Spring 2008
Course Title: Business 273- Business Law – BT9, ET9, UT9, WT9, YT9, 1T9,
Telecourse: “Business and the Law”
Credits: Three (3)
Instructor of Record: John R. Pryor
Office Location: Great Basin College, 1500 College Parkway, Elko, Nevada 89801
GTA Bldg. Room 104
Telephone: Phone (775) 753-2205 or Business Dept. Staff (775) 753-2235
Office Hours: Thursdays, 12:00-5:00 pm
TEXTBOOKS: - Business Law: Principles and Cases in the Legal Environment, 8th Edition, by Davidson, Knowles, Forsythe. West Educational Publishing/Thomson Learning.
- Study Guide for Business Law: Principles and Cases in the Legal Environment. 8th edition by Taylor, Published by Thomson Learning
- Business and the Law: Telecourse Study Guide, 6th Edition, by Hiscox, Spandel and Lewis. West Educational Publishing/Thomson Learning.
A Student Progress Assessment Questionnaire completed before obtaining 15 credits in the business program and again before graduation.
The instruction of business law is at the core of any business program. It is integral to the course of study for students planning to major in management, marketing, accounting, finance, and business administration. The content of Business Law, as with most introductory law courses, emphasizes contracts and the legal system. By including modules on the law of sales, commercial paper, agency, and property -- and examining such critical legal environment topics as government regulation, employment practices, and consumer and environment protection -- students will gain a comprehensive overview of law in the world of business.
The objectives of the course will be accomplished through the use of television programs, a student telecourse study guide, and textbook reading assignments.
When students complete this course of study, they will have acquired a familiarity with and understanding of the following concepts:
· The law--it’s meaning, sources, purposes, classifications--and the effect of law on business transactions.
· The nature of contract law, including the importance of contracts in the business world, the six elements of a contract, the rights of third parties, guidelines for interpretation of contracts, and contractual remedies.
· The nature of sales contracts, including the differences between sales contracts and common law contracts, the application of Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code to sales contracts, the duties and rights of buyers and sellers in contracts for the sale of goods, the relationship of insurable interest, risk of loss, and passage of title, and the nature of warranties and product liability.
· The nature of the law associated with commercial paper, including the functions and forms of commercial paper, the requirements for negotiating, the affects and types of endorsements, the differences between a holder and a holder in due course, and the rights and duties involved in bank-customer relations.
· The nature of agency law, including the requirements for the creation and termination of an agency relationship, the duties of principals an agents, and the factors determining the liability of principals and agents.
· The nature of property, including the concept of property rights, the difference between real and personal property, the means by which property may be acquired and lost, the general requirements governing lease or rental property, and the concept of bailments.
· The influence of government regulation, consumer and environmental protection statutes, and labor and employment legislation on business practices and operations.
The learning system you will use as you work your way through Business Law has three components: a telecourse study guide, a text, and television programs. Together they provide an integrated learning system. In order to master each of the 30 lessons of the course, you should use the sequence of learning activities as follows:
1. Review the Learning Objectives found in the Telecourse Study Guide for Business and the Law.
2. Read the Overview found in the Telecourse Study Guide for Business and the Law. The Assignment section is found toward the end of each lesson in the Study Guide. Be sure to follow the instructions here which will also tell you the Chapter # and pages to read in the textbook.
3. Read the textbook reading assignment in Business Law: Principles and Cases as listed in the study guide.
4. Become familiar with the Your Opinion Please questions found in the Telecourse Study Guide for Business Law prior to watching the television program.
5. Review the Your Opinion Please questions after watching the program.
6. Complete the Self-Test in each lesson in the Telecourse Study Guide for Business Law.
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to modify the course requirements, assignments, grading procedures, and other related policies as circumstances may dictate. If you need any course adaptations base on physical or emotional concerns, or if you need special assistance in case of building evacuations/emergencies, please let me know at your earliest convenience.
