Undergraduate Affiliate Program in Political Studies 2008/09
Gender and Politics
Teaching: 10 hours of lectures, 10 hours of seminars
Credits: 0.5 Course Units/ 4 US Credits/ 7.5 ECTS Credits
Lecture Times: TBC
Seminar Times:TBC
Assessment: Two 2,000 word essays (40/60%)
Essay Deadlines:Essay One: Monday 23 February 2009 at 2pm Essay Two: Monday 23March 2009 at 2pm
Office Hours:TBC
Course Outline: Gender and Politics
This course provides an overview of some key topics in politics and gender. The first part of the course includes some introductory theory, looks at the impact of gender on citizenship and voting behaviour, and considers whether the gender of our political representatives matters, how we might ensure that political institutions are gender balanced and what the normative arguments about the use of positive action measures are. The second part of the course has a more international flavour, considering women’s rights and human rights, the importance of gender in international development, and the role of gender in armed conflict. We will also look at gender ‘policy machinery’, such as specialist government departments and quangos concerned with women and equality, at both the national and international level. Throughout the course we will seek to focus on ‘gender’ rather than on ‘women’, though in most cases women are the underrepresented sex. We will therefore often discuss women’s equality, though we will also touch on the role of masculinity and men’s movements.
By the end of the course the students will:
- be familiar with some of the basic theories and policy questions around politics and gender;
- be able to critically assess the arguments for and against greater gender equality in different political institutions, and the mechanisms for achieving this;
- have a sound understanding of the role of gender in civil society and political participation;
- understand some of the key issues regarding gender in international relations, particularly with respect to development and to conflict;
- have been exposed to the arguments of key commentators on each of the above points;
- have studied in depth at least two questions in politics and gender, and be able to communicate these through essays and/or presentations.
Course Structure
Week 1History of feminism, feminist political thought and masculinism (extended lecture)
Week 2Gendering politics
Week 3Gender and political behaviour
Week 4Women’s representation in elected office: does it matter?
Week 5Quotas, positive discrimination and positive action
Week 6Gender policy machinery and ‘mainstreaming’
Week 7Gendered states and the gendered international
Week 8Gender and armed conflict
Week 9Gender and human rights
Week 10Gender and development
Lectures and presentations
Each week there will be an introductory lecture and general discussion on a different subject, as listed below, in the first hour. The other hour will be given over to student presentations and discussion arising from the presentations and the recommended reading. Seminars will discuss the previous week’s topic.
A suggested list of presentation topics will be circulated as a handout in the first week of class. Students will be asked to sign upfor one or two topic they would like to present. Depending on numbers in the class everyone will be expected to give either one or twopresentations. The standard time for a presentation is 10 minutes or, where there are two presenters in a class, 15 minutes between two. Note that you will be kept to time!
Presentations on a topic will be held on the week after the lecture. So, for example, in week 2 we will have a lecture ongendering politics, and the presentations and discussion in the seminar will be on the introductory topics from week 1.
How to use this reading list
The list below includes some general indications of appropriate books and journals, and then a detailed list for each week. You are not expected to read everything on the list,but you should do some reading each week, and come prepared to discuss what you have read with others in the class. You should aim to spend around five hours reading for the class each week, which should be enough to read at least three chapters and articles. On top of this you will need to read for your presentation/s and essays.
Each week there are‘recommended‘ readings listed. To prepare for the class you should generally start here, and read at least 2-3 items. Many of these are available electronically, but as not everybody will access all the readings we will co-ordinate this in class. You may be asked to summarise what you have read for others. You are therefore advised to take notes on your reading before the class which will then also be useful later for your essays.
The ‘additional’ reading will allow you to explore a topic further, particularly if you are preparing a presentation or essay. When preparing your presentation or essay you are also encouraged to seek out further reading beyond that included on the list, for example to include case studies of a particular political system with which you are familiar. Some recommendations for further sources are listed in ‘general reading’, below. You will also want to follow up references in the other books, articles or reports that you have read.
