Note to Faculty: This syllabus is shared by Dayna Arcurio and is from last fall. The first unit on this syllabus is from FA14 and so must be changed out for a relevant unit. We suggest that the first unit be based in some way on education, since students will have written a placement essay on a transformative educational experience. Most texts offer readings on education and there are many possibilities for directions. All readings are from American Mashup unless otherwise stated. You will need to substitute readings from A Pocket Style Manual for those in our old handbook, A Writer’s Reference. Unit 2 must center on The Montclair Book, Elizabeth and Hazel: Two Women of Little Rock. The original second unit has been left on this sample, in case you want to use it for another unit, so you will need to insert your second unit in this space. Suggestions for the second units will be posted on the FYW webpage closer to the beginning of the fall semester. Make sure to include the days and dates of each class on your schedule. Note that you will have 28 classes plus a class meeting during the examination period. Make sure to take into account any closures for Thanksgiving and the switch on Dec. 9, designated as a “Wednesday as a Monday.”

Course Schedule for American Mashup

| Schedule subject to change |

Unit 1: Introductions /

Class 1: Intros | Scarcity Review | Essay 1

In class
-Introductions | Index cards| syllabus review | grading rubric | plagiarism policy
-Class discussion of key concepts | Review of Scarcity
-Reading “The Psychology of Scarcity” | Psychology Today
-Essay 1 assignment |required length:4-5 pages

Handout: Annotation | Analysis vs. Summary | “The Psychology of Scarcity” (Psychology Today)


Class 2: Central Claim Exercise | D1 Peer Review

Due: Completed reading of Chapter 3; bring to class D1 of E1

In class
-Review key concepts in Chapter 3 | “Pack and Slack”
-Class discussion | focus on scarcity in education | “Learning and Teaching in Scarcity” (AlterNet News)
-Central Claims | discussion and exercise
-Peer review of D1

Handout: Coming up with a Central Claim(Behlman)

HW: Based on peer review feedback, revise and bring to the next class D2 of E1

Class 3: Role of Peer Review | D2 Peer Review

Due:Bring to class one paper copy of D2 of E1

In class
-Discuss the role of peer review in the classroom
-Watch| “Writing Peer Review (Peer Critique) Top 10 Mistakes” (YT)
-Conference w/ professor on draft development
Handout: Evaluating an Argument (Isaacs) | Peer Review – 11 Questions (Art)

HW: Based on peer review feedback, revise and bring to the next class D3 of E1

Class 4: D3 (Picky) Peer Review

Due: Bring to class one paper copy of your D3 (final) of E1

In class
-Intro to MLA | Research and MLA PowerPoint
-Picky peer review of D3 of E1
Handout: MLA Sample Paper and Works Cited | Formatting source titles
HW: Based on peer review feedback, revise and upload D3 (final draft) to Canvas. See assignment handout for time and submission details. Please bring the American Mashup textbook to the next class.

Class 5:Culture | Communication |Redefining a “Text”

In class
-ReadAmerican Mashup, Chapter 1: “Reading Popular Culture” (pp. 1-8)
-Brainstorming exercise | redefining a “text” and “reading” visual media, film and TV, websites, people
-Passive versus active reading
In-class peer work: Let’s divide up into 4 groups of 5 and analyze the advertisementson pages 442-443 (4 ads). Answer these questions: 1) What is the purpose of the ad? 2) What is the main argument/theme of the ad? 3) Who is the intended audience? Please point to specific aspects of the ads that help support your visual analysis of these texts.
HW: Read “Composing and Revising” in A Writer’s Reference (Hacker, C1-a – C1-c: pp. 3-10)

Trending Topics Blog 1(Canvas)
Topic: Facebook
Login to Canvas and locate the link, “Discussion Forum & Trending Topics Blogs”
Find the blog listed as “Unit 2: Trending Topics Blog 1: Facebook”
Click on the link provided to read Ms. Magazine’s online blog article, “#Fbrape Campaign Takes on Facebook Misogyny and Wins!”

Choose one question based on or related to the article and respond in 350 words
Following your individual post, please respond to a peer post in 150 words

1) Do you believe that social media platforms, like Facebook, have an obligation to monitor the content of their sites that would otherwise be offensive or promote gender-based violence? If so, why or why not?

2) This blog article demonstrates the ways social media can harm or help individual and social rights. What other aspects of Facebook, or social media platforms (i.e. Twitter, Pinterest), do you consider to be socially irresponsible or politically incorrect?

