West Hills College Coalinga
Agenda Routing Form
Check the appropriate box, fill in name and date.
Originating FacultyName: Cindy Hauki
Course Packet has been reviewed and approved for Curriculum Agenda / Date:8/24/07
Curriculum Committee Representative
Name: Clint Cowden
Course Packet has been reviewed and approved for Curriculum Agenda / Date: 1/17/08
Technical Review Committee (TRC)
Name:: Maggie Discont
Course Packet has been reviewed and approved for Curriculum Agenda / Date:9-10
Chief Instructional Officer (CIO)
Name: Jill Stearns
Course Packet has been reviewed and approved for Curriculum Agenda / Date: 11.29.07
West Hills College Coalinga
Course Revision Packet
Course Prefix, Number & Title: BUS 3: Intermediate Keyboarding (Activation)
Faculty Originator: Cindy Hauki
Date: 8/31/07
Course Revision FormCourse Outline
Distance Education Statement
Learning Resources Statement
Adopted Textbook Form
Prerequisite Form A
Prerequisite Form B
Prerequisite Form C
Limitations on Enrollment Justification
______Date______Curriculum Instructional Area Representative (required) / ______Date______
Articulation Officer (required if transferable)
Consulting Department Instructional Area Representative
(required when overlapping course content) / ______Date______
Associate Dean of Vocational Education (required if Voc Ed)
Dean of Student Learning (required) / ______Date______
Dean of Learning Resources (required)
College Curriculum Committee Chair (approved) / Date______
West Hills Community College District Board of Trustees (approved)
Revisions to this curriculum packet have
been discussed with faculty in the Instructional Area
Course Revision Form
West Hills College Coalinga
Course Prefix & Number: / BUS 3 / Course Title: / Intermediate KeyboardingInstructional Area: / AG/BUS/CIS/CWEE / Date: / 8/31/07
Faculty Originator: / Cindy Hauki
RULE OF FIVE – The District Curriculum Committee voted to approve common course characteristics of a revised course for approval by the Coalinga Curriculum committee. If the faculty originator changes any of the items below, the course requires approval from West Hills College Lemoore curriculum committee.
Other Changes:
Grading Option Cultural Pluralism
Advisory/Prerequisite Student Learning Outcome
Catalog Description Textbook Instructional Objectives Distance Education
Course Content and Scope Other
Instructional Methodologies Explain:
Methods of Evaluation Five Year Review
Critical Thinking Assignments Content has been evaluated and updated. Yes
Do any of the above changes affect the course content to the degree a student could retake the course? Yes or No
Change Previous Course Outline Information:
Not Available
To: (Write new information here for any changes checked above.)
This course provides basic formatting and skill development for employment or personal use. The course builds upon skills learned in BUS 2 and develops additional computer keyboarding skills in the creation of word processing documents. Formatting applications include: business correspondence, reports, and tables. Basic document formatting, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and proofreading are reinforced throughout. Students will use basic features of an office-level word processing program. (CSU)
Justification: (Reasons for the above changes.)
This class was inactivated several years ago and replaced with two 1.5 unit classes to be offered in the Open Entry Lab. Keyboarding is a life-long skill. Every person attending college needs keyboarding skills to complete their education and to use in the world of work. There are very few jobs that do not require computer/keyboarding skills. BUS 81A and 81B (both 1.5 unit classes) will be deleted and replaced by BUS 3 which a 3-unit class. Since we no longer have the Open Entry Lab, we have no need to offer short-term classes. Both Reedley and Fresno City Community Colleges offer transferrable keyboarding classes.
West Hills College Coalinga
Date: / 8/31/07Instructional Area: / AG/BUS/CIS/CWEE
Course Prefix & Number: / BUS 3
Course Title: / Intermediate Keyboarding
Units: / 3
Grading option (select one): / Standard Grading Only / Credit/No Credit Only
Standard Grading/Credit/No Credit
Materials Fee: / $ / Justification:
Semester Lecture Hours: / 36 / Semester Lab Hours: / 54
How many times may this course be taken for credit (repeatability)? 1
1. PREREQUISITES: BUS 2 or the ability to key 325 nwpm
ADVISORIES: English 1010B or equivalent
This course provides basic formatting and skill development for employment or personal use. The course builds upon skills learned in BUS 2 and develops additional computer keyboarding skills in the creation of word processing documents. Formatting applications include: business correspondence, reports, and tables. Basic document formatting, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and proofreading are reinforced throughout. Students will use basic features of an office-level word processing program. (CSU)
3. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES (Use measurable objectives only-courses that allow
repeatability must specify objectives for each time the course can be repeated):
