i

Seafloor Spreading


Earth Layers

Earth Layers FoldableEarth layers Foldable-1bvbgxx

PowerpointLayers of the Earth-14zpyuv:

Plate Tectonics


Snowball Fight ReviewPlate Tectonics Snowball Fight Review Answer Key-1mhyip4


PPT What are Minerals PPT 3.1-1jw99wt

PPT Mineral ppt-2dyijjt

Mineral Graphic OrganizerWhat are Minerals graphic organizer 3.1-1g3kcvy

Video Clip


All rock types

Igneous Rocks

Extrusive vs. Igneous Rocks T-Chart-1tgaji5

Igneous Rock-25d7riu



Rock texture and composition and review mineral info-2dcdtii



Intrusive Vs. Extrusive Warm Up-1l6m1an

Socrative Quiz Review:Go to

  1. login as student
  2. type room number54D3733C

Sedimentary Rocks


3.19 Clastic Sedimentary Rock Formation With Rice Crispies Blog Version-v25ju8

3.20 Chemical Sedimentary Rock Formation and Crystal Lab Blog Version-saqv3i

Metamorphic Rocks

Unit Test: Rocks and Minerals Review

Rock Cycle

3.29 Rock Cycle Class Notes Blog Version-12t7emb

Rocks Review Game with Answers-2nvw3ya

Renewable Vs. Non-Renewable Energy Resources

Rock Cycle and Natural Resources Review

4.17.18 Eggspert Review Game. Rock Cycle & Natural Resources-1pjpflf

Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition

4.19 weathering_erosion PPT-23fzr5o




soilppt 4.25.18-11ud452

Soil Horizon pic in color-19s9ch2