21st Century Standards Profile

Business and Marketing Education

Course Title: CIW Internet Foundations Part I WVEIS Code 19xx

Student’s Name______


Course Description: CIW Foundations is a two part-course series that teaches the essential, hands-on skills and knowledge that Internet professionals are expected to understand. The CIW Foundations series of courses prepares students to take the CIW Foundations certification exam upon successful completion of both parts. The first part, Internet Business Foundations, prepares students to work effectively in today’s business environmentand teaches essential networking technologies and skills, including TCP/IP, stable network creation, wireless networking and network troubleshooting. Students are encouraged to become active members of the student organizations FBLA or Skills USA. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools.All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives.

Level of Competence:

  • Above Mastery: The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed standard. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed.
  • Mastery:The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet standard. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective and the student can work independently.
  • Partial Mastery: The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions.Performance needs further development and supervision.

Content Standards and Objectives / Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery / Date / Comments
Standard 1: Job Roles in Information Technology (IT)
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.1.1 / distinguish between individual job roles within the IT industry and the IT profession as a whole.
BE.O.CIWF.1.2 / identify responsibilities, tasks and skills of a Web site designer.
BE.O.CIWF.1.3 / distinguish between a Web architect and a Web application developer.
BE.O.CIWF.1.4 / identify responsibilities, tasks and skills of a Web site analyst, manager, administrator, network engineer, pc repair technician, security manager and help desk technician.
BE.O.CIWF.1.5 / identify and explore career opportunities in the IT industry that relate to personal career goals.
BE.O.CIWF.1.6 / conduct job searches.
BE.O.CIWF.1.7 / use Internet technology to obtain employment.
BE.O.CIWF.1.8 / create a résumé and place it in an appropriate file format (e.g., ASCII, HTML, RTF, PDF).
Standard 2: Infrastructure requirements needed to access the Internet
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.2.1 / distinguish between a client and a server.
BE.O.CIWF.2.2 / explain Internet history and define current protocols, including IPv4, IPv6, related protocols.
BE.O.CIWF.2.3 / identify the infrastructure needed to support an Internet client, including TCP/IP stack software, operating system, network connection, Web browser, e-mail, hardware platform (PC, handheld device, WebTV, Internet phone).
BE.O.CIWF.2.4 / identify hardware and software connection devices and their uses, including various types of modems such as analog, ISDN, DSL/ADSL, cable.
BE.O.CIWF.2.5 / connect systems to the Internet and other networks using basic cable/ADSL and wireless equipment.
Standard 3: Internet communication protocols and their roles
Objectives / Students will
BE.O.CIWF.3.1 / define the purpose of remote access protocols, including: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE).
BE.O.CIWF.3.2 / identify various types of Internet bandwidth technologies (link types), including: T and E carriers, fractional T and E lines, common DSL/ADSL and cable speeds.
BE.O.CIWF.3.3 / map protocols to specific business services (e.g., SMTP, IMAP and POP3 to e-mail; HTTP and HTTPS to Web browsers; FTP to file transfer; NNTP to news servers).
BE.O.CIWF.3.4 / define basic data and telephony network concepts, including: convergence, Voice over IP (VoIP), AC/DC requirements for telephony and data equipment.
BE.O.CIWF.3.5 / identify power requirements for international travel.
BE.O.CIWF.3.6 / identify basic network topologies (e.g., ring, mesh).
BE.O.CIWF.3.7 / define the Open Systems Interconnection reference model (OSI/RM) in terms of packet creation.
BE.O.CIWF.3.8 / define the nature, purpose and operation essentials of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
BE.O.CIWF.3.9 / define local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN).
BE.O.CIWF.3.10 / identify the core components of the current Internet infrastructure and how they relate to each other, including: routers, network access points (NAPs), backbone networks.
BE.O.CIWF.3.11 / identify the components of a Network Operations Center (NOC).
Standard 4: Domain Name System (DNS)
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.4.1 / define the purpose of the Domain Name System (DNS).
BE.O.CIWF.4.2 / recognize Internet domain names, including: top-level or original domains (edu, com, net, gov, org), country-level domains (e.g., uk, ch, tv) and newer domains (e.g., biz, info).
BE.O.CIWF.4.3 / describe the hierarchical structure of DNS.