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
A. Increase keyboarding speed by 15 net words per minute
B. Key Business Documents using correct format.
C. Edit documents using proofreader’s marks.
D. Key at leastbetween 45 and 50 net words per minute.
E. Production exams.
4. COURSE CONTENT AND SCOPE (instructional topics or units):
A. Lecture
1. Word Basics
2. Memos, E-mail, and Letters: Block Format, Modified Block Format
3. Reports: Unbound, Leftbound, Multiple-Page, Traditional
4. Create, Edit and Format Tables
5. Review and Edit Document:, Document Themes and Templates
6. Graphics and Newsletters
B. Laboratory
1. Word Basics
2. Memos, E-mail, and Letters: Block Format, Modified Block Format
3. Reports: Unbound, Leftbound, Multiple-Page, Traditional
4. Create, Edit and Format Tables
5. Review and Edit Document:, Document Themes and Templates
6. Graphics and Newsletters
5. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGIES (instructor initiated learning strategies):
A. Students will improve accuracy and speed by using a software program.
B. Students will complete and submit business documents by using a software program.
C. Students will take times writing to measure speed and accuracy.
6. MULTIPLE METHODS OF EVALUATION (measurements of student achievement):
A. A written exam covering keyboarding theory.
B. Timed Writings to measure keyboarding speed/accuracy.
C. Production tests to measure Document Format Mastery.
Timed Writings will provide proficiency in keying by touch and production tests will demonstrate document format proficiency.
(use detail when describing student assignments and state in cognitive terms):
Students will learn the meaning of proofreaders marks and then apply them to text containing revisions using these marks; learn document format and key documents in the correct format.
Many of the lessons contain foreign names. Also, many of the timed writings content include paragraph on other cultures. In a traditional classroom setting, the instructor discusses foreign names and phrases to prepare students for the diversity found in the workplace. The instructor also answers questions that arise from cultural pluralism discussions.
11. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (courses that allow repeatability must specify student
learning outcomes for each time the course can be repeated):
1. Eighty percent of students will be able to key 40 net words per minute by the end of the semester on a 5-minute timed writing.
2. Eighty percent of participating students will be able to key a mailable block style business letter.
West Hills College Coalinga
Course Prefix, Number & Title: / BUS 3: Intermediate KeyboardingInstructional Area: / AG/BUS/CIS/CWEE
Faculty Originator: / Cindy Hauki
Date: / 8/31/07
The instructional area recommends that this course be taught via distance education.
The following must be completed for the delivery of this course via distance education technology in addition to the original course outline. (A textbook form is required if text differs from the original course).
The following distance education modality is being proposed:
Video Conference Hybrid (Mix of Traditional/Online) Online (100% Online)
(complete #1 & #2) (complete #2 only)
#1 / Hybrid – The course has online components and regularly scheduled face-to-face meetings.Please describe how this hybrid class will meet face-to-face in the box below:
#2 / Online
The two methods that significantly change when teaching a course online are Instructional Methodologies and Multiple Methods of Evaluation. Please describe how these methods will be adapted for online instruction.
Instructional Methodologies: Copy your Instructional Methodologies (see #5 in Course Outline) into the table below. In the right side of the table, specify any adaptations in instructional methodology resulting from offering this course in the distance education mode you have selected (online or hybrid), as opposed to the face-to-face mode assumed in the course outline. Please use one box per Method/Adaptation.
Instructional Methodologies / Online Adaptation
Students will improve accuracy and speed by using a software program. / Students will improve accuracy and speed by using a web-based keyboarding program
Students will complete and submit business documents by using a software program. / Students use EMC Paradigm’s Keyboarding program.)
Students will take timed writings to measure speed and accuracy. / Students will take timed writings to measure speed and accuracy using a web-based software program.
Multiple Methods of Evaluation: Copy your Multiple Methods of Evaluation (see #6 in Course Outline) into the table below and describe how the evaluation methods in the course outline will be adapted for use in the online environment. Please use one box per Method/Adaptation.
Multiple Methods of Evaluation / Online Adaptation
A written exam covering keyboarding theory. / A written exam covering keyboarding theory will be given in the course management program.
