St. Dominic High School
Course Registration 2017-2018 School Year
Please complete this form carefully. Your child will be scheduled for the coming school year based upon the information provided.
Name ______
School Presently Attending______
Required Courses for Freshmen:
TheologyWorld Language
Global History 9Music
MathematicsPhysical Education
1. Is your student currently taking a Regents Math (Algebra) class and expected to take the Algebra Regents in June?(Student MUST pass the AlgebraRegents in order to advance to Geometry.)
*All students currently in Regents Algebra must take a placement test on Tuesday, May 23rd to determine placement in Geometry or Geometry Honors.
**All students currently in Math 8, must take a Mathematics placement exam on Saturday, March 25th to determine placement in Algebra or Algebra Honors.
2. Is your student currently taking Regents Earth Science orRegents Living Environmentand expected to take the Earth Science or Living Environment Regents this June?(Student MUST pass the Regents in order to advance to next course.)
*If yes, circle the course being taken: Earth Science Living Environment
3. Does your student wish to be considered for the STEM Program?
Note: All students wishing to be considered for the STEM program must take the qualifying exam on March 18th. Students will have the option to enroll in the STEM Scholars four year program, or take STEM electives based on their STEM entrance test score.
4. Does your student wish to be considered for honors placement in:
______English/Social Studies
Note: All students wishing to be considered for honors placement in English and Social Studies must take the qualifying/placement test for those subjects on March 18th.
5. Which language is your student currently taking?
______Spanish______Italian ______Other
6. What language does your student wish to study at St. Dominic H.S.?
7. If currently taking a language, does your student wish to be considered for placement in Level II of his/her current Foreign language?
*Note: Any student wishing to advance to a second-level language course must take the qualifying test for that languageon March 25th.
8. Does your student wish to audition for:
9. Does your student have an IEP/504 plan?
*If yes, does your student receive resource room?
*If yes, isyour student exempt from taking a foreign language?
*Please send a copy of your student’s IEP or 504 plan to Mrs. Milkowski by Friday, February 10th, 2017.