(EDL 668) Personnel Administration
Common Course Assessment: Administrative Case Study
Common Course Standards
Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) 2002 Standards (Content Knowledge)
· 3.1 – Manage the Organization
· 3.2 – Manage Operations
· 3.3 – Manage Resources
· 5.1 – Acts with Integrity
· 5.2 – Acts Fairly
· 5.3 – Acts Ethically
Directions to the Student
Administrative Case Study
The candidate will be assigned a two-part case study that highlights a variety of personnel issues in school administration. The candidate is required to analyze the main problem in each case study and to create and present a plan of action that addresses the key issues. This assignment will emphasize the problem dimension of human behavior in school administration- including how to effectively manage the organization, operation, and resources of a building while paying particular attention to the importance of integrity, fairness, and ethical decision-making.
Assessment Rubric for Content Knowledge
Rubric for Case Studies - Content Knowledge
(3) / Proficient
(2) / Progressing
(1) / Unsatisfactory
Defines the problem accurately
(Part 1) / The candidate articulates the main problem clearly, and identifies potential barriers. / The candidate articulates the main problem, but identifies only some of the potential barriers. / The candidate articulates the main problem, but identifies no potential barriers. / The candidate does not articulate either the correct main problem or any of the potential barriers.
Manage the Organization
ELCC Standard 3.1 / The candidate’s understanding of how to develop a plan of action that gives priority to student safety is thorough and complete.
(3.1.a) / The candidate’s understanding of how to develop a plan of action that gives priority to student safety is substantial.
(3.1.a) / The candidate’s understanding of how to develop a plan of action that gives priority to student safety is partial or incomplete.
(3.1.a) / The candidate demonstrates no understanding of how to develop a plan of action that gives priority to student safety.
Manage Operations
ELCC Standard 3.2 / The candidate’s understanding of how to apply legal principles to promote a safe, effective, and efficient facility is thorough and complete. / The candidate’s understanding of how to apply legal principles to promote a safe, effective, and efficient facility is substantial. / The candidate’s understanding of how to apply legal principles to promote a safe, effective, and efficient facility is partial or incomplete. / The candidate demonstrates no understanding of how to apply legal principles to promote a safe, effective, and efficient facility.
Manage Resources
ELCC Standard 3.3 / The candidate’s understanding of how to creatively seek new fiscal, human or material resources to promote student safety and facilitate learning is thorough and complete. / The candidate’s understanding of how to creatively seek new fiscal, human or material resources to promote student safety and facilitate learning is substantial. / The candidate’s understanding of how to creatively seek new fiscal, human or material resources to promote student safety and facilitate learning is partial or incomplete. / The candidate demonstrates no understanding of how to creatively seek new fiscal, human or material resources to promote student safety and facilitate learning.
Defines the problem accurately
(Part 2) / The candidate articulates the main problem clearly and identifies potential barriers. / The candidate articulates the main problem, but identifies only some of the potential barriers. / The candidate articulates the main problem but identifies no potential barriers. / The candidate articulates neither the correct main problem nor any of the potential barriers.
Identifies the need to act with integrity
ELCC Standard 5.1 / The candidate clearly demonstrates a respect for the rights of others with regard to confidentiality & dignity and engagement in honest interactions. / The candidate adequately demonstrates a respect for the rights of others with regard to confidentiality & dignity and engagement in honest interactions. / The candidate only vaguely demonstrates a respect for the rights of others with regard to confidentiality & dignity and engagement in honest interactions. / The candidate does not demonstrate a respect for the rights of others with regard to confidentiality & dignity and engagement in honest interactions.
Identifies the need to act fairly
ELCC Standard 5.2 / The candidate clearly demonstrates the ability to combine impartiality and ethical considerations in interactions with others. / The candidate adequately demonstrates the ability to combine impartiality and ethical considerations in interactions with others. / The candidate only vaguely demonstrates the ability to combine impartiality and ethical considerations in interactions with others. / The candidate does not demonstrate the ability to combine impartiality and ethical considerations in interactions with others.
Identifies the need to act ethically
ELCC Standard 5.3 / The candidate consistently makes and explains decisions based on ethical and legal principles. / The candidate often makes and explains decisions based on ethical and legal principles. / The candidate seldom makes and explains decisions based on ethical and legal principles. / The candidate rarely makes and explains decisions based on ethical and legal principles.
EDG 668 – Personnel Administration Administrative Case Study 1