Timed Writings to measure keyboard speed and accuracy. / Timed Writings to measure keyboard speed and accuracy will be taken in the web-based software program.
Production tests to measure Document Format Mastery. / A production exam covering document formatting will be given in the course management program.
Title 5 Regulations require that course quality standards are met (same as traditional courses) and that “regular, effective contact” (54 contact hours) between student and instructor are included in the design of the Instructional Objectives in an online environment.
Instructional Objectives: Copy the Instructional Objectives (see #3 in Course Outline) into the table below and describe the content or activity of the course that relates to each objective. Please use one box per Objective/Activity.
Instructional Objectives / Activity
Increase keyboarding speed by 15 net words per minute / Skill build using a web-based keyboarding program. (25 hours)
Key Business Documents using correct format. / Correct format is presented in a web-based keyboarding program. Documents are then keyed from the textbook and submitted in this same program (40 hours)
Edit documents using proofreader’s marks. / Edit documents using proofreader’s marks in the textbook using a software or word processing program
Key at least 45 net words per minute. / Use the skill building portion of the web-based keyboarding to increase speed and accuracy as needed. (15 hours)
Production exams. / A production exam covering document formatting will be given in the course management program. (10 hours)
Required Verification of Process
______Date______Originating Faculty (required) / ______Date______
Articulation Officer (required if transferable)
Curriculum Instructional Area Representative (required) / ______Date______
Director of Information Technology Services (requires ITS resources)
College Curriculum Committee Chair (approved) / ______
Dean of Learning Resources (required) Date ______
District Curriculum Committee (reviewed) / Date______
West Hills Community College District Board of Trustees
West Hills College Coalinga
Course Prefix, Number & Title: / BUS 3: Intermediate KeyboardingInstructional Area: / AG/BUS/CIS/CWEE
Faculty Originator: / Cindy Hauki / Date: / 8/31/07
The holdings of the L/LRC collection in the subject area(s) related to the proposed new/revised course/discipline have been reviewed.
The L/LRC has sufficient resources presently available for support of this course/discipline in the following areas:Books
Reference Materials
Electronic Resources
Additional items have been recommended for purchase for support in this course/discipline in the following areas:Books
Reference Materials
Electronic Resources
Librarian (required)
West Hills College Coalinga
Course Prefix, Number & Title: / BUS 2 and 3ON-LINE ONLY / Instructional Area: / AG/BUS/CIS/CWEE
Faculty Originator: / Cindy Hauki / Date: / 8/31/07
All transfer-level courses require 11-12th grade level or above.
A. Title: / Paradigm KEYBOARDING & APPLICATIONS Sessions 1-60Edition: / 5th / ISBN #: / 0-7638-2306-6
Author(s): / Mitchell & Kapper
Publisher: / Paradigm
Required / Optional
Readability level: / 9.2 / (Attach readability materials to original.)
B. Title:
Edition: / ISBN #:
Required / Optional
Readability level: / (Attach readability materials to original.)
C. Title:
Edition: / ISBN #:
Required / Optional
Readability level: / (Attach readability materials to original.)
D. Title:
Edition: / ISBN #:
Required / Optional
Readability level: / (Attach readability materials to original.)
Readability BUS 80AB/81AB On-line Textbook
Symbols are used frequently in computer programming languages. Of course, the plus (+), minus (-), and equals (=) keys are used. The asterisk (*) is used as a multiplication sign, and the diagonal (introduced in the next session) is used for division. It is important that we key symbols just as quickly as we key numbers and letters.
A variety of letter styles are used today for both personal and business letters. The letter format presented in this book is the block style. In the block-style letter, all part of the letter begins at the left margin. The clock-style letter is popular because it is comparatively easy to learn, and it is the fastest letter style to set up. Once you have mastered the block style letter, you will have little difficulty adjusting to other letter styles.
Page 288
Even with a complete outline of the ideas and information to be covered in a manuscript, many writers have a difficult time writing the first paragraph, which introduces the topic and states the main point, or thesis. An effective introduction opens with a few sentences that "hook" the reader's interest. It concludes with a statement of the main point of the manuscript. Above all, do not make the mistake of beginning you paper with the words "I am writing this manuscript because…" or "The purpose of this manuscript is to…." Unimaginative statements such as these tend to immediately turn off the reader. Instead, use on the following "hooks":