Bring in a visual artifact (e.g. magazine advertisement, music video, company logo, poster image, etc.) and give a 1-2 minute analysis of your chosen “text.” What is it? Be creative. As a culture and class, how do we “read” this artifact? Offer an interpretation and prepare one question about the artifact for your audience (e.g. what if this logo were red instead of black? Would this change audience perception?).

Class 6: Visual Presentations | Social Media News | Brainstorm-writing | Essay 2

Due: Response to Trending Topics Blog 1 and Visual artifact presentations

In class
-Visual artifact presentations | 1-2 minutes
-Social media news | “FB Might Be Making Women Feel Bad about Their Bodies” (The Atlantic)
-Brainstorm-writing | “The Nun Who Got Addicted to Twitter” ( |2-3 minutes
- Review Essay 2 assignment | required length: 5pages
Handout: Basic Brainstorming from Question to Draft (Isaacs) | Safe Sources List (Research)

HW: Choose one topic for Essay 2 and write D1 of E2. Read American Mashup, Chapter 2 (pp. 28-34) (stop at “Writing Your Essay”)

Class 7:Workshop | Peer Review

Due: Bring to class one paper copy of D1 of E2

In class
-Social media news | “10 Strangers Kiss for the First Time” (YT)
-Effective Introductions and Central Claims | review sample models and Story Cubes (exercise)
-Peer review | D1 E2 | Diagnostic Checklist

Handouts: The Role of Introductions (UNC)

HW: Based on peer review feedback, revise and bring to the next class D2 of E2

Class 8:Revisiting Research | Quotes | Peer Review | Professor Feedback

Due: Bring to class one paper copy of D2 of E2

In class
-Chapter 1 (AM pp. 19-21) “Credibility and Reliability of Sources”
-Review Research | MLA Formatting PowerPoint | Focus on Works Cited formatting
-Peer review | D2 E2 |Diagnostic Checklist | Conference w/ professor on draft development

Handouts: How to Incorporate Quotations Gracefully and Avoid Plagiarism (SSU) | Writing with Professional Writers (Isaacs)

HW: Based on peer review feedback, revise and bring to the next class D3 of E2. Read Intro to Incorporating Quotes in A Writer’s Reference (pp. 364-5). Review American Mashup, Chapter 2 (pg. 62) of Works Cited; review PowerPoint on Works Cited page. Complete the Works Cited page handout and bring this work to the next class for credit.

Class 9: Picky Peer Review | Editing & Revising | Clarity

Due: Bring to class one paper copy of D3 (final) of E2 and Works Cited page HW

In class
-Review editing handouts
-Picky peer review | D3 (final)
-Conference w/ professor on draft development
Handouts: Editing: Four Common Errors (Isaacs) | Editing: Four More Common Errors (Isaacs) | Clear Sentences (WU) | Problem Words (Isaacs)| Editing out Talking Words (Isaacs)

HW: Read proofreading, editing, revising, paragraph development (Hacker, C3-a – C4-e: pp. 20-44).Based on peer review feedback, revise and upload D3 (final draft) to Canvas. See assignment handout for time and submission details.

Unit 3: Memes | Mashups | Mayhem| Identity | Rhetorical Appeals: Ethos, Logos, Pathos

Class 10: Memes | Mashups | Rhetorical Appeals | (Country) Grammar

In class
-Read “Mass Media” (AM pp. 193-196)
-Intro to rhetorical appeals: ethos, logos, pathos
-Defining Memes and Mashups | What is the rhetorical purpose and message?
-Class analysis: Most popular memes: “Bad Luck Brian” | “Overly-Attached Girlfriend” | “Grumpy Cat”
-Class analysis: Most popular mashups: “Pop State of Mind | 2014 | 40-song Mashup” (YT)

-Grammar lesson: “Grammar Lessons with Food” (YT) | “Round 2: Grammar Lessons with Food” (YT)

HW:Trending Topics Blog 2(Canvas)

Topic: Memes
Login to Canvas and locate the link, “Discussion Forum & Trending Topics Blogs”
Find the blog listed as “Unit 3: Trending Topics Blog 2: Mashups”
Click on the link provided to view the video: “Brian Williams Raps ‘Gin and Juice’” (YT)

While watching the YouTube video mashup, write down your reactions to it
Choose one question based on or related to the article and respond in 350 words
Following your individual post, please respond to a peer post in 150 words

1) What is the rhetorical message or purpose of the video? Why Brian Williams, the news anchor, and why dub rap hit, “Gin and Juice”? How can we interpret the use of ethos as a rhetorical appeal on the audience? Be specific and use examples from the video (you may timestamp as citation).

