COURSE SELECTIONS (Regional Arts Program – Visual Arts)
GRADE 9 2017 – 2018
Surname: ______First Name: ______
Student# (Peel District School Board) ______Gender: M F (circle)
Home Phone# ______
Current School: ______¨ Check if student has an IEP
Select Appropriate Level For Each
Subject (Total of 6 classes)
Canadian GeographyApplied CGC 1P0 ¨ 029
Academic CGC 1D0 ¨ 027
Loc. Dev. ENG 1L0 ¨ 040
Applied ENG 1P0 ¨ 041
Academic ENG 1D0 ¨ 036
Applied FSF 1P0 ¨ 046
Academic FSF 1D0 ¨ 045
(Grade 10: For students from early French Immersion ONLY.)
Academic FSF 2D0 ¨ 124
Immersion Teacher's Signature:
Loc. Dev. MAT 1L0 ¨ 055
Applied MFM 1P0 ¨ 056
Academic MPM 1D0 ¨ 061
Loc. Dev. SNC 1L0 ¨ 074
Applied SNC 1P0 ¨ 075
Academic SNC 1D0 ¨ 071
Physical & Health Education
Boys PPL 10M ¨ 067
Girls PPL 10F ¨ 066 / Congratulations!
You have been accepted into the Regional Arts Program at Mayfield.
You will be registered in the following courses:
AVI 1OR (022)
AWM 1OR (024)
Information regarding course selections, course descriptions and diploma requirements is available at Select Common Course Calendar.
Grade 8 Teacher's Comments:
______ Signature: ______
We have reviewed these selections and are committed to them. We agree that the courses and levels selected are appropriate.
Student Signature: ______
Parent / Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
**Course decisions should be made carefully. Our master timetable will be based on your requests. Once this timetable is set up, course changes may not be possible**