8th September 2011
Minutes of the meeting of Pershore Town Council, held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, Commencing at 7.30pm.
Present:- Cllr J Grantham MBE (Mayor)
Cllr P Colloby
Cllr R Gillmor
Cllr R Grantham
Cllr J Lewis
Cllr C Parsons MBE
Cllr M Payne
Cllr D Shaw
Cllr R Speight
Cllr C Tucker
Cllr D Watt
Cllr V Wood
a. Mrs Sue Jepson attended the meeting and outlined her proposals for her company to produce a Pershore Town Guide. This would be at no cost to the Council. Mrs Jepson outlined the cost to advertisers and suggested a print run of 10,000 to last up to 18 months would be sufficient. There was no additional charge for distribution and the company would rely on the Town Council for editorial and contacts for advertisements. Members thanked Mrs Jepson for her time and advised they would make a decision on the matter later in the meeting.
b. Mr Steve Knight, the new Market Town Manager attended the meeting and introduced himself to members.
c. There were no declarations of prejudicial interest
091. Apologies
Apologies were accepted from Cllr Amphlett-Hawkins who was unwell and Cllrs Palfrey and Price who were away.
092. Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Gillmor, Shaw and Tucker and Wood declared personal interests in agenda item 17 Avon Meadows
Cllr Lewis declared a personal interest in agenda item 12 Pershore Brochure
Cllr J Grantham and Cllr Tucker declared personal interests in agenda item 16, Pershore Riverside Youth Centre
093. Mayor’s Announcements
Cllr Grantham reminded members of the Civic Service on Sunday 2nd October 2011
at 3.00pm at Pershore Abbey and asked members to advise the Clerk of their intention to
attend as soon as possible.
094. Items brought to members attention by the Town Clerk
a. The Clerk advised members that the Royal Naval Association were having difficulty in obtaining public liability insurance for their annual firework display. It was suggested that the event be a Town Firework display, organised by the Association and that, as it was taking place on Town Council land, the Council would arrange the insurance as a town event and be reimbursed from the proceeds of the event by the association. Members agreed that the Clerk could proceed with these arrangements which would be a formal agenda item at the October meeting for ratification.
b. The Clerk advised members that a letter had been received from the Jazz Festival thanking the Council for their grant and advising that it had been spent on A frames for the festival.
095. Minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Payne, seconded by Cllr Parsons and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 21st July 2011 be signed as true and accurate records of the proceedings.
096. Matters of Report from the minutes
a. The Clerk advised members that the “slow closer” for the walkway gate had been ordered and its installation was still awaited.
b. The Clerk advised that she had been advised that further correspondence had been sent to Severn Trent from the County Council regarding progress the wet area at the top of Allesborough Hill and a response was awaited. Letters had been written in the past to Severn Trent by the Town Council on 18th September 2009, 15th March 2010, 18th November 2010, 4th January 2011 and 25th May 2011.
c. The Clerk was still working towards finding the Allotment Shield and if necessary would contact the press in September. Members agreed that this was not something they currently wished to pursue but suggested the subject of an allotment award be an item for a future agenda.
d. The Clerk would be contacting members shortly to arrange a date for two group photographs to be taken of new and old councillors.
e. The Clerk advised members that the portfolio for Quality Status had been submitted and the result would be known at the end of the month.
f. The Clerk advised that she had written to regulatory services regarding street collections in the town and a response was awaited.
097. Finance
a. The budget comparison to the end of August was accepted. Cllr Watt asked for consideration of percentage variances be included in the comparison but members advised that the more complex comparison was an item for debate by the Finance and Property Committee.
b. It was proposed by Cllr Payne, seconded by Cllr Tucker and RESOLVED that
the payment lists for the months of August and September be accepted.
