COURSE TITLE:CJ 1330 Criminal Law

COURSE TITLE:CJ 1330 Criminal Law

CJ1330 Criminal Law JATC

COURSE TITLE:CJ 1330 Criminal Law

This is a 3 credit course


DAY: MONDAY-THURSDAY/ Time: 07:40-10:00

FRIDAY / Time: 08:30 - 10:30

INSTRUCTOR:Brandon Palmer, MA. Secondary Education, 17 years Law Enforcement

CELL: (801)995-9414 (text message only)




EXTERNAL E-MAIL: External e-mail: SLCC e-mail:

-Office hours by appointment only. Contact me via e-mail or text if necessary-

COURSE NUMBER:CJ-1330 Criminal Law


SEMESTER:Fall 2017

TEXT BOOK:Criminal Law, Eleventh Edition, Joel Samaha


An examination of substantive criminal law which includes definition of law, definition of crime, general principles of criminalresponsibility,

elements of the principle crimes, punishments, and conditions or circumstances which may excuse the accusedfrom criminal responsibility or

mitigate punishment.


At the conclusion of this course students are expected to be able to:

CJ1330 Criminal Law JATC

  • Distinguish between criminal and civil law.
  • Identify the sources of criminal law
  • Identify the essential elements of Criminal Law Theory
  • Identify the Parties to the crime
  • Identify the primary defenses to Criminalaccusations
  • Identify and Define the elements of various crimecategories:

Crimes Against Persons

Crimes Against Property

Crimes Against the Public Morality

Inchoate Crimes

CJ1330 Criminal Law JATC

CJ1330 Criminal Law JATC


Teaching motivates me because it allows me to continue participating in the learning process. Every day I am amazed by the observations ofstudents, challenged by their queries, and inspired by their insights. As a result, I feel that teaching is integral to my personal and professionaldevelopment.

My pedagogical approach incorporates a variety of educational elements that seek to inspire students to embrace learning and tobecome active participants in their education, professional preparations, and becoming concerned civic stewards. It is my hope that students will learn skills in my classes that will enable them to evaluate any opinion or explanation in order to develop informed attitudes, beliefs, and perspectives.

As an applied field, Criminal Justice spans many social scientific disciplines. As such, I incorporate information from Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, and many other related academic areas into my curriculum. This approach, based on the liberal arts model, allows students to view issues through a wider lens, and prepares them for employment in a variety of settings, not just Criminal Justice.



Direct instruction is the general term that refers to the traditional teaching strategy that relies on lectures and teaching demonstrations.


Inquiry-based learning focuses on student investigation and hands-on learning. In this method, the teacher’s primary role is that of a facilitator, providing guidance and support for students through the learning process.


Cooperative Learning refers to a method of teaching and classroom management that emphasizes group work and a strong sense of community.


Will be in accordance with Salt Lake Community College established guidelines. Participation, which includes attendance, will have an effect on grades, as will professionalism.

  • Mid Term Exam (200 points)
  • Final Exam (200 points)
  • Criminal Case Study(250 points)
  • Chapter worksheet(50 points)
  • Study Guide assignments(30 points)
  • Participation assignments(10 points)
  • Training Days(5 points)


  1. Attendance to all coursework is taken very seriously. Students are expected to attend all classes for each course, arrive on time, and stay until the end of the class period.
  2. Absences when they happen will take the form of either excused or unexcused.
  1. Rules on Absences:

Excused absences are those as listed in which prior notification of the instructor has taken place with verification or evidence to support the absence provided to the instructor no later than one week after the absence. Even with an excused absence, participation points for the course will still be deducted at 10% per absence if the class was held. Two (2) excused absences for each course and up to four (4) excused absences within the entire program per semester are allowable. The third excused or unexcused absence in one course or the fifth excused or unexcused absence per semester throughout the program will result inautomatic probation.

