English 9A

Course Overview:

This course will examine the major archetypes of literature by studying their origins and evolution. Students will analyze and interpret different genres of writing through novels, short stories, narratives and poems. Through the examination of these works, and through additional genres, emphasis will be placed on the student’s continued mastery of the writing process, vocabulary and language mechanics.

This course will also prepare students for the Secondary Periodic Assessments (SPA) and California High School Exit Exam by focusing extensively on Persuasive Writing, Exposition and Literary Analysis.

The coursework is always guided by the state academic content standards, expected school-wide learning expectations and the focus of the Business and Interactive Technology Small-Learning Community.

All assignments and daily agendas can be found online, either at or at the specific class page at

Required Materials:

-  3-Ring Binder (with a separate section devoted to English Class)

-  Literature Textbook / Assigned Readings

-  Silent Reading Material

-  Flash Drive

-  Working Email Address (LAUSD or otherwise)

Grading Scale:

Grades will reflect all work including Dispatch Assignments, Journals, Class Work, Homework, Literary Analysis, Essays, Quizzes and Class Participation/Behavior. Grades will be calculated on a point-based system where major assignments/benchmarks count for the majority of your grade. The system, based on overall point totals for the semester, is as follows: 90-100% = A; 80-89%= B; 70-79%= C; 60-69%= D; 59% and lower= Fail.

Students with excessive absences and a multitude of incomplete assignments risk a failing grade/incomplete in the course.

Most assignments are graded with a standard 4-point rubric.

Late work WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Make-up work and extra credit will be posted online for students to complete in a timely manner.

Class Rules:

1)  Students are expected to follow all school rules

2)  No eating or gum chewing

3)  No electronics (cell phones, IPods, etc)

4)  Respect yourself, the teacher, your classmates and the classroom

5)  Follow the Acceptable Use Policy when working on computers.

Students are expected to be on-time and prepared for class every day. Tardies, violations of class or school rules and lacking necessary materials may result in detention notices.

Three detention notices in a semester may result in an unsatisfactory grade in work habits and cooperation. Students who receive three detention notices are also required to attend a parent conference and/or conference with the Dean / Counselor.

Students with incomplete detention notices are also subject to an incomplete grade in the class.

Violations of the LAUSD Acceptable Use Policy may result in suspension or in extreme cases, expulsion.

Please note that all homework, major class assignments and extra credit will be posted on the school website at (Click on the Business and Interactive Technology link from the home page, then go to the Staff link, then click on Mr. Hallis to find the class period).

I am available to students and parents every morning before school, during my conference period, and by appointment.

I can be contacted at with any questions.


I understand and agree with the policies and regulations stated.

Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______

Student Email: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Email: ______
