21st Century Standards Profile
Engineering and Technical
Course Title: Biotechnical Engineering WVEIS Code 2467
Student’s Name______
Course Description: Biotechnical Engineering is a component of the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) pre-engineering curriculum. This course will introduce students to relevant projects from the diverse fields of bio-technology, bio-engineering, bio-medical engineering, and bio-molecular engineering enable students to apply and concurrently develop secondary-level knowledge and skills in biology, physics, technology, and mathematics. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in laboratory activities to develop an understanding of course concepts. Safety instruction is integrated into all activities. Students are encouraged to become active members of TSA, the national youth organization for those enrolled in technology education. TSA is an integral component of the program and provides curricular opportunities that enhance student achievement. Teachers should utilize relevant TSA activities to support experiential learning. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools and content standards and objectives.
Level of Competence:
· Above Mastery: The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed standard. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed.
· Mastery: The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet standard. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective and the student can work independently.
· Partial Mastery: The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Content Standards and Objectives / Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery / Date / CommentsStandard 1: Introduction to Biotechnical Engineering
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.1 / conduct a Biotechnology timeline web quest to gather information about the evolution of biotechnical engineering.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.2 / develop a scaled timeline illustrating major biotechnical engineering milestones through the use of the internet, available hard copy resources, and their individual milestone impact cards.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.3 / assess the impact of each milestone based on their research.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.4 / select one milestone and create a timeline event card with a description of the development and its impact on future biotechnical developments.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.5 / examine how the fields of biotechnology are interconnected by the common elements of living organisms.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.6 / determine the commercial companies as an important component of new research in biotechnology.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.7 / examine the correlation between what is happening in the financial markets and what drives the biotechnology industry.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.8 / demonstrate independence and cooperation as they work individually and as a group to generate definitions of key terms to be addressed in the lesson.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.9 / compare and contrast the differences between values and morals.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.10 / examine the differences between morals and ethics.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.11 / participate in role playing activities of a bioethics case study to address and personalize the different perspectives involved.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.12 / analyze the bioethical issues that arise when various technological advancements create new options.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.13 / create and test a public opinion survey on the bioethics of biotechnology.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.14 / create strategies for identifying key terms that narrow their search topic.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.15 / examine on-line databases to search for patents, people, business, government and academic information.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.16 / communicate by E-mail including the use of attachments.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.17 / differentiate between an E-mail address and a Web site address.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.18 / communicate ideas for designing a development project using various drawing methods, sketches, graphics or other media collected and documented.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.19 / amend ideas, notes and presentations based on personal review and feedback from others and will document them.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.20 / communicate in daily journals the advantages and disadvantages of various information-gathering, communications and design processes in the development of the project.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.21 / administer procedures for ensuring accuracy and precision in measuring solutions.
ET.O.BIOTECH.1.22 / demonstrate laboratory safety procedures.
Standard 2: Genomics
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.1 / characterize the organic structures of the building blocks of life: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.2 / investigate the four letters of DNA, which ones bond together and which are purines and pyrimidines; demonstrate know how to replicate DNA; determine that it is double stranded and has a backbone made of phosphates and sugar and determine that DNA sequence determines traits.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.3 / design and create a DNA model.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.4 / determine their DNA model and validate it represents the DNA appropriately.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.5 / investigate molecular techniques that are used by bioinformaticists.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.6 / apply their knowledge of molecular techniques, genetic databases analysis to solve an outbreak scenario.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.7 / create a portfolio demonstrating the research and integration of forensics with engineering.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.8 / design and construct a fuming chamber for lifting prints from evidence.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.9 / analyze the technology utilized in the field of forensics.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.10 / recreate a crime scene and solve the mystery.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.11 / collect evidence from a crime scene and analyze the evidence for a mock trial.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.12 / conduct facial reconstruction and experience the role of a forensic artist.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.13 / examine the role of an eye witness and discover the accuracy in eye witness reports.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.14 / develop a list of alternative solutions to their stated problem, after Following a review of the specifications and constraints identified in their decision matrices
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.15 / choose the appropriate technique for the cell type or organism involved in a genetic modification procedure.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.16 / apply their practical knowledge of genetic engineering to the design of a novel and beneficial application of the reporter gene, green fluorescent protein.
ET.O.BIOTECH.2.17 / determine the proper techniques for isolating proteins.
