Unit One: Introduction, Safety, and Tools
Knowing Your Theatre Spaces, Theatrical Terms, Theatre History 1
Writing Six Weeks Play Critiques
Safety/Tool Training- Drill Press, Power Drill, Jig Saw, Band Saw, Miter Saw, Table Saw
Hammers, Hand Planes, Spoke shaves, Chisels, Handsaws
Files, Rasps, Scrapers, Screwdrivers
Sand a Block, Making a Wooden Spatula, Play Critiques
Unit Two: Lumber and Measurements
Lumber: Types and Sizes
Theatrical Jobs Overview, Theatre History Part II
How to read a Standard Ruler, Measuring Tapes and Architect’s scale rulers
Wooden spoons, Play Critiques, Scale Drawings/Drafting
Unit Three: Construction Methods, Design, Models
Scenic Design Elements/ Design Basics, Model Making
Theatrical Terms, Fall Final Exams
Shoe Box Model of your room, Fall Final Exam Review
Final Exams
Unit One: Lighting and Design
Lighting History, Functions/Qualities of Light, Color theory, Electricity
and Lighting, Identification of lighting equipment/instruments, How to
“hang” and “Focus,” How to use the lighting control console
Unit Two: Sound Equipment and Design
Identification of sound equipment, Parts of a sound system, Sound
Reinforcement/Equipment Placement, and Design
Unit Three: Properties
The types and uses of properties, Make your own hand prop…
Unit Four: Costume Design and Theatre History
Costumes History research project, Designing Costumes for Plays
Unit Five: Publicity
What is Publicity and why do it? Publicity Projects
Unit Six: End of year Shop Project, Final Exam Review
Final Exams
TEKS for Course:
Chapter 117.64 to 117.68 of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
Students must contact the teacher and download electronic assignments to get work they missed while absent. Parent contact with the teacher requesting make-up work is also acceptable. See student handbook for further makeup work procedures.
Late Work:
Assignments turned in after predetermined due dates are considered “late;” unless there are extenuating circumstances or excused absences.) Students will receive a ten point grade reduction on late assignments. Students have 5 days from due date to turn late assignments. After the 5 days students will receive a zero.
THEATRE ARTS TEST DAYS: Major Tests Mondays and Thursdays, Vocabulary Quizzes are Fridays
However, many major grade projects may require several days to allow for student presentations or reports.
Re-teach/Re-Test Procedures:
Will only be provided after school by appointment (Tuesdays are best). Re-Testing will only be allowed following completed Test Corrections or Tutoring has been completed on major assignments/projects or tests.
Extra Credit: Given at the discretion of the teacher. Extra credit assignment maybe allowed to replace lowest test grade.
Course Objectives:
This course covers all basic fundamentals of performance, technical production and drama careers. All students will learn basic technical skills and design principals as well as the following: Stage craft techniques, Basic hand and power tool operation, safety, sound reinforcement and lighting operations. Students will also gain the ability to do the following: analyze and interpret scripts and characters; understand dramatic structure; understand theatre history; recognize the interdependence of all theatrical elements, attend live theatre events; practice theater etiquette and analyze and evaluate live theatre performances.
Each student will be evaluated on his/her achievement of the course objectives by the following means:
¶ the instructor’s observation of successful participation in and contribution to the daily functioning of the learning community
¶ formal critiques of stagecraft skills and designs which will be followed by additional development of designs or finalization of projects that will measure the degree of incorporation of said critiques into the student’s work
¶ the content and construction of formally written documents
¶ Each 6 six weeks: students must attend a live theatrical performance. To receive credit the student must turn in a ticket stub, program and a play report (see handouts) WITHIN 10 CALENDAR DAYS of seeing the production. If a student is unable to attend a LIVE performance, they must read a full-length, published play – approved by the instructor - and turn in a typed or written play report. (See handouts). NO SHAKESPEARE, Scripts read for other classes.
¶ All projects and written assignments will be well thought out and executed.
