CPC3XX16 Certificate III in Brick/Block Laying and compliance with Standard 8
CPC3XX16 Certificate III in Brick/Block Laying has been redesigned to meet the Standards for Training Packages and meet the current job outcomes of a brick and block layer in the construction industry. The redesign of the native CPC08 Brick and Block Laying units has resulted in units of competency and their related assessments that are more robust and meet both the Standards for Training Packages and industry’s needs for competent trades people.
The packing rules of the existing CPC30111 Certificate III in Brick/Block Layinghave not changed since the qualification was first endorsed as part of CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package as CPC30108. These packaging rules require 27 units to achieve the qualification and include a high proportion of nominal AQF level 1 or 2 units in the core, as well as nominal AQF level 2 units in the elective choices. Consequently, a person undertaking the existing qualification would be required to complete a minimum of 11 units (41%) and up to 14 units (52%) of the qualification at nominal AQF level 1 or 2, which would not meet Standard 8 as overall balance of the components of the qualification tip the qualification below the requirements of AQF level 3.
The packaging of the units of competency listed in CPC30X16 Certificate III in Brick/Block Layingrequires strategic consultativeintervention to align the qualification to its current Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level. This intervention was outside the scope of the original CPSISC project brief, which did not include reviewing the packaging of the units of competency to ensure that the qualification aligned to AQF level 3. The brief was in fact limited to a re-templating process so that CPSISC’s contractual requirements with DET could be met. Given the limited scope of the original CPSISC brief and the contractual time constraints on the work, unfortunately the breadth of consultation that would be required to enable extensive changes to the unit lists to ensure qualification compliance with Standard 8 was not possible. I therefore do not consider that this qualification meets Standard 8.
This issue of meeting Standard 8 was raised with some key stakeholders during the redesign of Certificate III in Brick/Block Laying and changes were made the packaging rules of the qualification. The redesigned qualification now requires a minimum of eight units (30%) and a maximum of 14 units (52%) to be achieved at nominal AQF level 1 or 2. While this allows a person to complete more units aligned at nominal AQF level 3, the qualification still does not meet Standard 8.
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