Errata for

Communications Engineering: Essentials for Computer Scientists and Electrical Engineers

By R.C.T. Lee, Mao-Ching Chiu, and Jung-Shan Lin

P. 1 Line 15, change “contituent” to “constituent”.

P.2, Lines 6 and 7, change “analogue” to “analog”.

P.2, Line 29, Change “method” to “multiplexing”.

P.2, Line 33, change “ODFM” to “OFDM”.

P. 7, Line 7, change “where the vi” to “where the vi” (change to boldface)

P. 9, Equation (2-16)
Change “” to “”.

P.12, Fig. 2-2(d), change “” to “”.

P. 13, Fig. 2-3(d), change “” to “”.

P. 13, Line 6 from the bottom to the following equation: ,

Change the paragraph to the following:

Let and.

Let . We have:

, as

P. 14, Fig. 2-4 (a), change “” to “”

P. 14, Fig. 2-4 (b), change “” to “”

P. 16, Second line from the bottom, change “” and “” to “” and “”, respectively.

P.17, Second line from the bottom, change “discrete the” to “the discrete”.

P.21, Line 8, change “periodic frequency” to “fundamental frequency”.

P. 30, Fig. 3-9, add “” on the x-axis.

P. 31. Fig. 3-10, add “” on the x-axis.

P. 36, Equation (3-45), change “” to “”

P. 37, Equation 3-48

Change “”

to “”.

P. 40, Equation (3-62): Change “” to “”, “” to “”

P.45, Line 3, change “” to “”.

P. 45, Line 11 from the bottom, delete

P48, Equation (3-84), change “” to “”.

P.48, Line 5 from the bottom, change to and change to .

P. 48 Equation (3-85), change

“ with ”


“ with ”

P. 49, Figure 3-16(b), change to

P. 51, Equation (3-98), change to .

P. 52 Fig. 3-17(b), change 2 to 2.

P. 52, Line 2, change “” to “”.

P. 52, Equation (3-100), change “” to “”.

P. 55, Line 10 (above Equation (3-108)), change “(3.75) “ to “(3-73)”.

P. 55, Line 18 (after Equation (3-108)), change “(3-107)” to “(3-108)”

P. 58, Equation (3-119), change to .

P. 59, Line 1, change to .

P. 59, Line 5 should be . Line 6 Same as above.

P. 59, the last Equation should be as follows:

P. 61, Fig. 3-20(d), change the “1” in x-axis on the left to “-1”.

P. 63, Fig. 3-21 (a), delete “” in y-axis

P. 63, Fig. 3-21 (c), add “” to the rightmost point on the square wave

P. 65, For both Case 1 and Case 2, change “” to “”.

P. 66, Figure 3-23(b) and Figure 3-24(b):

Change “” to “”.

P. 68, the first line after Eq (3-145), change (3-57) to (3-58) and (3-141) to (3-142).

P. 70, Equation (3-149), change “” to “”

P. 73, Line 13, change “” to “”.

P. 74, Line 12, change “” to “”.

P. 75, Step 2, change “” to “” and “” to “”

P. 78, Example 3-21, change “Example 3-18” to “Example 3-19”

P. 78, Line 2 of Example 3-21, change “” to “”

P. 78, Example 3-22, change “Example 3-19” to “Example 3-20”

P. 79, line 10:

Change “Equation(3-62)” to “Equation(3-148)”.

P. 79, Equation (3-174)

Change “” to “”, “” to “” and “” to “”

P. 79, Line 7 from the bottom, change “(3.6-1)” to “(3-167)”.

P. 80, Line 7, change “for” to “for”.

P. 80, Line 7, change “n-1” to “”.

P. 80, Line 14, change “the Fourier …” to “the discrete Fourier …”.

P. 80, Line 2 from the bottom, add “.”after “”.

P. 81, Line 3, change “the” to “the”.

P. 81, line 14:

Change ”Example 3-18” to ”Example 3-19”

P. 85, Last Line: change “frequency shift” to “phase shift”.

P. 86, Line 5, change “3-23” to “3-24”.

P. 86, Fig. 3-37, change the figure used in Fig. 3-27 to the one used in Fig. 3-3 (P.19).

P. 86, Line 8, change “3-18” to “3-19”.

P. 86, Line 7 from the bottom, change “inverse Fourier” to “inverse discrete Fourier”.

P. 87, Line 3 from the bottom, delete “a discrete Fourier thow”.

P. 89, caption of Fig. 3-31, change “Figure 3-29” to Figure 3-30”

P. 89, Line 3 of Last Para.: change “less than” to “not greater than”.

P. 89, Line 3 from the bottom, delete “Furthermore, the time … has to be 2mf.”

P. 94, Problem 3.11, change all functions “” and “” to “” and “”.

P. 94, Line 4 from the bottom, change “” to “”

Chapter 4, change the word “Analogue” to “Analog” in the heading of all odd-numbered pages of Chapter 4.

P. 99, Line 6, change “” to “”.

P. 100, Line 11 from the bottom, change “then” to “than”.

P. 100, Line 6 from the bottom, change “then” to “than”.

P. 102, Lines 3 and 5, change “then” to “than”.

P. 103, Line 16, change “ in Section 3.4” to “in Section 3.6”.

P. 104, Fig. 4-6 (b), the x-axis should be labeled“”

P. 104, Line 6 from the bottom, change “3.3” to “3.6”.

P. 105, Fig. 4-7 (b)-(d), all of the x-axis should be labeled“”

P. 110, line 20:

Change ””

to ””

P. 111, Line 1, change “” to “”.

P. 111, Line 2, change “” to “”.

P. 114, Line 2, change “” to “”.

P. 125, Line 8, change “” to “”.

P.125, Fig. 4-22(b), change “” to “”.

P. 126, Fig. 4-23(a) C1 and C2 should belong to the band-pass filter, not the demodulator. The correct figure is shown below:

P. 128, Para 3, Line 1, delete the second “is”.

P. 129, line 13: change “It can be seen that the undesired signal will also …”

to ”: It can be seen that the first term of above equation, representing the undesired signal, will also…”

P. 139, line 3 from the bottom, change “(3-102)” to “(3-103)”.

P. 139, Equation 5-8:

Change “” to “”

P. 149, line 2 from the bottom, change “(3-102)” to “(3-103)”

P. 157, Figure 5-17, change “” to “-”

P. 158, Table 5-1:
Change “” to “”

P. 158, line 12:
Change “” to “”.

P. 160, Figure 5-19, change “” to “-”

P. 161, Last line, change “1001101” to “10011011”

P. 164, Figure 5-22, replace the figure by the one which is shown below.

P. 180, Line 25, change “signal” to “single”

P. 180, Line 28, change “are subchannels” to “are subchannels as indicated by Equation (5-92)”

P. 185, Line 4, change “” to “”

P. 185, Line 8, change “Band 1” to “Band I”.

P. 197, Caption of Figure 6-8, change the “spectra” to “spectrum”

P. 211, line 2, change “spectrals” to “spectrum”

P. 217, Figure 7-6 (b), change “” to “” , change “” to “”, and change “” to “”

P. 231, Line 2 from the bottom, change “- - -” to “- - . -”

P. 236, Line 2 from the bottom, change “Table 8-1” to “Figure 8-1”

P. 238, Line 2, change “then” to “than”

P. 238, Equation (8-4), change “x” to “x”.

P. 248, Line 12, change “characteristics” to “characteristic”


Communications Engineering: Essentials for Computer Scientists and Electrical Engineers, R.C.T. Lee, Mao-Ching Chiu, Jung-Shan Lin © 2007 John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd