The Great Brotherhood of Light

Update – September 2016

My friends of ONE, I greet you, the Great Galactic Brotherhood of Light stands by your side, as well as in the vicinity of your planet, ready to intervene at any time, when our Mother intervenes. As you know, billions of accompanying friends are also ready for the Great Event.

The so much expected D-Day will activate everything that was planned for your safety. Hundreds, indeed thousands of spectators scattered everywhere patiently expect the final outcome. These aids, since we have to call them so, guarantee all your dimensional displacements likely to take place. We often repeated that you will be supported; well, the hour comes closer when each of you having received the visit of Mary will be accompanied in the most respectful manner towards their future, where their faith will have led them.

Now that you all know why we are so many present in your sky, please know that we will reveal ourselves on several occasions mainly when some physical disorders occur on the planet, for souls will need our services in order to fulfill their transition. However, please know that we will not create the chaos you might have encountered, for other forces are at play concerning this, as was described during the previous conversations of our Brothers the Ancients, to mention only the 4 Living in action.

Needless to say that life must continue her cycle, despite this huge increase in the expressions of Light and Her final installation in your world. The acceptance of quite unexpected phenomena is becoming more prevalent without causing fear or chaos, but rather creating surprise and joy, for in your hearts Love has taken place, allowing this last act to be finalized. It will soon be time to remove the curtain on this world of confinement ending in a possible tumult, for Earth is giving birth in order not to have to suffer any longer from the remoteness of the Source. You have lived many lives looking for this Love detained in the deepest of your heart. You will find Love again today, for most of you, and this makes us happy. For the great majority, the heart opens, or is already ajar, or is wide open, to receive the Ultimate, Christ.

So many attempts have been necessary to see you achieve your Return, dear children of ONE. So many tricks or substitutions were necessary to lead you to discover «who you are», for we had no other choice but acting so, taking into account your too great distance from the Source.

Many explanations were necessary so you can reveal to Yourself, for, since you did not know any more the way back, you had forgotten everything ! Dear children of Love, we love you so much, and already welcome you for your transition, for the most advanced of you.

The Mother is also preparing for the Great re-unification, so much and so much Love is spred towards you right now...

...Let us vibrate...

Half of the planet had to undergo changes in her environment. This is not new for anybody. But this may have to continue for some time, since some of our brothers and sisters have chosen to live their transition this way. We do not have to judge, your help is also requested under these circumstances, sometimes physically, by giving your support to the populations affected by floods, for instance, or tsunamis. Each ONE will take their position according to their evacuation plan.

It is not up to us to try and explain why some regions of your globe more often withstand the Elements in their phenomena. In your heart, a reply certainly emanated spontaneously. Indeed, some people will be more plagued than other ones, so is the free choice, still in effect, in certain hearts.

My friends, you probably will have a very different winter for some of you, for the ocean currents have been modified in several places, bringing cold where previously warmth prevailed. This will have a major impact for several regions, of course. You will thus have to undergo either sudden arrivals of exceptional heat in February or a very cold weather in July, as it already occured in certain places recently. You can see that Light makes Her way, She comes to correctly re-install Her presence in the physical as in the hearts. The Divine Will follows its way. The tribulations engendered by the Elements occur more and more. Be well centered in your hearts, dear children, for demonstrations of the dark forces also try to distract us in their attempt to maintain illusion. But we are not fools. We can see in their games and you too, can't you?

So, knowing that all this is reaching its end, there is no question we lower our guard and let fear reach our hearts. Each of you is well looked after and loved. Let Grace attend to everything. Go about your everyday activities the best you can, help if the opportunity arises, encourage a neighbour if Life places you in this kind of situation. Do not try to explain everything. We are no longer at this point. Let Love irradiate your heart, with all your being. This is your role, dear friends, first and before all. Your acceptance in peace will lead to a certain soothing state and consolation for the other person. This is why you have been informed of those very particular times. Your role of accompanying friend is much more important than you had planned, isn't it? This is part of your new assignment.

...Let us vibrate together...

Love is now part of your lives: welcoming as well as sharing this Love. Smile to Life, She offers you the best for the expansion of your Eternity. In very little time we will meet you again and will share your joy of the Return.

We are your galactic brothers and sisters of the Great Brotherhood of Light gathered in your heart.

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Greetings for translation to François Hagnéré

Remerciements pour la traductionà François Hagnéré