2) Analyze the video using all three rhetorical appeals: ethos, logos, pathos. Break down the video and analyze it based on the ways in which you believe it conveys a sense of ethos, logos, pathos. Be specific and use examples from the video (you may timestamp as citation).

Also due Friday: bring to class your favorite meme (you may print out a paper copy or copies for the class; it may also be on your laptop). For this next visual artifact presentation, prepare a 1-2 minute analysis that breaks down the purpose/message of the meme.

Class 11: Let’s Get Political: Ethos, Logos, Pathos | Remix | Movie Trailers | Essay 3

Due: Response to Trending Topics Blog 2and Visual artifact presentations

In class
-Visual artifact presentations | 1-2 minutes
-Rhetorical appeals and politics | Ethos and political candidates: Romney, Santorum, Gingrich
-Class analysis | Political remix: “Obama State of the Union” (YT): ethos, logos, pathos
-Class analysis | Media remix: “If Rihanna’s Tweets Were Motivational Posters” (Buzzfeed) | “Honest Trailers: Iron Man 3” (YT)

-Brainstorm-writing | Remix: “The Notebook as a Thriller” (YT) | Discuss the impact of remixing this romantic drama as a thriller—how do we “read” the pathos (or emotional/psychological) appeal of the trailer?

-Review of Essay 3 assignment | required length: 5 pages

HW: Choose one topic for Essay 3 and write D1 of E3

Class 12: Cultural Commentary: “Sh*t People Say” | Outlines & Organization

Due: Bring to class one paper copy of D1 of E3

In class
-Read “Identity Construction” (AM pp. 63-67)
-Class analysis | Remix: “Sh*t People Say” (YT)
-Class analysis | “35 Controversial and Shocking Advertisements” (BlazePress)
-Brainstorm-writing 2-3 minutes | “Abercrombie & Fitch Ads Reimagined as ‘Attractive’” | (Buzzfeed)
-“Punctuation Salesman” (YT) | “Fix Your Grammar” (YT)
-Reviewing outlines and paper organization | sample models
-Peer review D1 E3 | Diagnostic Checklist

Trending Topics Blog 3(Canvas)

Topic: Create Your Own Meme (hands-on practice w/ rhetorical appeals)
Login to Canvas and locate the link, “Discussion Forum & Trending Topics Blogs”
Find the blog listed as “Unit 3: Trending Topics Blog 3: Memes”
Click on the link provided to a Meme Generator to begin creating a meme of your own

While creating your meme, be sure to plan and construct the meme based on one or more rhetorical approaches: ethos (credibility), logos (knowledge), pathos (emotion). In addition to creating your meme, discuss your planning and strategy involved in the creation of it. For example, why did you choose to represent a particular political figure, celebrity, or sports figure in a particular way, while using the appeal of ethos? Your explanation should be 350 words. Following your individual post, please respond to a peer post in 150 words

Based on peer review feedback, revise and bring to the next class D2 of E3

Class 13: Identity | Violence Campaigns | Voice and Tone | Peer Review

Due: Response to Trending Topics Blog 3 and bring to class one paper copy of D2 of E3

In class
-Class analysis | Weapon of Choice Project (Upworthy)
-Class analysis | Disney Princesses and Domestic Violence (Buzzfeed)
-Discussion | working with voice and tone | active versus passive voice
-Peer review D2 E3 | Diagnostic Checklist
-Conference w/ professor on draft development

Handouts: Voice and Tone | Active versus Passive Voice

Trending Topics Blog 4 (Canvas)

Topic: Vintage Sexist Ads
Login to Blackboard and locate the link, “Discussion Forum & Trending Topics Blogs”
Find the blog listed as “Unit 3: Trending Topics Blog 4: Vintage Sexist Ads”
Click on the link provided to visit and review the advertisements
Choose one vintage ad and discuss why you feel it is sexist or not in 350 words
Following your individual post, please respond to a peer post in 150 words

Let’s work on argument and persuasion from this visual text. How does this ad reflect identity, gender roles, and advertising? Please give the title and/or a brief description of the ad above your reflection, so that we know which ad is your chosen one. You may also attach one of the ads from the website to your response on Canvas.

Based on peer review feedback, revise and bring to the next class D3 (final) of E3

Class 14: Picky Peer Review | MLA Revisited

Due: Response to Trending Topics Blog 4 and D3 (final) of E3

In class
-MLA Review | Formatting | Focus on In-text citations
-Discussion | summary, paraphrasing, and direct citation
-Picky peer review D3 of E3

Handout: Summary, Paraphrasing, and Direct Citation

HW:Based on peer review feedback, revise and upload D3 (final draft) to Canvas. See assignment handout for time and submission details.