BE.O.CIWF.4.4 / identify basic domain name server roles.
BE.O.CIWF.4.5 / describe Internet addresses.
BE.O.CIWF.4.6 / define shared domains.
Standard 5: Identify the Functions of Web Browsers
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.5.1 / describe a URL/URI, its functions and components, and the different types of URLs (relative and absolute).
BE.O.CIWF.5.2 / identify ways a URL/URI can specify the type of server/service, including: protocol, address, authentication information.
BE.O.CIWF.5.3 / navigate between and within Web sites.
BE.O.CIWF.5.4 / use multiple browser windows.
BE.O.CIWF.5.5 / identify ways to stop unwanted pop-up and pop-under windows in a browser, ways to avoid activating them, and unintended effects of automatically blocking them.
BE.O.CIWF.5.6 / define the function of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Transport Layer Security (TLS) and other encryption methods in securing communication for various protocols (e.g., FTP/FTPS, HTTP/HTTPS, IMAP/IMAPS, POP3/POP3S).
BE.O.CIWF.5.7 / install and use common Web browsers (e.g., Netscape/Mozilla, Microsoft Internet Explorer).
BE.O.CIWF.5.8 / download and store files using a Web browser.
BE.O.CIWF.5.9 / distinguish among the following from a business standpoint: intranet, extranet, Internet.
BE.O.CIWF.5.10 / use common Web browser software features and various clients (e.g., FTP, Telnet, e-mail) within a given context and identify when to use each, and recognize basic commands (e.g., FTP put and get).
BE.O.CIWF.5.11 / install and upgrade common plug-ins, add-ons and viewers (e.g., Adobe Acrobat, Macromedia Flash and Shockwave, RealNetworks RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, Apple QuickTime) and identify their common file name extensions.
BE.O.CIWF.5.12 / use document and multimedia file formats, including: PDF, RTF, PostScript (PS), AVI, MPEG, MP3, Ogg Vorbis and convert between file formats when appropriate.
BE.O.CIWF.5.13 / research business uses of the Web and Web clients, including Webinars and Web conferencing.
BE.O.CIWF.5.14 / outline benefits and drawbacks of using alternative browsers.
Standard 6: Understanding e-mail clients
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.6.1 / configure an e-mail client to send and receive e-mail, including: SMTP, POP3, IMAP, Web-based e-mail support.
BE.O.CIWF.6.2 / distinguish between MIME, S/MIME and PGP/GPG.
BE.O.CIWF.6.3 / configure an appropriate e-mail signature and identify its usefulness in a business setting.
BE.O.CIWF.6.4 / identify the usefulness of an e-mail thread, and when it is appropriate.
BE.O.CIWF.6.5 / identify spam, and create client-side filters to combat it.
BE.O.CIWF.6.6 / identify ways that SMTP authentication helps combat spam, and configure e-mail clients for SMTP authentication.
BE.O.CIWF.6.7 / define blind copying (BCC).
BE.O.CIWF.6.8 / distinguish e-mail forwarding from replying.
BE.O.CIWF.6.9 / identify e-mail etiquette (e.g., the smiley face, ALL CAPS type).
BE.O.CIWF.6.10 / identify ways that e-mail is used in the workplace.
BE.O.CIWF.6.11 / identify common e-mail issues in the workplace, including: harassment, when to use e-mail, e-mail message storage.
BE.O.CIWF.6.12 / create Out of Office" messages for e-mail automatic reply (i.e. autoresponder) services. "
BE.O.CIWF.6.13 / attach files to e-mail messages.
BE.O.CIWF.6.14 / use e-mail to share files and documents within and across organizations.
BE.O.CIWF.6.15 / identify concerns for Web-based and IMAP-based e-mail.
Standard 7: Additional networking and internet services
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.7.1 / configure a news client to access a news server (e.g., using Netscape Newsgroups, Microsoft Outlook Express).
BE.O.CIWF.7.2 / locate, read and post newsgroup articles.
BE.O.CIWF.7.3 / retrieve and place documents using FTP, SCP, SFTP and SSL/TLS-enabled FTP.
BE.O.CIWF.7.4 / compare FTP-based and HTTP-based retrieval.
BE.O.CIWF.7.5 / demonstrate knowledge of the Concurrent Versions System (CVS) and its usefulness in a rapid software development environment.
