Please submit comments calling for New York to end the torture of solitary confinement for all people!

On November 1, Governor Cuomoannouncedproposed newrulespurportedly designed to limit the use of solitary in local jails. In fact, these proposed rules are seriously flawed, will codify some of the worst practices in local jails, and will leave thousands of our fellow New Yorkers in solitary for months, years, and decades. Therules were drafted without consulting people who have survived solitary or other experts.

Whenever ruleslike these are changed, there is a 45-day public comment period, during which anyone can submit a statement. We are calling on individuals and organizations to submit comments on the proposed rules, demanding that New York State do better.

Demand that new rules provide real limits on the use of solitary confinement. Recommend implementation of the provisions of the HALT Solitary Confinement Act,A.3080/S.4784,including: bansolitary confinement beyond15 days, provide meaningful program-based alternatives, restrict the bases for using solitary confinement, ban even one day of solitary for young people, old people, and individuals with mental and physical disabilities, and require periodic public reporting to maintain accountability.Use your comments as an opportunity to call on Governor Cuomo and the New York Legislature to pass the HALT Solitary Confinement Act!

Click here for a summary of key points that you may include as part of your submission. Please make your submission as personal and powerful as you can.

Comments must bereceivedby5 pmonDecember 18, 2017, so please mail themby Wednesday, December 13to make sure they arrive in time.Send to:DeborahSlack-Bean, Senior Attorney, New York State Commission of Correction, Alfred E. Smith Building, 80 S. Swan Street,12thFloor, Albany, NY 12210. Please also email a copy of your comments toso we can compile and display publicly all of the comments demanding that New York #HALTsolitary.