Course Syllabus: Math Support/Enrichment 2016-2017

Bellflower High School

Mr. Garcia

Course Description

The integrated Math Lab course is designed to review key prerequisite skills and concepts that will build the necessary knowledge to master the content in Integrated Math 1 (IM1). Additionally, students will receive ongoing support for the new concepts learned in Integrated Math 1.

In this course we will work collaboratively to:

·  Become better problem solvers

·  Increase critical thinking skills

·  Enhance numeracy

·  Gain appreciation of mathematics and its applications

·  Increase perseverance to solve math problems that seem unfamiliar

·  Work in groups to share mathematics from different perspectives

·  Improve mathematical communication skills

·  Be well-prepared to successfully continue in the Integrated Mathematics Pathway


The work required for this course includes but is not limited to practice worksheets, computer questions and reviews, handouts, activities, and videos provided by the teacher.

Suggested Material

• Loose leaf paper
• 2 Pencils, pens, erasers / • 1” Binder just used for this course
• Scientific Calculator-recommended

Class Rules

Students are only allowed to do things that encourage learning.

·  Students must be in their assigned seat, with all their materials out ready to learn before the bell rings or they are considered tardy.
·  Keep your desk and lap clear of all other belongings.
·  Constantly cooperate during group or individual activities.
·  Smart Phones-Use of cellular devices shall be turned off in class, except when being used for a valid
instructional or other school-related purpose as determined by the teacher. / • Follow directions when given.
• Stay on task until dismissed.
• Respect yourself and the rights, feelings, and property
of others.
• Chewing gum, eating, drinking (except water), speaking
profanity and wearing hats are prohibited.
·  Verbal Recognition
·  Random Rewards / Consequences
·  Intervention 1
·  Intervention 2 (Contact Parent)
·  Intervention 3 (Parent Conference)
·  Referral (can be given at any time before, during, or after the interventions depending on the seriousness of
the situation)


·  Upon returning the student must collect their notes/homework/class assignments from the “While You Were Out” wall

before or after class.

·  If there are any worksheets handed out, the student will get these before or after class.

·  The student is allotted the same number of days they were absent to complete the work.

Your quarter grades will consist of:

·  This is considered a credit or no credit course.

·  Students must participate daily in class activities and homework to receive course credit:

Some of these activities include:

·  Mathematics Aptitude Readiness (Mar’s) Concepts

·  Computer practice for IM1

·  3 day practice for IM1 unit Test

·  Other math activities

After averaging all your scores, the grading scale is:


·  Daily points if student is on task and participating daily in each assignment.

·  To get full credit, the student must participate in each activity and complete the whole assignment.

·  There is some Homework and each assignment must be completed.

·  If you did the assignment on time and made errors you can re-do the problems with errors on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to the original assignment. But it must be corrected and turned in on the following school day.

·  The homework assignment is to be recorded on the Homework Log Sheet and any completed homework will be stamped for credit received.

·  3 day preparation before the test is done in class. Everyone must attend.

·  Smart Phones-Use of cellular devices shall be turned off in class, except when being used for a valid

instructional or other school-related purpose as determined by the teacher.

After School Tutoring is available in designated rooms Monday through Thursday. Please check the website for school information, tutoring schedule, syllabus, Remind notification, course-related links, and other resources.

Contact Information: Phone 562-920-1801 extension 3900


Cut, sign and return bottom portion. Keep the top portion for your records


Parents/Guardians! Please read and review the information on the course syllabus with your child, sign below and return to school. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time with questions and/or concerns. EMAIL is best. THANK YOU!!!


Printed Student Name Student Signature Student ID# Period


Printed Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date Class Name


Phone Email