Cover Letter Rubric- Returning RA
Candidate Name: ______
Evaluator Name: ______
Please utilize the scale below to evaluate your candidates’ submitted cover letter. Mark in each category the final score by circling the chosen level of expectation met.
All returning RAs are given the following prompt regarding application submission- please utilize the below sentence for evaluating Skills Summary:
A cover letter stating why you would like to return to the position, and updated resume must be submitted with this application.
0- Insufficient / 1- Minor Improvements Needed / 2- Meets ExpectationsContact Information / -Does not include name, address, contact number or e-mail address / -May be missing a name, address, contact number and/or e-mail / -Includes name, address, contact number and e-mail
Organization/Format / -Unbalanced margins
-Fonts distract from readability
-Use of unexplained acronyms
-The appropriate date & heading are not included / -Somewhat balanced margins
-Fonts distract from readability
-Minimal use of acronyms
-Date and heading are not found/in an improper location
-Some information presented but there could have been more elaboration in areas / -Balanced margins
-Appropriate fonts and point size used
-No use of acronyms/acronyms explained
-The appropriate date & heading are included
-Space is adequately used and relevant information is provided
Skills Summary / -Information presented isn’t relevant to the RA position
-Experience is not mentioned
-No use of relevant knowledge, skills, abilities and characteristics are included
-It is clear the prompt was not used at all / -Some information is relevant to the RA position
-Experience is not made clear
-Some use of relevant knowledge, skills, abilities and characteristics
-The prompt may have been glanced at but not executed well / -Points targeted to being hired for the RA position
-Experiences are clear
-Use of relevant knowledge, skills, abilities and characteristics
-Addresses the directions in the prompt and articulates why they would like to return
Grammar & Mechanics / -Contains more than 5 grammatical/punctuation errors / -Contains 3-5 grammatical and/or punctuation errors / -Contains 1-2 grammatical and/or punctuation errors
Overall feedback/impression of Cover Letter:
Total Score ______/8