BUSINESS LAWCorrelation of Course Components
Week / Textbook / Telecourse Study Guide Lessons / Video Program
1 / Chapter 1, pp. 3-10 / 1. Law and the Businessperson / Lesson 1
2 / Chapters 1 and 4 / 2: Law and the Legal System / Lesson 2
Chapters 7 and 8 / 3. Business Crimes and Business Torts / Lesson 3
3 / Chapter 9 / 4. The Nature of Contract Law / Lesson 4
Chapter 10 / 5. Contract Requirement: The Agreement / Lesson 5
4 / Chapter 11 / 6. Contract Requirement: Consideration / Lesson 6
Chapter 12 / 7. Contract Requirement: Contractual Capacity / Lesson 7
5 / Chapter 13 / 8. Contract Requirement: Legal Purpose / Lesson 8
Chapter 12 / 9. Contract Requirement: Genuineness of Assent / Lesson 9
6 / Chapter 13 pp. 309-322 / 10. Contract Requirement: Proper Form
Take Test #1 / Lesson 10
Pages 316-318, Chapter 14,
pp. 353-358 in Chapter 15 / 11. Interpretation of Contracts / Lesson 11
7 / Chapter 14 / 12. Rights of Third Parties / Lesson 12
Chapter 15 / 13. Performance and Discharge / Lesson 13
8 / Chapter 15 / 14. Contractual Remedies / Lesson 14
Chapter 16 / 15. Sales and Sales Contracts / Lesson 15
9 / Chapter 17 / 16. Passage of Title and Risk of Loss / Lesson 16
Chapter 17 and 18 / 17. Performance of a Sales Contract / Lesson 17
10 / Chapter 19 / 18. Warranties and Product Liability / Lesson 18
Chapter 16 pp.387-392, Chapter 17 pp. 412-417, Chapter 18 pp. 432-448 / 19. Remedies for Breach / Lesson 19
11 / Chapter 20 / 20. Functions and Forms of Negotiable Instruments
Take Test #2 / Lesson 20
Chapter 21 / 21. Negotiability / Lesson 21
12 / Chapter 22 and 23 / 22. Negotiations and Holders in Due Course / Lesson 22
Chapter 24 / 23. Bank-Customer Relations / Lesson 23
13 / Chapter 29 / 24. Creation and Termination of Agency / Lesson 24
Chapter 30 / 25. Principals and Agents / Lesson 25
14 / Chapter 41 / 26. Real Property / Lesson 26
Chapter 42 / 27. Personal Property / Lesson 27
15 / Chapter 5 and 37 / 28. Government Regulation / Lesson 28
Chapter 38 and 39 / 29. Consumer and Environmental Protection / Lesson 29
Chapter 40 / 30. Labor and Fair Employment Practices
Take Test #3 / Lesson 30
NOTE: You may view the tapes at each campus learning resource center. It is suggested you view two (2) tapes per week. To get the most out of viewing, it is suggested that you:
A. View each program more than once during the week.
B. Establish a regular viewing time as if you were going to class.
You will be required to complete three examinations during the course of the semester. The times and dates for completing the exams will vary on each campus, therefore, it is necessary to consult with your campus coordinator to determine your specific testing dates and times. Be sure to take the correct test. You will need your WebCampus username (same as your GBC email name) to access WebCampus for testing. You will be given the test online in the Testing Center. Tests are closed book. You may use a calculator. Allow 2 hours per test as you will not be allowed to leave the room and complete the test later. We recommend you SAVE your answers OFTEN so that you don’t lose your responses as you answer the questions. Your test will be scored on the computer as soon as you complete the test, and the corrected test results can be viewed at that time or at a later time in the Testing Center.
Test # Study Guide Lessons Included
1 1 - 10
2 11 - 20
3 21 - 30
Composition of the Examinations. Each exam has a value of 100 points. There are multiple choice questions on each test. Each question counts one point. Additional essay questions may be included or supplant multiple choice questions. Exam questions will not be taken from the videos.
Issuance of Exam Grades. Each center will receive exam grades approximately one week after being received at the Elko campus. The three exams will be averaged to provide the final grade.
DROP POLICY: If you do not wish to complete this course, you are responsible for withdrawing yourself from the class.
Final grades will be: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, and W.
A = 90-100%; B = 80 - 89%; C = 70 - 79%; D = 60 - 69%; F = Below 60%; W = Withdrawal up to the 13th week with instructor consent.
Non-passing grades are F, I, and W, and are described briefly below.
F The grade of "F" is reserved for students who score very low on the exams or fail to complete course requirements. This grade is not given to those who withdraw from the class through proper notification to the registrar and the instructor by the 13th week of class. This grade cannot be changed to a passing grade by completion of further work.
I On rare occasions the grade of Incomplete is given if the student, due to circumstances beyond his or her control, is unable to complete a certain requirement of the course by the time the semester ends. Any deficiency must be removed within a short period after the end of the semester in order to have the "I" grade changed to a passing grade.
W If a student officially withdraws from the class, by notifying both the instructor and the registrar by the 13th week of class, then a grade of "W" is given. A student may withdraw from the class for any reason whatsoever.
BUS 273 – Telecourse Syllabus