Vchr. / Cheque / Cde. / Name / Description / Amount258 / 96 / Friends of Pershore Abbey / Subscription / 50.00
259 / 61 / Entanet Ltd / Internet Fee / 23.70
260 / 66 / Barclays Bank / Payroll fees / 12.92
Subtotal Cheque No. / 86.62
261 / 923 / 40 / Thomas Fattorini Ltd / Past Mayoress Brooch / 116.64
262 / 924 / 80 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500152996 / 455.00
263 / 924 / 80 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500153006 / 152.00
264 / 924 / 83 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500007544 / 54.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / 924 / 661.00
265 / 925 / 60 / Paperstation Limited / Stationery / 5.22
266 / 926 / 83 / Hartwell & Co Timber Ltd / Timber for Cemetery / 86.64
267 / 927 / 87 / Limebridge Rural Services Ltd / Mowing Contract / 396.00
268 / 927 / 86 / Limebridge Rural Services Ltd / Mowing Contract / 312.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / 927 / 708.00
269 / 928 / 83 / Cox's Cars Ltd / Fuel / 67.77
270 / 928 / 86 / Cox's Cars Ltd / Fuel / 66.94
Subtotal Cheque No. / 928 / 134.71
271 / 929 / 80 / Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance Ltd / Town Hall Cleaning / 305.04
272 / 930 / 83 / Central Garage / Vehicle Service and MOT / 220.57
273 / 931 / 88 / Post Office Ltd / Road Fund Licence / 210.00
274 / 932 / 83 / W L Brown / Tools for Cemetery / 48.04
275 / 932 / 88 / W L Brown / Tools for Town Hall / 24.85
Subtotal Cheque No. / 932 / 72.89
276 / 933 / 96 / Wychavon Sport / Parish Games / 59.00
277 / 934 / 83 / Severn Trent / Water supply at Cemetery / 258.49
278 / 935 / 63 / Ezee pcs / Software licence / 425.65
279 / 936 / 84 / County Security Ltd / Town Hall Locking Up / 152.40
280 / 936 / 83 / County Security Ltd / Cemetery Locking Up / 75.60
Subtotal Cheque No. / 936 / 228.00
281 / 937 / 84 / Fixfire Protection Specliaists / Fire Alarm Service / 129.60
282 / 938 / 99 / Derek Bruce Entertainments / Band in the Park / 1,325.00
283 / 939 / 85 / Guardian Security / CCTV Repairs / 234.00
284 / 940 / 85 / CPC / Various / 133.13
285 / 941 / 92 / Pershore Jazz / Advertisement / 20.00
286 / 942 / 96 / Cotswold Line Promotion Group / Subscription / 10.00
287 / 943 / 89 / Mr R Hutton dec'd / Allotment Rent Refund / 23.50
289 / 945 / 85 / Mr C Parsons / Tools for Town Hall / 71.64
291 / 945 / 44 / Mr C Parsons / Mileage / 14.22
Subtotal Cheque No. / 945 / 85.86
299 / 946 / 82 / Salary 7 / Salary / 1,040.70
300 / 947 / 82 / Salary 9 / Salary / 285.28
301 / 948 / 1 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 826.00
302 / 948 / 2 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 34.64
303 / 948 / 3 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 144.00
304 / 948 / 82 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 81.20
305 / 948 / 4 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 34.60
306 / 948 / 82 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 192.28
307 / 948 / 9 / H M Revenue and Customs / Employers NIC / 467.24
Subtotal Cheque No. / 948 / 1,779.96
308 / 949 / 10 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannuation / 119.81
309 / 949 / 6 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannuation / 36.19
310 / 949 / 82 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannuation / 328.89
Subtotal Cheque No. / 949 / 484.89
311 / 950 / 61 / Talk Talk Business / Telephone / 53.08
312 / 950 / 90 / Talk Talk Business / Telephone / 27.45
Subtotal Cheque No. / 950 / 80.53
313 / 951 / 83 / BT / Telephone / 177.68
314 / 952 / 83 / Budget Skips / Cemetery Skip / 180.00
315 / 953 / 60 / Konica Minolta / Photocopying / 109.49
288 / 954 / 60 / West Mercia Supplies / Stationery / 32.14
316 / 955 / 60 / Post Office Ltd / Postages / 109.50
292 / DD / 1 / Salary 1 / Salary / 2,344.17
293 / DD / 2 / Salary 2 / Salary / 688.16
294 / DD / 3 / Salary 3 / Salary / 575.99
295 / DD / 4 / Salary 4 / Salary / 618.81
296 / DD / 5 / Salary 5 / Salary / 499.38
297 / DD / 6 / Salary 6 / Salary / 587.81
298 / DD / 82 / Salary 8 / Salary / 325.05
Subtotal Cheque No. / DD / 5,639.37
TOTAL / 15,459.10
Vchr. / Cheque / Cde. / Name / Description / Amount317 / 956 / 42 / Mr J Grantham / Mayor's Allowance / 500.00
318 / 957 / 80 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500152996 / 455.00
319 / 957 / 80 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500153006 / 152.00
320 / 957 / 83 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500007544 / 54.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / 957 / 661.00
322 / 958 / 91 / Wychavon D C / Plum Festival Celebration Mugs / 99.95
323 / 959 / 60 / Konica Minolta / Photocopying / 198.05
324 / 960 / 91 / Shine Internet Ltd / Domain Name renewal / 180.00