Most of the reading is available in UCL library, although there are only limited copies of books. Most of the journals from which articles are recommended are available online. The online teaching collection also contains chapters from some of the key books,but licences permit us to digitise only one chapter from each book, and most additional readings have not been digitised. You should therefore visit the library regularly as well as reading items online. Many items are also held in Senate House library, SSEES, SOAS and at LSE library.
Assessed essays
The course is assessed on the basis of two essays, each contributing 50% to the overall course mark. The essay length is 2,000 words (including footnotes but excluding bibliography).
Essays should be based on the questions included at the top of the reading list for each week’s class (and may be on a topic on which you have given a presentation to the class). Exceptionally other questions may be used, but students must agree any change of title with the tutor in advance.
Essay 1 should be based on a question from week 1-5 and is due by Monday 23 Februaryat 2pm.
Essay 2 should be based on a question from week 6-10 and is due byMonday23Marchat 2pm.
Note that the tutor is happy to look at essay outlines in advance, but these must be submitted at least two weeks before the essay deadline.
You will find useful guidance for writing and presenting essays on the SPP student website These guidelines are designed to help you, and you should read them carefully and do your best to follow them. You will be penalised, for example, for inappropriate or inadequate referencing, insufficient evidence of reading, unclear language or a poorly structured essay. Plagiarism is also taken extremely seriously and can disqualify you from the degree (for details of what constitutes plagiarism see If in doubt about any of this, ask the tutor.
Provisional Core Reading List
There is no single text that adequately covers all of the issues on the course. Much of the reading will be from journals, and chapters in specialist books. There are however a few general books with chapters on the recommended list for several weeks of the course, as listed below. You may want to purchase one or two of these. In practice, however, you may find it best to read (and if necessary photocopy) key chapters from books in the library.
- Blakeley, G. and Bryson, V. (eds.) (2007) The Impact of Feminism on Political Concepts and Debates. Manchester: Manchester University Press. -
- Judith Squires (2007). The New Politics of Gender Equality. Basingstoke: Palgrave. -
- Joni Lovenduski (2005). Feminising Politics. Cambridge: Polity. + (3 holdings)
- Louise Chappell and Lisa Hill (eds.) (2006). The Politics of Women’s Interests. London: Routledge.–
- Phillips, A. (ed.) (1998). Feminism and Politics. (Oxford: Oxford University Press) + (1)
- Randall, V. and Waylen, G. (eds.) (1998). Gender, Politics and the State. (New York: Routledge) + (2)
- Stevens, A. (2007). Women Power and Politics. (Basingstoke: Palgrave) + (1)
- Stokes, W. (2005). Women in Contemporary Politics. (Cambridge: Polity) + (2)
Some specialist journals likely to be used on the course include:
- European Journal of Women’s Studies (-)
- Feminist Review (+: 1979 onwards)
- Feminist Studies (+: 1972 onwards)
- Feminist Theory (+: 2000 onwards)
- Gender and Development (+ 1995 onwards)
- Gender and Society (+: 1987 onwards)
- International Feminist Journal of Politics (+: 1999 onwards)
- Journal of Gender Studies (+: 1999 onwards)
- Men and Masculinities (+: 1999 onwards)
- Politics and Gender (-)
There are also several Special Issues of Parliamentary Affairs on gender issues that may be of interest. Some of the most recent are:
- Parliamentary Affairs 49 (1). 1996.
- Parliamentary Affairs 55 (1). 2002.
- Parliamentary Affairs 61 (3). 2008.