Standard 3: Bioprocesses
Objectives / Students will
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.1 / determine the bioethical and government regulatory issues surrounding the practice of using bioreactors for producing pharmaceuticals and other useful products.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.2 / form a start-up pharmaceutical company with an appropriate name that will attempt to produce a pharmaceutical via previous genetic engineering work followed by scaled up growth of genetically modified bacteria.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.3 / research and execute appropriate methods of protein isolation necessary to purify GFP from the modified bacteria produced in prior lesson.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.4 / determine the applications of fermentation in food production and renewable energy.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.5 / design a method/instrumentation to be used for measuring rates of fermentation.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.6 / research and test different variables which affect CO2 production in yeast in order to determine the ideal conditions for fermentation.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.7 / design and run a yeast powered vehicle.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.8 / apply the appropriate statistical analysis tools to their test results to ensure their validity and significance.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.9 / identify, define, and implement needed modifications to their design based upon their ongoing research.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.10 / evaluate and explain the effectiveness of their design at solving the problem that they have defined.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.11 / appreciate the interaction between and among abiotic and biotic factors in an environment.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.12 / determine the requirements of an aquaponics/hydroponics system.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.13 / use data collecting processes and equipment (chemical solutions, laboratory materials, computerized recording probes, etc.)
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.14 / perform qualitative analysis of data as criteria for goal achievement.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.15 / perform on-on-the-spot repairs/modifications (trouble-shooting) of equipment failure based on on-going monitoring of system.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.16 / reflect on best practices.
ET.O.BIOTECH.3.17 / discuss their findings in a formal presentation before an audience.
Standard 4: Environment
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.BIOTECH.4.1 / research an invasive species in their area to see why it is a problem and what is currently being done. Examples include Eurasion water milfoil, Zebra Mussels, African Honeybee, Water Chestnut, Purple Loosestrife, etc.
· What is the species?
· What type of environment does it need to thrive?
· Why is it a problem in your area?
ET.O.BIOTECH.4.2 / discover what is currently being done to control the population and be able to describe the success of that effort.
ET.O.BIOTECH.4.3 / develop an action plan to monitor and prevent the further movement of species from one location to another.
ET.O.BIOTECH.4.4 / design a control mechanism (mechanical, biological, chemical) to prevent the invasive species from destroying the use of the environment and harming native species.
ET.O.BIOTECH.4.5 / present their findings to the class for evaluation of their approach.
ET.O.BIOTECH.4.6 / determine the relevance of measuring phytoplankton continuously in the bodies of water.
ET.O.BIOTECH.4.7 / generate and utilize a standard curve of the absorbance of chlorophyll A and direct cell counts.
ET.O.BIOTECH.4.8 / describe the optical components of a spectrophotometer.
Standard 5: Biomedical
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.1 / demonstrate the application of personal protective equipment (PPE).
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.2 / examine the application of engineering design principles by improving upon existing hospital designs or surgical equipment designs.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.3 / demonstrate the application of product liability, product reliability, product reusability, and product failure.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.4 / use vocabulary terms in context and complete a vocabulary test.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.5 / analyze case studies and present their opinions to jurors, which are made up of other class members.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.6 / develop a portfolio identifying anatomical joint features and movements.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.7 / build a joint model with the same degrees of freedom as the human counterpart.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.8 / design and sketch a new joint replacement and solid model approved sketches.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.9 / develop a materials and process cost list for design.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.10 / obtain a surgical estimate for joint replacements.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.11 / determine the function(s) of the major muscles of the body.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.12 / research the major divisions and subdivisions of the skeletal system.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.13 / compare diseases and disorders associated with the skeletal system.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.14 / synthesize skeletal system concepts with the design process for engineering joints.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.15 / investigate heart diseases and disorders.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.16 / sketch and provide a solid model of heart chambers and valves.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.17 / research procedures involving artificial heart surgery and present the cost of a proposed noninvasive implant.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.18 / research and create a set of improvements for imaging techniques.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.19 / design a portable ECG monitor and study the electrical aspects associated to the heart.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.20 / research and design improvements in heart implants and/or instruments.
ET.O.BIOTECH.5.21 / perform a virtual heart surgery to better understand the instruments and implants in need of improving.
Standard 6: Student Organization Participation
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.BIOTECH.6.1 / assess the purpose and goals of student organizations.
ET.O.BIOTECH.6.2 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities such as meetings, programs, projects and competitions.
ET.O.BIOTECH.6.3 / evaluate the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student, professional and civic organizations as an adult.
Profile Summary
Student’s Signature______Date______
INSTRUCTOR COMMENTS:Instructor’s Signature______Date______