Courses open to International Exchange students
atAgroSup Dijon
Agricultural Engineeringprogramme (Master-level)
Autumn SemesterUniversity Level 5
LEVEL 5 / 1st semester / AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMME IN FRENCH LANGUAGEName of TeachingUnit / Module / Objectives / Total hoursper student / ECTS
I-Core courses / Engineer and Management1 (Communication, Management) / To strengthen students’: self-knowledge, ability to manage relationships with others and position themselves in a group.
To allow them to develop their capacity to grow in influence over individuals and situations.
To strengthen their preparation for a recruitment procedure and their first job. / 28 / 7
Professionalization module (optional) / A customized training module in order for each student to acquire additional training in a specific area. / 24
French for foreigners / 15
Engineer and Management 2 (ethics, deontology, creativity, innovation) / Introduction to multidimensional complexity of the role of an engineer in a managerial position. The focus is on possible conflicting areas between procedures, instructions and operational feasibility. The module is designed to meet the needs of engineering students just before they embark on their final internship. / 12
Advanced statistics / To allow engineering students to deal with practical problems arising from agronomic data and to:
-recognize the usual nonlinear models and to estimate their parameters;
- complete the process of analyzing the data by dealing with the discrimination part;
- choose the sampling methodology and the adapted experimental design according to the studied factors and the factors to control. / 20
II-Engineer Project / Project Management / To carry out group work on a subject-question originating from a professional body outside of AgroSup Dijon. This work is to be done on topics related to the specialization chosen by the student (see below). / 140 / 9
III-Specializations / 1 specialization module (see details below) to be chosen between:
- Livestock systems (IE)
- Agriculture, Territories, Development (ATD)
- Agronomy-Environment (AE)
- Management of Information Systems (MSI)
- Organization and quality of agricultural and food chains (OQF)
- Agricultural Equipment: Science and Technology (STEA)
(Students taking this specialization have the possibility of obtaining an “ISEAE” double diploma entitled “Managementofagricultural machinery businesses") / 214 / 14
TOTAL / 453 / 30
International students must take at least 1 specialization
Livestock systems (IE)
Being able to design and manage livestock systems are part of a sustainable development perspective. Strengthening the sustainability of farming systems can be designed either by opting for a change in production systems in place either by establishing livestock systems at odds with the current systems. This specialization will therefore focus on understanding and controlling the biological, economic and social processes, the technical and multiple territorial "performance" systems and the livestock operations.
Agriculture, Territories, Development (ATD)
In this specializationstudents will learn how to design and carry out collective development projects in agricultural production and rural development.
The module aims to provide the students who intend to work in these sectors, the skills to coordinate the various actors and to develop and articulate heterogeneous resources of the territories; whether it is the designing, monitoring and/or evaluation of territorial projects that make up the ingredients of agricultural and rural development.
The territorial “approach”will be addressed through various disciplines: sociology (rural sociology, sociology of development), the economy (agricultural economics, agricultural economics, environmental economics, and spatial economics), public policy analysis (analysis and evaluation policies, decentralization of public intervention, agricultural and agro-food in France and Europe).
Agronomy-Environment (AE)
The specialization aims to train general engineers to meet the diverse needs of the agricultural and rural world, the expectations of today's society and the requirements of environmental and space management. It allows students to broaden their skills regarding the relationships between agriculture and the environment, particularly with regard to the preservation of natural resources, biodiversity and landscapes.
Management of Information Systems (MSI)
Allows an engineerto have a dual know-how: a sought-after job profile and a high level ofemployability.
A 6-monthIT projecton a subject-question originating from a professional body outside of AgroSup Dijon.
Courses carried out between AgroSup Dijon and BordeauxSciences Agro
>Access to avariety of business partners andprofessional networks.
Organization and quality of agricultural and food chains (OQF)
Totrain agricultural engineers who wish to deal with activities related to issues of coordination, organization and supervision of those involved in the agricultural and agro-food chains. It is aimed at students who would like to work either in public institutions (inter-professional and professional bodies) or in companies (agribusiness, banking), or in purchasing or marketing.
Agricultural Equipment: Science and Technology (STEA)
Students in this specialization will be able to understand the issues related to agricultural equipment and the interface between manufacturers, distributors and end-users.
They will participate in the design, selection, optimization and implementation of agricultural equipment in accordance with agronomic, economic, social and environmentalconstraints.
Students taking this specialization have the possibility to obtain the “ISEAE”double diploma in "Management of agricultural machinery businesses" jointly delivered by AgroSup Dijon and industry professionals.