Week 1: History of Feminism,Feminist Political Thought and Masculinism
Recommended Reading
- Beasley, C. (1999) What is Feminism: An Introduction to Feminist Theory. London: Sage +(1)
- Bryson, V. (1999) Feminist Debates: Issues of Theory and Political Practice. London: Macmillan. + (1)
- Bryson, V. (2003) Feminist Political Thought: An Introduction. London: Macmillan. + (1)
- Connell, R. W. (2005) ‘Change among the Gatekeepers: Men, Masculinities, and Gender Equality in the Global Arena.’ Journal of Women in Culture and Society 30:3
- Durst-Lahti, G. (2008) Politics, Gender and Concepts: Theory and Methodology. Chapter 8 ‘Gender ideology: masculinism and feminalism’, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (KW)
- Durst-Lahti, G. (2008) Politics, Gender and Concepts: Theory and Methodology. Chapter 10 ‘Women’s movements, feminism, and feminist movements’, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (KW)
- Gross, E. (1992) ‘What is Feminist Theory?’ in Crowley, H. and Himmelweit, S., Knowing Women: Feminism and Knowledge. Cambridge: Polity Press. +(2)
- Squires, J. (1999). Gender in Political Theory. Cambridge: Polity. + (2)
- Weldon, S. L. Politics, Gender and Concepts: Theory and Methodology. Chapter 9 ‘Intersectionality’, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Presentation topics (for week 2 seminar):
- What does ‘the personal is political’ mean and what relevance does it have in the 21st century? (Essay title)
- Select a debate from ‘Does Feminism Discriminate against Men?’ present a summary of the argument and your opinion on the subject.
- Evaluate the contributions of the feministresearch approachto political science. (Essay title)
Additional Reading
- Bourque, S. and Grossholtz, J. (1974) ‘Politics an Unnatural Practice: Political Science Looks at Women’s Participation’, Politics and Society 4 (2): 225-266. Or in Phillips, A. (ed.) (1998) Feminism and Politics. Oxford: OUP. +, +(2)
- Brod, H. (1987) The making of masculinities: the new men's studies. Boston: Allen & Unwin. -
- Butler, J. and Scott, J. (eds.) Feminists Theorize the Political. New York: Routledge. +(2)
- Carver, T. (1998) ‘A Political Theory of Gender: perspectives on the “universal subject” ‘ in Randall, V. and Waylen, G. (eds.) Gender, Politics and the State. New York: Routledge. +(2)
- Charli Carpenter, R. (2002) ‘Gender Theory in World Politics: Contributions of a Non-Feminist Standpoint’, International Studies Review 4 (3): 153-66. +
- Evans, J. et al (1986) Feminism and Political Theory. London: Sage +(1)
- Evans, J. (1995) Feminist Theory Today. London: Sage. +(1)
- Farrell, W. with Svobada, S. (2008) Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men? A Debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Frazer, E. (1998) ‘Feminism and Political Theory’ in Jackson, S. and Jones, J. (eds.), Contemporary Feminist Theories. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. +(1)
- Krook, M.L. and Squires, J ‘Gender Quotas in British Politics: Multiple Approaches and Methods in Feminist Research’. (2006)British Politics Issue 1. +
- Martin, P.M. (2004) ‘Contextualising Feminist Political Theory’ in Staeheli, L.A. et al (eds.) Mapping Women, Making Politics. London: Routledge +(1)
- Nagy Hesse-Biber, S. (2007)Handbook of feminist research: theory and praxis. Thousand Oaks, Calif.:Sage Publications. -
- Nagy Hesse-Biber, S. (2007)Feminist Research Practice: A PrimerThousand Oaks, Calif.:Sage Publications. -
- Randall, Vicky (2002) Theories and Methods in Political Science (2nd ed.) Marsh, D. and Stoker, G. (eds.) ‘Feminism’, Basingstoke, Palgrave-MacMillan. (KW)
- Shanley, M.L. and Pateman, C. (eds.) (1991) Feminist Interpretations and Political Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press. +(1)