40% Daily Activity Assignments
50% Quizzes/ Tests/ Major Projects
Other Assignments Due Each six weeks:
(10%) Attending any live play at school or professional play performance outside of school (program or ticket stub required) OR: You may read a play that is at least two acts (must be pre- approved by teacher!...Bring me the printed (book) script before you read it.)
Written Play Report of a play that was seen or that was read (Play report forms will be handed out and posted online)
Students will not be granted permission to read/critique plays that are also read for English Classes!
This is a challenging course, but at the same time it will give you a hands-on knowledge in Technical Theatre. Daily attendance and participation is essential in completing this course. Working in the scene shop will be a fairly common activity. So you should bring to class a change of work clothing if you do not want to damage your school clothes. Not having proper clothing for shop work (NO OPEN TOED SHOES! OR SANDALS!) will result in a Zero for that day and assignment.
One Three hole binder, with dividers, notebook paper, graph paper, ARCHITECT’s Scale Ruler, Pens, Pencils,
Architect scale rulers can be purchased from most office supply stores.
(Office Depot--- Staedtler® Architect's Printed Scale Item# 448541)
Students also will have need of:
16 ft measuring tape (non-metric)
Colored Pencils
Poster (tempura, acrylic) Paint Brushes –-
Poster boards
Duct Tape (2 Rolls of Designer colors are best)
Hot glue
Hot glue gun (low temp recommended)
Box of Kleenex (Extra Credit given for 1 box the first week of each six weeks)
1 sheet of the following grits of Sand Paper 80, 120, 150, 220, 320
(For projects during the fall and spring semesters. )
Play Critique Due Dates:
1st Six Weeks: September 14
2nd Six Weeks: October 19
3rd Six Weeks: December 7
4th Six Weeks: February 8
5th Six Weeks: April 4
6th Six Weeks: May 24
KCHS Theatre Dept. Production Dates:
Arsenic and Old Lace: Nov. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12
School Previews Nov 2
All Shows are at 7pm in the Auditorium
There will also be a 2pm matinee performance Nov. 5
Tech Cred Head interviews Sept 6 @3pm room 201
Acting Auditions Sept. 7
Callback Auditions Sept. 8
Strike Nov. 14, 15
Once Upon a Mattress: January 26, 27, 28 Feb. 2, 3, 4
All shows are 7pm in the KCHS Auditorium
Jan. 28 there will be 2pm and 7pm performances
Strike Feb 6, 7
Technical Crew Head Interviews: Oct. 7@ 3pm
Audition Workshop: Oct. 7
Auditions (singing): Oct. 10
Audition (dancing): Oct. 11
Callback Auditions: Oct 12
Rehearsals Begin Nov. 16
School Previews Jan. 25
UIL One Act Play Competition---- Title of Play TBA
Contest Performance Dates: March 11
Technical Crew Head Interviews: Jan. 6
Auditions: Jan. 5
Callbacks Auditions: Jan. 6
Rehearsals begin: Feb. 8
Technical Theatre 1 Mr. Grueneich
Office Phone: (832) 484 5361 Email:
Box Office: (832) 484 5165
Drama Dept Website: http://kleincollinsdrama.org
Teacher Web Site: http://classroom.kleinisd.net/default.aspx?Mr.NormanGrueneich
Conference Period: 12:42pm – 1:30pm
Please have parents sign and return. This page will be kept in your notebook at all times.
Technical Theatre 1 Mr. Grueneich
Your son/daughter(Student’s Name) ______is enrolled in Technical Theatre I. Students are required to climb ladders, use power tools and use hand tools in the shop in order to complete various projects in this class. Each Student must pass a shop safety test and test for competency on all tools before actually working in the shop with the tools. Student are required to bring his/her supplies to class each day and dress appropriately for daily tasks.
By signing the space below, you are stating that you are aware of and approve of your son/daughter working in the shop, theatre spaces, and using various pieces of equipment; including power tools.
Parent E-mail______
Parent Phone Number______
(for Drama Class Contact Only)
This page signed/returned form will be the student’s first major grade.