BE.O.CIWF.7.6 / distinguish between standard and proprietary Telnet implementations, and choose the proper clients.
BE.O.CIWF.7.7 / identify Secure Shell (SSH) as a secure alternative to Telnet and other unencrypted protocols.
BE.O.CIWF.7.8 / use terminal services clients and servers, including Virtual Network Computing (VNC) and Microsoft Terminal Services.
BE.O.CIWF.7.9 / configure and use instant messaging clients.
BE.O.CIWF.7.10 / define Peer-to-Peer (P2P) services, and use them when appropriate for business.
BE.O.CIWF.7.11 / identify privacy concerns related to network communications (e.g., e-mail, instant messaging, P2P).
BE.O.CIWF.7.12 / use Internet conferencing software.
BE.O.CIWF.7.13 / identify the purpose of LDAP.
Standard 8: Communicating Effectively over the Internet
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.8.1 / define etiquette for Internet-based services and identify common communications aids.
BE.O.CIWF.8.2 / identify ethical issues when communicating with others using Internet-based technology.
BE.O.CIWF.8.3 / recognize and avoid sexual harassment.
BE.O.CIWF.8.4 / create pertinent, appropriate and brief messages.
BE.O.CIWF.8.5 / define the practice of blogging.
Standard 9: Configuring Web Browser Preferences
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.9.1 / configure common browser preferences, including: fonts, home pages, Bookmarks/Favorites, history, browser cache, image loading, security settings (settings should be common to Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator/Mozilla).
BE.O.CIWF.9.2 / identify advantages and disadvantages of using cookies, and set cookies, including: setting a cookie without user knowledge, automatically accepting cookies versus query, remembering user actions, security and privacy implications.
BE.O.CIWF.9.3 / describe the concept of caching and its implications, including: client caching, cleaning out client-side cache, Web page update settings in browsers.
BE.O.CIWF.9.4 / identify issues to consider when configuring the Desktop, including: configuring browser (proxy configuration, client-side caching).
BE.O.CIWF.9.5 / troubleshoot connectivity issues, including: no connection, poor rendering, slow connections. Identify and troubleshoot common Internet client problems (e.g., TCP/IP, proxies, caching, image rendering).
Standard 10: Internet Security
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.10.1 / define the three major types of encryption.
BE.O.CIWF.10.2 / identify ways that authentication, digital certificates, encryption and firewalls provide Web security.
BE.O.CIWF.10.3 / identify ways that encryption helps enforce data confidentiality, data integrity and non-repudiation to secure end-user transactions.
BE.O.CIWF.10.4 / describe a computer virus and explain how to protect your computer from virus attacks.
BE.O.CIWF.10.5 / explain the functions of patches and updates to client software and associated problems, including: desktop security, virus protection, encryption levels, Web browsers, e-mail clients.
BE.O.CIWF.10.6 / identify steps to take when you receive an unexpected attachment (e.g., via an e-mail or instant message client).
BE.O.CIWF.10.7 / identify steps to take when an attack is suspected.
BE.O.CIWF.10.8 / join and manage your participation in an e-mail listserve group.
BE.O.CIWF.10.9 / use a screen saver to increase workstation security.
BE.O.CIWF.10.10 / distinguish between a virus and a worm.
BE.O.CIWF.10.11 / demonstrate the functionality of spyware.
BE.O.CIWF.10.12 / identify typical attacks on clients and procedures to counter each attack type.
BE.O.CIWF.10.13 / recognize and avoid social engineering attacks.
BE.O.CIWF.10.14 / distinguish among symmetric, asymmetric and hash encryption.
BE.O.CIWF.10.15 / define authentication principles, including: password resetting, password aging.
BE.O.CIWF.10.16 / describe Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and the purposes of remote access protocols, including: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).
BE.O.CIWF.10.17 / distinguish among the following security zones: DMZ (including dual-homed and triple-homed firewalls), VLAN, intranet, extranet.
BE.O.CIWF.10.18 / define fundamental PKI concepts.
BE.O.CIWF.10.19 / identify the purpose of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), and list common concerns and configuration parameters.
Standard 11: Database and Websearch Engines
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.11.1 / define and identify Boolean operators and their relationship to search engines.
BE.O.CIWF.11.2 / conduct searches using operators common to search engines (e.g., quotation marks, minus sign).
