“One who is engaged in attending to the needs of the community is just like one who is engaged in Torah study.” ShulchanAruch,Orah Hyyim 93:4

"Recognizing that leadership is a work-in-progress is in no way an abdication of vision or goals. Part of our spiritual work is closing the gap between life-as-it-is and life-as-it-can-be. Through that work, we expand God’s presence in our own and our community’s life." Rabbi Shawn Zevit


On this 9th day of July, 2013, 2nd of AV, 5773, Mishkan Shalom, a Reconstructionist Synagogue, and Rabbi Shawn Zevit, jointly enter into this Covenant of Leadership.

This Covenant shall have a term of three years, commencing on July 15, 2013 and expiring on July 14, 2016.

This Covenant shall be construed as an employment contract between a congregation and clergy-person.[1]

With the express intent to be legally and morally bound to the principles, promises, undertakings and terms set forth herein and in the attached Addenda, Mishkan Shalom and Rabbi Zevit hereby declare the following:

WE enter into this Covenant in a renewed spirit of unity and abundance, as it has been written:

The relationship between God, the Sacred, and the Jewish people is a brit (Covenant), which is also used to signify a solemn pact between individuals. The term implies mutuality, and suggests that each party in the brit has obligations toward the other to be able to actualize living in sacred spiritual community. In addition to being a contractual record of promises, a brit is a combination of expectations, trust, loyalty, generosity & affection.

The relationship between Rabbi and Congregation should be understood as a brit, in which each party enters into a covenant with the other in mutual devotion for a common sacred purpose.

-- Rabbi-Congregational Relationship Report, 2001

This Covenant is intended to memorialize the commitments we have made to and with each other, coming out of the cooperative spirit and shared vision for sacred community that we are developing together (kavannah).

We share a commitmenttomany things for our community, based on the founding and evolving Statement of Principles of Mishkan Shalom.

We share a commitment to continue, develop,and renewour supportive, caring community. (Gemilut Hasadim)

We share a commitmentto spiritual depth and breadth in broad Jewish context of evolving, deepening spiritual practice, intellectual growth, study and life-long learning from child to senior, year and lifecycle events.(Torah V'Avodah)

We share a commitment torebalancing and repair of our inner and relational lives and that of the larger congregation, Jewish community, City of Philadelphia and the greater Philadelphia region, our country and the planet. (Tikkun Hanefesh v' Olam)

It is our hope, belief and commitment that together we can make the journey ahead one of inspiration, mutual loving support, authenticity, joyousness, generosity and soulful growth. We share a commitment to being shaped by the journeythat has brought us to this moment and want together to shape the journey that is yet to come.

It is our intent that, going forward, this Covenant and the description of rabbinic duties and responsibilities (kevah) contained in Addendum B will be implemented and interpreted in a manner which will reinforce and actualize this kavannah and will reflect the rabbi-congregational relationship.

To all of this, we agree.

For Mishkan Shalom:

Rabbi Shawn Zevit

David Piver, PresidentDate: July 15, 2013, 8th of AV

Date: July 9, 2013, 2nd of AV

[1]The financial commitments and terms and a description of Rabbi Zevit’s areas of sacred service for the Rabbi-Congregational Relationship (“Avodah Kedoshah”) are included in separate non-public documents incorporated as an essential part of this Covenant.