Before submission to the Registrar’s Office

It is helpful to proof your course data before final submission to the RO. This will ensure that the courses are able to be listed and scheduled quickly, and that all information needed for scheduling and registration has been included in your submission.

Course information can be checked directly in EMS-CPI or by exporting the data to Excel and using that program’s features to sort and group data. It may be helpful (in either program) to arrange the columns to better review the data. If you have additional proofing notes that you’d like added to this list, please send them to .

Make sure that courses with a CRN have not had changes to the course number or course type. Check EMS Reports, “Course Changes.” Course sectionnumbers can be changed as long as the course number and type remains the same.

Check course meeting days/times to make sure they conform to standard time blocks. Information on non-standard meeting patterns must be put in the notes section, so the RO can adjust them.

Check all “WEB” Schedule Types and make sure the section number contains a “W”. “WEB” sections meet 100% online.

Check all “WBL” Schedule Types and make sure the section number contains a “Y” and that it meets less than 8 hours on campus.

Check all “WBH” Schedule Types and make sure the section number contains an “X” and that it meets between 8 and 18.75 hours on campus.

All “X” (WBH), “Y” (WBL), “V” (VID), and other course sections with non-continuous meeting dates should have all on-campus meeting days, dates and times listed in the notes. If you are waiting for dates, include “On meeting dates TBA” in the notes.

Check dates for non-standard courses, such as “X” or “Y”. Make sure none of the dates fall on holidays or the Monday class schedule date.

Odd date courses should have notes that include the date the course begins, the date the course ends, any on-campus meeting dates/times, and the date final course work is due if after the course ends.

Check that all off-campus (Attleboro = A; Cape Cod = C; Off Campus = O) courses have an “F” in the section number and have been added to the correct domain/campus in EMS. If a subject code does not exist in the campus you are adding the course to, enter the course in the Main Campus section, use an “F” in the section number, and put the correct campus to be assigned in the notes.

In the notes, adjust First and Second Year Seminar titles to “1YSem:” or “2YSem:”, and include the extended title after the colon. If you are waiting for a title, note that the “Title is TBA.”

For all honors sections (HON) of “regular” courses (not Honors Colloquia) – make sure “Honors” has been added to the course title in the notes and an “H” in the section number.NOTE: Do not change an existing course to “HON” if it was previously a different schedule type (LEC, SEM, etc.); instead cancel the existing section and add a new “HON” section.

Code quarter courses with an “A” (for 1st or 3rd quarter or summer session I) or a “B” (for 2nd or 4th quarter or summer session II).

Include the correct credit amount for any variable-credit courses in the notes.

If labs/lecture sections should be linked, include specific information in the notes.

Check caps for lecture/lab courses to make sure that they match up, and include in the notes if changes need to be made.

Add any attributes to HIST course sections in the notes.

Make sure text notes have been added for activity courses that require notes.

Make sure a topic has been listed for all special topics course sections.

Cross-listed course sections must be identified in the notes.

Make sure flight sections have: FLT or FL1 or FL2…etc.

Make sure Service Learning courses have “SL” in the section number and a note.

“Ghosted” sections should have a “Q” in the section number and a note to identify them as such.

If courses require department-specific rooms or labs, include that information in notes and add room preferences.

If courses require computer labs, Apple TV rooms, rooms with tables or other features, include that information in the notes.

Last updated 06-22-2015

Edited 6/18/15