BE.O.CIWF.11.3 / identify the importance of keywords and conduct keyword searches.
BE.O.CIWF.11.4 / distinguish among search sites, information portals, and pages automatically provided when an error occurs.
BE.O.CIWF.11.5 / use available hard-copy reference resources as appropriate.
BE.O.CIWF.11.6 / identify meta search engines, as well as search engine ranking techniques.
BE.O.CIWF.11.7 / explain how search engine sites use spiders to enhance search results.
BE.O.CIWF.11.8 / cite references to information obtained from Internet-based searches using accepted citation standards (e.g., MLA).
BE.O.CIWF.11.9 / search additional Internet resources to fulfill job-role duties.
BE.O.CIWF.11.10 / evaluate resources and verify factuality.
Standard 12: Personal Information Management
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.12.1 / identify ways that calendar and scheduling software helps organize IT-based activities.
BE.O.CIWF.12.2 / identify Personal Information Management (PIM) productivity applications, including: Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), cell phones, project management software.
BE.O.CIWF.12.3 / identify ways that wireless devices interface with network devices using physical and network interfaces, and protocols such as Wireless Application Protocol (WAP).
BE.O.CIWF.12.4 / identify the need to define MIME file types for special download procedures such as unusual documents or graphic formats, and solve the problem.
BE.O.CIWF.12.5 / distinguish between MIME and S/MIME.
BE.O.CIWF.12.6 / manage files using common compression software and techniques (e.g., zip/WinZip, gzip, bzip2, RAR, compress).
Standard 13: Ethical and legal issues
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.13.1 / define privacy concerns.
BE.O.CIWF.13.2 / identify appropriate use of company and personal systems.
BE.O.CIWF.13.3 / summarize personal privacy expectations versus an organization's right to know how its provided services are being used.
BE.O.CIWF.13.4 / identify basic copyright issues.
BE.O.CIWF.13.5 / explain the purpose of encrypting company transmissions and establish company encryption policies.
Standard 14: Project management
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.14.1 / identify components of the project triangle.
BE.O.CIWF.14.2 / identify components of a needs analysis, including: receiving, evaluating and processing input; determining customer needs.
BE.O.CIWF.14.3 / define project scope and scope creep.
BE.O.CIWF.14.4 / use project management software and charts (e.g., Gantt charts) to determine a project timeline.
BE.O.CIWF.14.5 / identify a cross-functional team and its relevance to an IT-based project.
BE.O.CIWF.14.6 / explain common models for information flow and reporting between IT and upper management, as well as IT and other areas of the organization, including: identifying project approval steps.
BE.O.CIWF.14.7 / relate IT-based concerns to organizational policies and rules, and identify rights and responsibilities of IT workers.
BE.O.CIWF.14.8 / identify the value of a Statement Of Work (SOW) order.
BE.O.CIWF.14.9 / analyze social and practical implications of technical decisions, and identify ways that technical changes affect a business's bottom line.
BE.O.CIWF.14.10 / use the concept of Return On Investment (ROI) to justify IT-based expenses in relation to a budget.
BE.O.CIWF.14.11 / define and perform a formal project review, including: acceptance tests.
BE.O.CIWF.14.12 / identify the importance of documenting a project.
BE.O.CIWF.14.13 / explain how the concept of separation of duties can help ensure quality management.
BE.O.CIWF.14.14 / map technical information systems functions, concerns and capabilities to business concerns.
BE.O.CIWF.14.15 / identify the importance of quality management and assurance, including: ISO 9000 standards.
BE.O.CIWF.14.16 / plan and schedule meetings.
Standard 15: Networking Hardware
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.15.1 / distinguish among common cable types used in networking (e.g., CAT 5, CAT 6, crossover).
BE.O.CIWF.15.2 / identify hardware and software connection devices and their uses, including: network interface card, modem, cable/DSL modem, hub, router, switch, firewall.
BE.O.CIWF.15.3 / distinguish between Ethernet and Token Ring networks.
BE.O.CIWF.15.4 / explain the routing process, including: static routing versus dynamic routing, interior versus exterior routing protocols.
BE.O.CIWF.15.5 / identify common TCP/IP network parameters, including: IP address (static versus DHCP), subnet mask, default gateway, DNS information.
Standard 16: Relationship between IP addresses and domain names
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.16.1 / explain IP addressing and the concept of uniqueness, including: IP address, subnet mask.
