Appendix B
Professorial Impact Review Process 2017
The professorial impact review process will consider individual cases for progression from one pay band to another. This process will follow the senior staff salary review (SSSR) process each year so that any recommendations for review, as well as the overall outcome from the SSSR process, can be taken into account. The deadline for submission of the professorial impact review form will be30 November 2017. The form and accompanying documentation should be submitted in confidence via email to (which will be available when the process opens in October 2017).
Completing the personal impact documentation
In order to be considered for progression to a higher pay band, you should complete and return:
-The enclosed professorial impact review form, signed by you and the PVC/Dean for your faculty
- An up to date CV and publications list
You are reminded that the role of professor at DMU carries an expectation of engagement across at least three of the four pathways, with demonstrable excellence in one or more pathways. It is not expected that a professor will meet all the criteria for the relevant pay band in each pathway, but you should aim to provide evidence of meeting some criteria against at least three pathways, and evidence of demonstrable excellence against a significant number of criteria in at least one pathway.
Please complete the attached impact review form as fully as you can and with reference to the criteria in the relevant pathways.
Please also submit an up-to-date CVusing the guidance as set out on page 2 below.
Should you have any queries about the completion or submission of these documents please contact your line manager in the first instance, or the HR Partner for your area.
Format for curriculum vitae submission
A current CV typed in Arial font 11 should be provided in the following format providing a brief summary of your contribution or achievements. CVs should cover no more than six sides of A4 but this does not include a list of publications* which should be separate.
Personal details:
-Present role and summary of current duties
-Previous appointments (with brief outline of details, i.e. title, employer, dates, with the most recent first)
-Academic qualifications (list with the most recent qualification first, all degrees, certificates, diplomas and professional qualifications, with dates and awarding body)
-Awards, honours and distinctions
Summary of contribution and achievement – including any details not already captured in the personal impact form which might include:
-Faculty/school responsibilities
-Membership or leadership of faculty/school/university committees or boards
-Contributions to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching
-Numbers and details of research students supervised
-Service on public boards, committees, professional and advisory bodies etc.
-Details of research grants/external income (should include funding body, value of income and your role on the grant)
* Publications:
Provide separately a complete list of publications in chronological order, giving title and full publication details. Distinguish between articles, reviews, books or contributions to books, refereed conference proceedings etc. State the current status of your publications. Only current publications in the public domain should be listed. Future publications can only be included in this application where they have been accepted for publication.
Impact review process
-Following the deadline date of 30 November 2017, all submissions will be forwarded in confidence to be considered by the professorial impact review panel, made up of the PVC Research, PVC Academic and a senior POD representative.
-Eachsubmission will be reviewed against the criteria in the pay bands and pathways and a decision made which will be either:
a)The professor’s current pay band is correct and therefore there will be no change to pay band or salary, which will next be reviewed in the following year’s MAX and senior salary review process, or;
b)The professor should move to a higher pay band, based on the evidence submitted. The professor’s salary will be adjusted accordingly, normally to the bottom point of the new pay band, back dated to 1 August 2017.
-Each professor will be advised of the outcome of their impact review submission in a personal letter, and there will be no right of appeal against this decision.
(To be completed by the post holder)
For information please refer to the four professorial pathwaysat Appendix A of the professorial pay and progression guidelines. You should aim to provide evidence to show your contribution against the criteria in at least three of the four pathways.Please complete this form and attach your up-to-date CV, using the format set out in the guidance on page 2 above.
PATHWAY / JUSTIFICATION/EVIDENCE (please expand the boxes below as necessary, to a maximum of 1 side of A4 per pathway, minimum font size 11)
Teaching and learning
Research and scholarship
Income generation, knowledge transfer/exchange and impact
Academic leadership
Signed:……………………………………… Name: ………………………………………………….. Date: ………………………......
I confirm this submission is an accurate reflection of myrole and contributions against each of the applicable pathways.
Signed:…………………………………………… Name: ………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………………
To the best of my knowledge, this submission is an accurate reflection of the professor’s role and contribution against each of the applicable pathways.