  • Death in the immediate family. Bulletin from the service and indication of family relatedness.
  • Sudden, severe personal/family illness. Note from a physician.
  • Please note: One day of class absence due to illness per semester will be honored as excused without a doctor’s note.
  • Catastrophic accident. Agency report, such as police report.
  • Personal, cultural family/another event. The program, picture, or bulletin.
  • Severe snow days. Verified by SLCC weather info (801-957-4636).
  • In the case of students traveling from a distance—severe snow days must be verified printed media or highway report. If clearing occurs at mid-day, students are expected to attend classes.
  • College activity or national conference event. Prior written permission by the Program Coordinator with evidence of attendance.

Unexcused absences are those listed below or that fall into the category of an appointment or event (including medical appointments) which should be scheduled at a time to avoid missing a class. Observable effort to prioritize coursework is expected from all students. Participation points for the course missed will be deducted at 25% per unexcused absence, no exceptions. Only one unexcused absence is allowed per course and up to three within a program within a semester. Two unexcused absences in one course or four unexcused absences across the program will automatically earn the student a letter of probation. An unexcused absence will be earned in the following ways:

  • Lateness to class/fieldwork and/or leaving early. A class begins when the instructor begins teaching and at the time designated by the instructor to resume instruction after a break. A class ends when the instructor dismisses the class.
  • Students who do not contact their instructor personally prior to class time. Students are not to ask another faculty, student, or other person to relay a message of absence or lateness.
  • Personal appointments with physicians, dentists, etc. scheduled during course times. Personal weddings, events, or vacations scheduled during course times.
  • Any excused absence in which pre-notification of the instructor did not take place or evidence was not provided within a week.


  1. Attend all classes.
  1. Arrive on time, remain for the entire class, and be attentive.
  1. Bring required materials every day unless you are otherwise directed.

CJ1330 Criminal Law JATC

  • Text Book
  • Study guides
  • Pen or Pencil
  • Paper

  1. Late work
  • The Criminal Justice system, especially the courts, is a very time focused profession where tardiness is rarely tolerated. In fact, in some instances being late with an assignment or work can result in the loss of a criminal prosecution and even injury to innocent citizens. To help prepare students for this type of work the instructor requires that students prepare and submit all materials in a timely fashion, namely reports and exams. Acceptance of a late assignment is discretionary, and may result in loss of partial or even all points.
  1. Read the assigned material, brief cases, participate in class discussions, and submit assignments on time.
  • You may be called on to brief the class on one of the many cases we will discuss in class.
  1. Refrain from receiving cell phone or similar electronic interruptions during class.
  • I will not be responsible for the natural consequences of cell phone use. (ie. Failure to obtain class information and instruction)
  1. Show RESPECT!
  • Show regard and consideration for other people’s rights and opinions.
  • Equipment
  1. Do not cheat!
  2. Students caught cheating will receive a zero, and administrative action will be pursued.
  3. Plagiarism is considered cheating.


By signing below, I indicate that I have read, understand, and will obey the classroom rules listed above.

Parent/Guardian name (print) ______Signature______

Best person to contact during the school day______

Student name (print) ______Signature ______

Phone # ______Alternate #______

SLCC # ______



Salt Lake Community College

Policies and Procedures


CHAPTER 1 Date of Last Cabinet Review: 11/15/2016


SLCC values inclusive learning environments and strives to make all aspects of the College accessible to our students. If you have a disability and believe you need accommodations to improve access to learning materials or the learning environment, please contact the Disability Resource Center: (phone) 801-957-4659; (email) ; (website)

Salt Lake Community College

Policies and Procedures


AND RESPONSIBILITIES Board of Trustees Approval: 03/08/2017 CHAPTER 3 Date of Last Cabinet Review: 01/17/2017 POLICY 2.01 Page 1 of 1

Students are expected to follow all provisions of the Student Code of Conduct available here:

Salt Lake Community College

Policies and Procedures

ACADEMIC FREEDOM Cabinet Approval: 11/15/2016

CHAPTER 4 Date of Last Cabinet Review: 11/15/2016

PROCEDURE FOR POLICY 1.01 Page 8 of 35



Institutions of higher education exist for the common good of the society which they serve and not to further the interests of any one party. The common good depends in part upon the free search for truth and its free expression.

