Please Note: The installation of the HICAPS plug-in must be completed before the following will be available

Practitioner Provider Number Setup

-Go to

-Main TAB

-Practitioners TAB

*Note:For each Practitioner that will be using HICAPS claiming please set up theirProvider Numbers.

-Open up the appropriate Practitioner Page

-Navigate via bottom tabs to the HICAPS Plug-in

1.Set the DEFAULT Provider number as the discussed Provider Numbers main number.

*Note: A Practitioner can have multiple provider numbers, Default is their main one.

2. Select the Location of which you want to add Provider Numbers

3.Type in a Provider number

4.Click Add

*Note: Also add the Default Provider Number into the Location of Practitioner.

*Note: A practitioner can have multiple provider numbers across multiple locations.

- The Practitioner Provider number will now be added for the selected location.

- Click Update in the top right when finished applying Practitioner Provider Number(s)


-Go to

-Practice TAB

-Stock TAB

-Open Up the stock item you wish to assign for HICAPS claiming

-In the right hand side you will see a HICAPS section

1.Select the Appropriate HICAPS item to be linked to the current TM2 item

*Note: You can set HICAPS items to current stock items via same function.

2.Click Select when you have highlighted the appropriate HICAPS code

3.The selection will appear at the top

- Click Update

- Your stock item is now set up for HICAPS use


Note: For every Health fund your practice will claim against a TM2 Group must be set up for them.

-Go to

-Main TAB

-Group TAB

-Open up a pre-created one or click the white page in top left to create a new Group.

-Enter in appropriate details if New

-Select the HICAPS TAB at from the bottom section of the page.

1.From the drop down box select the Appropriate Health Fund number to attach to this group.

*Note: The codes shown are imported from your attached HICAPS terminal. Please contact HICAPS if you are unsure of the codes.

2.Once you have selected the appropriate Health Fund Code attached to the current Health Fund click Update to save the changes.

-Your selected group is now available for HICAPS claiming

Making a claim

*Note: Making a claim requires all the previous instructions being completed. When your stock items have been assigned to HICAPS codes, your Practitioner has been assigned a Provider Numbers and your Groups have been assigned Health Fund Codes.

1.Create an Appointment under the patient name

*Note: The patient has to have the relevant group assigned to their patient file.

2.Insure the appointment is made under the Health Funds name.

3. Ensure the Consultation is a HICAPS Linked stock item you have created

4. Right click appointment to Complete when ready to invoice

5. Go to Invoice and do more.

6.Hit “HICAPS Claim” button after ensuring all details are correct, making note of the highlighted sections

Note: This button will only appear if you have set up all previous sections.

-A new window will appear to guide you through the claim.

7. Select the Patient Card Number

*Note: The Health Fund Number will be shown when the window appears.

8. The Next button will be available when Card Number is selected

9. A window will appear to confirm details. Hit Next.

10. A request will be sent to your attached Terminal asking the client to swipe their card

11. The request will then be sent off to HICAPS for authorisation.

*Note: This may take some time depending on HICAPS service.

12. When approved your TM2 window will display the following:

13. A window will now appear summarizing the claim with an option to clear GAP payment with EFTPOS

14. Clear with EFTPOS if required.

*Note: If not required click finish and accept a payment like usual on the patient invoice.

  1. A window will show confirming who the GAP payment will go to as well as the GAP amount.
  2. Click Yes to send request to HICAPS Terminal
  1. The Client will now need to swipe their EFTPOS card.
  1. If approved the window will display the following:
  1. A successful transaction window will display. Click OK to continue and print off receipts/invoices if required.
  1. A new window will appear showing a summary of the claim. Please note the section where it says “completed successfully”
  1. You will then be brought to the final window where you can print invoices for both patient and group as well as see a summary of the claim.

- Your claim is now been completed. Good Job! You can go back and view the claim anytime by going to the group invoice and hitting

Useful Links.

MBS code search

HICAPS Stock Code List