“We’re on God’s Team!”
Stewardship Month, September 2009
"Like good stewards for the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received"
I Peter 4:10
serve one another. We’re not just out here on our own. Christ’s church, by design, makes us part of God team taking care of each other and our world. Isn’t it magnificent that God trusts us enough and has given us gifts enough to make such a difference? Truly amazing!
with whatever gift each of you has received That’s right, with whatever gift each of us has received. God doesn’t just look at dollar signs. God looks at all of what we have – our time, our various talents, and our desire to reach out and do for others. It all matters to God.
This month, as we explore stewardship and look forward into our ministry, take time to explore the full meaning of stewardship. Let’s explore what we can contribute to and accomplish together as God’s Team. Some things to look forward to are….
Sept 6thMaking the Team Receive our team emblem
Sept 13thBeing a Team Player Info on Tailgate Party
Sept 20thWill we make the Superbowl? Info on Commitment Cards
Sept 27thTOUCHDOWNTurn in Commitment Cards
Throughout the month…
- Be sure to reserve a Packers or Vikings sign to be put in the yard of the person you choose! See sign up on September 6th.
- If attendance reaches 150 on any of the Sundays Pastor Diane and Dorene will in shame wear Vikings jerseys and Colleen will in shame wear a Packers jersey on Sunday September 27th. Invite your friends and family and put us to shame!
October 2009
We’re on God’s Team!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you for expressing your commitment and support to the mission of Jesus Christ through the ministry of FaithLutheranChurch.
As part of the “We’re on God’s Team” stewardship emphasis the households of Faith Lutheran have committed time and resources for the work of Christ in 2010. And, the Commitment Cards continue to come in!
Being a part of God’s team isn’t just about money. Granted, we have needs to keep our church going. That’s just the beginning of what stewardship is. It’s about the people who are touched, the ministries that are supported, and the witness that we make in Christ’s name. Our financial support enables us to be strong and vibrant in the mission we carry out right here within our fellowship and as far away as Malawi and Tanzania!
2010 promises to be another exciting year of ministry with many opportunities to serve Christ and our neighbor. If you have not yet returned your Commitment Card, please do so soon.
Thanks to all who helped with stewardship month through planning, the dinner, decorating, skits and many other ways. Again, thank you for your commitment to our Lord as we strive to always be a people who are “On God’s Team!”