Institutions of higher education are committed to the solution of problems and controversies by the method of rational discussion. Acts or threats of physical force or disruptive acts which interfere with campus activities, freedom of movement on the campus, or freedom for students to pursue their studies are the antithesis of academic freedom and responsibility as are acts which in effect deny freedom of speech, freedom to be heard, and freedom to pursue research of their own choosing to members of the academic community or to invited visitors of the community.

1. Academic freedom is fundamental for the protection of the rights of faculty members in teaching and of the rights of students in learning. Academic freedom carries with it duties (see Section III.B.) correlative with rights.

2. The faculty member is entitled to full freedom in research and in publication of the results, subject to the adequate performance of his or her other duties and responsibilities as set forth in this document. Research for monetary return must be based upon a Memorandum of Understanding with the administration of the College if the research is to be conducted with Institution facilities and/or during normal working hours.

3. The faculty member is entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing subject matter related to the course, but should be careful to allow other views related to the subject. The faculty member should avoid presenting extraneous material which is not relevant to the subject.

4. Faculty members have the right and responsibility to evaluate student work according to criteria established for each course and to issue grades. Students' grades may be changed only by the faculty member or by decision of the Dean after an appropriate formal hearing of the Student Standards Committee.

5. Academic freedom also includes the right of the faculty member to engage in constitutionally protected freedoms such as freedom of speech and political and civil activities without threat to his or her position within the Institution.


provide support for SLCC students enrolled in any class at the College. All resources are provided free-of-charge. Ask your instructor about discipline-specific learning support and tutoring services.

  • Tutoring and Learning Centers provide free assistance in Math, Science, Accounting, CSIS and Allied Health Classes at 6 campus locations.
  • Student Writing Center provides in-person and online feedback on all writing assignments.
  • Academic Literacy Center provides tutoring in reading and conversation.
  • Library Services provides research help, print and online resources, computers and study space.
  • ePortfolio Lab provides drop-in assistance for all ePortfolio questions.
  • eLearning Support provides support for navigating online and hybrid classes.
  • Business Resource and Innovation Center provides tutors and a study space for students in Business and CSIS courses. Located in BB 226 on Taylorsville-Redwood Campus.

Title IX:

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in any educational institution that receives federal funding. Salt Lake Community College does not tolerate sex discrimination of any kind including: sexual misconduct; sexual harassment; relationship/sexual violence and stalking. These incidents may interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to benefit from or participate in the College’s educational programs or activities. If you have questions or concerns regarding your rights or responsibilities, or if you would like to file a Title IX complaint please contact:

Kenneth Stonebrook, J.D.

Title IX Coordinator

Salt Lake Community College

Taylorsville Redwood Campus, STC 276A

(801) 957-5027

Online Reporting Form:

Students may also report incidents to an SLCC faculty or staff member, who are required by law to notify the Title IX Coordinator. If a student wishes to keep the information confidential, the student may speak with staff members of the Center for Health and Counseling, (801) 957-4268. For more information about Title IX, go to:


The Center for Health and Counseling provides health care, mental health counseling, massage therapy services and healthy lifestyle programs.

Veterans’ Services assists hundreds of students in using their VA education benefits each semester.

Academic and Career Advising helps students plan, explore, make decisions, access resources and evaluate their academic and career goals.

Academic Achievement Center helps students achieve GPA requirements for graduation.


You must follow the proper procedure to drop or withdraw from the class. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade and will affect your GPA. Failing or withdrawing from a class may affect your eligibility for financial aid in the future.

-This Syllabus is subject to change at any point during the semester-