Unit 4: Documented Essay | Annotated Bibliography | Paper Proposal | Research Days

Class 15:Documented Essay

In class
-Review Documented Essay assignment (required length: 6-7 pages)
-Review Annotated Bibliography assignment (minimum 4-5 sources)
-Review paper proposal | 10 Questions
-Review plagiarism policy and conducting student research (MLA Research PPT)
-Review Doc Essay samples and model essays/topics

Handouts: 10 Questions: Paper Proposal | Sample Annotated Bibliography (OWL)

HW: Draft a paper proposal for the Doc Essay by submitting answers to the 10 Questions: Paper Proposal handout. Bring to class a typed paper proposal for in-class conferences. Either I will approve your project for the annotated bibliography phase, or you will be asked to further refine your project.

Class 16:Paper Proposals | In-class research | Peer Review

Due: Bring to class one paper copy of DE proposal (10 Questions: Paper proposal)

In class
-Review of DE paper proposals for approval or non-approval
-Student research time | bring electronic devices
-Peer review of D1 of DE
HW: If your paper proposal was approved, begin constructing the annotated bibliography for your research paper. If your proposal was not approved, email me a revised copy until it is approved. Read “Conducting Research” (Hacker, pp. 332-346).

Class 17: Annotated Bibliography | Introductions | Outlines

Due: Developing draft of annotated bibliography

In class
-Class research exercise| Key(words) to researching (students volunteer topics)
-Peer review and research on annotated bibliographies
-Group work on writing your peer’s introduction (writing swap exercise)
-Outline D1 of DE

HW: Finish your annotated bibliographies. Begin writing D1 of DE. Read “Evaluating sources” (Hacker, pp. 346-357).

Class 18:Draft 1 | Peer Review

Due: Annotated bibliographies and D1 of DE

In class
-MLA revisited | Focus on block quoting, footnotes, and Works Cited
-Peer review D1 of DE

HW: Based on peer review feedback, revise and bring to the next class D2 of DE. Read “Managing information; avoiding plagiarism” (Hacker, pp. 357-368).

Class 19:Draft 2 | Peer Review | Professor Conferences

Due: Bring to class one paper copy of D2 of DE

In class
- Peer review D2 of DE | Diagnostic Checklist
-Conferences w/ professor on draft development
HW: Based on peer review feedback, revise and bring to the next class D3 (final) of DE

Class 20: Draft 3 | Picky Peer Review

Due: Bring to class one paper copy of D3 (final) of DE

In class
-Review global versus local comments
-Picky peer review D3 of DE
-Conferences w/ professor on final draft development

Handouts: Global vs. Local Comments

HW: Based on peer review feedback, revise and upload D3 (final draft) to Canvas. See assignment handout for time and submission details. Bring to class your graded Scarcity essay (Unit 1) and one other unit essay (either E2 or E2) to revise.

Unit 5: Portfolio Project

Class 21: Writing Portfolio Project | Selecting Essays | Intro to Strategy List

In class
- Review Portfolio Project assignment | two revised essays; reflection paper
-Intro to strategy list for revision
-Student meetings to review choices and discuss revision strategies ahead of formal list

Handout: Making a Strategy List (Revision)

HW: Devise two separate revision strategy lists—specifically detailing what fixes you will make—for each essay. Use the handout as a guide to formatting the strategy lists properly. Bring your lists and the original essays to the next class.

Class 22: Revision Strategy Lists | Technical Tools for Editing

Due: Two strategy lists with corresponding original, graded essays

In class
-Review | Technical revisions: prose, punctuation, clarity, MLA formatting
-Class editing exercise | sample student paper
-Conferences w/ professor on essay options and strategy lists (students A-L)
-Peer review | Diagnostic Checklist

Handouts: Transition Words | Commas | Semicolons vs. Colons | Writing Clearer Sentences

HW: Begin revising essays based on your strategy lists. Bring all materials to the next class for peer review.

Class 23: Revision Strategy Lists II

Due: Bring to class all materials to revise portfolio project

In class
- Class editing exercise | sample student paper
-Conferences w/ professor on essay options and strategy lists (students M-Z)
-Peer review | Diagnostic Checklist

HW: Begin revising essays based on your strategy lists. Bring all materials to the next class for peer review.