325 / 961 / 86 / Pinnacle Fabrication Ltd / Brackets for VAS / 180.00
326 / 962 / 43 / Pershore Plum Festival / Bags for twinning / 23.88
329 / 963 / 88 / Central Garage / Tax and MOT for vehicle / 265.49
330 / 964 / 43 / Ann Prater / Cards for Twinning / 5.00
331 / 965 / 83 / R H Tandy / Welding at Cemetery / 40.00
332 / 965 / 87 / R H Tandy / Repairs at King George's Field / 200.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / 965 / 240.00
333 / 966 / 83 / N Power / Cemetery Electricity / 66.89
334 / 967 / 80 / Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance Ltd / Town Hall Cleaning / 305.04
335 / 968 / 60 / West Mercia Supplies / Stationery / 65.70
336 / 969 / 94 / Lite Ltd / Christmas Lights power / 7,608.00
337 / 970 / 84 / County Security Ltd / Town Hall Locking Up / 151.80
338 / 970 / 83 / County Security Ltd / Cemetery Locking Up / 58.80
Subtotal Cheque No. / 970 / 210.60
339 / 971 / 88 / Pershore Tyre Services Ltd / Tyre for Vehicle / 82.20
340 / 972 / 84 / Mercia Radiotelephones Ltd / Shopwatch Radio / 72.00
341 / 973 / 86 / Limebridge Rural Services Ltd / Mowing Contract / 624.00
342 / 973 / 87 / Limebridge Rural Services Ltd / Mowing Contract / 792.00
343 / 973 / 87 / Limebridge Rural Services Ltd / Shrubbery Maintenance / 72.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / 973 / 1,488.00
344 / 974 / 96 / SLCC / Subscription / 431.00
345 / 975 / 86 / CPC / Refuse sacks / 36.38
346 / 976 / 83 / Cox's Cars Ltd / Fuel for Cemetery / 120.17
347 / 976 / 88 / Cox's Cars Ltd / Fuel / 56.01
Subtotal Cheque No. / 976 / 176.18
357 / 977 / 1 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 825.80
358 / 977 / 1 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 665.55
359 / 977 / 2 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 34.44
360 / 977 / 3 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 144.00
361 / 977 / 4 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 18.00
362 / 977 / 6 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 13.04
363 / 977 / 82 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 81.20
364 / 977 / 82 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 192.28
365 / 977 / 9 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 473.27
Subtotal Cheque No. / 977 / 2,447.58
366 / 978 / 10 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannuation / 144.69
367 / 978 / 6 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannuation / 43.71
368 / 978 / 82 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannuation / 328.89
Subtotal Cheque No. / 978 / 517.29
369 / 979 / 60 / Post Office Ltd / Postages / 72.50
327 / DD / 61 / BT / Telephone / 58.30
328 / DD / 66 / Barclays Bank / Payroll fees / 16.46
321 / DD / 68 / Barclays Bank / Investment Management Fee / 1,233.61
348 / DD / 1 / Salary 1 / Salary / 2,344.37
349 / DD / 2 / Salary 2 / Salary / 688.36
350 / DD / 6 / Salary 3 / Salary / 696.85
351 / DD / 4 / Salary 4 / Salary / 581.26
352 / DD / 5 / Salary 5 / Salary / 499.38
353 / DD / 3 / Salary 6 / Salary / 575.99
354 / DD / 82 / Salary 8 / Salary / 325.05
355 / DD / 82 / Salary 7 / Salary / 1,040.70
356 / DD / 82 / Salary 9 / Salary / 285.28
Subtotal Cheque No. / DD / 8,345.61
TOTAL / 24,278.34
c. Members accepted the valuation of their investments and the Clerk reminded members that their investment managers would be attending the October Council meeting.
098. Pershore Library
Members agreed this debate be deferred until the item in confidential session and the Clerk advised members that a short update on the situation was in the current newsletter.
099. Items from the Twinning and Tourism Committee
a. The Clerk advised that the programme for the forthcoming visit by Plouay was not yet
finalized as the numbers of guests was increasing and this had both space and budget
implications. Cllr Wood advised that she and the Clerk were liaising with Plouay and hoped
a programme would be arranged shortly.
b. Members considered the possibility of inviting Bad Neustadt to Pershore for Carnival and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. There was some debate about whether to also ask dignitaries from Plouay and it was agreed initially that the Clerk would contact Bad Neustadt and invite them to Pershore for the celebrations and bring the subject back to the October meeting for further consideration.
c. Members were reminded of the Heritage Open Days taking place in the town over the next few days.
100. Items from the Cemetery Committee
a. It was agreed this item be debated in confidential session.
b. Members noted the survey of the cemetery chapel had now taken place and agreed this be an item for debate at the October Council meeting