CP Algebra I Part II

Miss Muller

2016-2017 School Year

Classroom Materials: (Please bring these to class every day!)

●  3 ring binder or subject notebook with dividers. Dividers will be labeled as follows:

o  Do Now - Sheets will be provided, but this will keep you organized!

o  Class Notes - Guided notes are provided MOST of the time, however, please keep some loose leaf in this section!

o  Homework

●  Folder – will be used for holding worksheets and graded papers.

●  Textbook – please keep this at home unless I ask you to bring it into school.

●  Scientific Calculator (THIS IS REQUIRED!!)

Graphing Calculator (recommended – this would be useful for later math courses and state testing.)

●  Pencil (please absolutely no pen!!)

Class Expectations:

●  Be on time every day - 4 lates is a referral! Yikes!

●  Begin Do Now as soon as you get settled in your seat, there will be a timer!

●  Be prepared with all materials and completed homework each day

●  Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, and your teachers ☺

●  Raise your hand to participate or if you need to use the restroom

●  No cell phones or electronic devices allowed out during class (unless otherwise specified)

Hall Passes:

You will need your student ID and student planner in order to leave the room. The planner must be signed by me and you must return in a timely fashion.

Grading policy:

Your marking period grade will be determined as follows:

●  75% - Tests and Quizzes – or any major projects or assignments.

●  10% - Homework – will be checked for completion and not accuracy, so please attempt to complete all problems to the best of your ability. If homework is not turned in the day it is due, you will have the next class period to turn it in for partial credit. After that, it will go in my gradebook as a zero. Homework is an important part of practicing the concepts you learn in class that day. Many quiz and test questions will be based off of homework problems, it is important to complete!

●  15% - Classwork and Preparation – participating in class is a must and you must come to class prepared with all materials each day.

* Individual grades will be determined by: sum of earned points/total points

Extra help:

Mathematics is a subject that takes a lot of practice. If you feel you are having trouble with any of the content we work on in class, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am available most days after school for extra help. If you are unable to meet after school, please let me know and I will try to work out a morning time by appointment only. I am here to help you! Don’t wait until it’s too late to see me for extra help.

Absent from class:

If you are absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to get your missed assignments from the absent binder on the day that you return. All missed assignments and quiz/test make ups need to be done in a timely manner. If the work is not completed, it will go in my gradebook as a zero.

I am looking forward to a fantastic year with you!

Miss Muller

732.289.3700 ext. 74130

*Please return by September 9, thank you!

CP Algebra I Part II - Student Information Sheet

Student Name: ______ID#: ______Period: ___

Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______

Email: ______

Phone: (Home/Work/Cell)______

I have read the attached expectation letter and understand what is expected of me in order to be successful in Miss Muller’s CP Algebra 1 Part II class:

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______