BE.O.CIWF.16.2 / define IP address classes used on the Internet and determine valid IP addresses.
BE.O.CIWF.16.3 / identify the uses of public and private IP addresses.
BE.O.CIWF.16.4 / determine default subnet masks and describe the ANDing process.
BE.O.CIWF.16.5 / define Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR).
BE.O.CIWF.16.6 / identify basic IPv6 concepts.
Standard 17: Internet Servers
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.17.1 / distinguish between HTTP and other Internet server types.
BE.O.CIWF.17.2 / identify the functions and features of common Internet-based services, and identify protocols used by each, including: file, print, HTTP, proxy, caching, mail, mailing list, instant messaging, media, DNS, FTP, news, certificate, directory, catalog, fax, transaction, mirrored, UNIX.
BE.O.CIWF.17.3 / choose the correct server to fulfill a specific business/organizational need.
Standard 18: Network performance - Internet Clients
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.18.1 / identify issues to consider when troubleshooting IP-enabled systems, including: DNS/name resolution, correct default gateway and subnet mask, hosts file configuration, DHCP versus static IP configuration.
BE.O.CIWF.18.2 / identify when to use various diagnostic tools for troubleshooting and resolving Internet problems, including: ping, winipcfg, ipconfig, route, arp, traceroute, netstat, network analyzers (packet sniffers).
BE.O.CIWF.18.3 / distinguish between client-side problems and server-side problems when troubleshooting common services (e.g., e-mail and Web client connectivity issues).
BE.O.CIWF.18.4 / troubleshoot cable and ADSL modem connectivity.
BE.O.CIWF.18.5 / identify common TCP/IP network parameters, including: IP address (static versus DHCP), subnet mask, default gateway, DNS information.
Standard 19: Hardware and System Maintenance
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.19.1 / identify maintenance issues for common system elements, including: IRQs, DMA, I/O cards, NICs, motherboards, SCSI, IDE/ATA, serial ATA (including hard drives).
BE.O.CIWF.19.2 / connect common peripherals, including: parallel, serial, USB, FireWire devices (e.g., printers, hard drives, scanners), CD-ROM/DVD.
Standard 20: Role Networking Hardware
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.20.1 / obtain proper licensing for operating systems and associated applications.
BE.O.CIWF.20.2 / recover from application failures.
BE.O.CIWF.20.3 / restart the system and identify common boot problems.
BE.O.CIWF.20.4 / explain why a hard drive must be partitioned and formatted.
BE.O.CIWF.20.5 / identify common file systems (e.g., NTFS, FAT, Ext3, ReiserFS).
BE.O.CIWF.20.6 / manage basic file and directory permissions.
BE.O.CIWF.20.7 / use common file system management tools, including: Convert, Chkdsk, Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter.
BE.O.CIWF.20.8 / delete temporary files manually and by using operating-system-specific methods.
BE.O.CIWF.20.9 / back up and restore files to prevent data loss, including: digital tapes, CDs.
BE.O.CIWF.20.10 / identify ways to remotely manage and troubleshoot workstations.
Standard 21: Wireless Networks
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.21.1 / distinguish between ad-hoc and infrastructure mode.
BE.O.CIWF.21.2 / identify the function of a wireless access point (WAP).
BE.O.CIWF.21.3 / connect wireless networks to standard wired LANs.
BE.O.CIWF.21.4 / identify benefits and drawbacks of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP).
BE.O.CIWF.21.5 / use a Secure Set Identifier (SSID) and describe its purpose.
BE.O.CIWF.21.6 / identify the purpose of MAC address filtering.
BE.O.CIWF.21.7 / identify security issues with wireless networks.
BE.O.CIWF.21.8 / evaluate the practicality of a wireless LAN in an organization.
BE.O.CIWF.21.9 / troubleshoot wireless connectivity.
Standard 22: Technical to the non-technical
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.22.1 / communicate technical issues and concerns to an end user.
BE.O.CIWF.22.2 / demonstrate the value of IT-related expenses to management and stakeholders.
Standard 23: Participating in the Student Organization
Objectives / The student will
BE.O.CIWF.23.1 / assess the purposes and goals of the local student organization.
BE.O.CIWF.23.2 / discover the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student organization as an adult.
BE.O.CIWF.23.3 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects.

Profile Summary