- Zerilli, L. (1991) ‘Machiavelli’s Sisters: Women and the “Conversation” of Political Theory’, Political Theory 19 (2): 252-276. +
Week 2: Gendering politics
Recommended Reading
- Annesley, C., Gains, F. and Rummery, K. (eds.) (2007) Women and New Labour. London: Policy Press. Chapter 2 ‘Engendering Politics? Theoretical Underpinnings: Women, Gender, Feminising and Politics.’ +(1)
- Fukuyama, F. (1998) ‘Women and the Evolution of World Politics’, Foreign Affairs 77 (5): 24-39. +
- Lovenduski, J. (2005) ‘Introduction’ in Lovenduski, J. Feminizing Politics. Cambridge: Polity Press. +(3)
- Paxton, P. and Hughes, M. (2007) ‘Introduction to Women in Politics’ in Paxton, P. and Hughes, M. Women, Politics and Power. London: Pine Forge Press. +(1)
- Stokes, W. (2005).‘Feminist Theory and Women’s Political Activism’ in Stokes, W. Women in Contemporary Politics. Cambridge: Polity + (2)
- Sapiro, V. (1998) ‘Feminist Studies and Political Science- and Vice-Versa’ in Phillips, A. (ed.)Feminism and Politics, pp. 55-76. +
- Waylen, G. (1998) ‘Gender, Feminism and the State: an Overview’ in Randall, V. and Waylen, G. (eds.)Gender, Politics and the State. New York: Routledge. +(2)
Presentation topics (for week 3 seminar):
- Read ‘Mapping Gender and Politics Concepts: Ten Guidelines’ (Goertz, G. and Mazur, A. (2008) Politics, Gender, and Concepts: Theory and Methodology. Select two of their guidelines, present them and why you selected them.
Additional reading
- Carver, T. (1996) Gender is Not a Synonym for Women. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Press. -
- Connell, R.W. and Messerschmidt, J.W. (2005) ‘Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept’, Gender and Society 19: 829-859. +
- Firestone, S. (1970). The Dialectic of Sex. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. -
- Hearn, J. (2004) ‘From Hegemonic Masculinity to the Hegemony of Men’, Feminist Theory 5 (1): 49-72. +
- Moi, T. (1999) ‘What is A Woman: Sex, Gender and the Body in Feminist Theory’, in What is a Woman? And Other Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press + (3 holdings)
Week 3: Gender and political behaviour
Recommended Reading
- Beckwith, K. (2000) ‘Beyond Compare? Women’s Movements in Comparative Perspective’, European Journal of Political Research 37 (4) 431-468. +
- Campbell, R. (2006) Gender and the Vote in Britain: Beyond the Gender Gap? Chapter 1 ‘Why Gender and Voting Behaviour? Feminist Theory and Other Accounts’ and Chapter 3 ‘Gender Ideology and Issue Preference’, Colchester: ECPR Press (KW)
- Campbell, R and Childs S. (2008) Women and British Party Politics: Descriptive, Substantive and Symbolic Representation. Chapter 1 ‘Women’s Political Participation and Voting’, London: Routledge. +
- Norris, P. and Inglehart, R. (2000) ‘The Developmental Theory of the Gender Gap: Women and Men’s Voting Behaviour in Global Perspective’. International Political Science Review 21 (4): 441-462. +
- Stevens, A. (2007) Women Power and Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Chapters: 2 ‘Women as Citizens’, 3 ‘Women as Voters’ and 7 ‘Feminism Participation and Activism’. +(1)
Presentation topics (for week 4 seminar):
- Summarise and evaluate the findings of Winters, K. and Campbell, R. (2007) ‘Hearts or Minds? Leader Evaluations by Men and Women in the General Election’ in Political Communications: The General Election Campaign of 2005. Wring et al (eds). +
- Briefly summarise the ‘gender gap’ in the 2008 American presidential election. Evaluate whether the term ‘gender gap’ adequately describes men and women’s voting preferences. (Essay title)
Additional reading: General/Citizenship
- Dietz, M. (1998) ‘Context is All: Feminism and Theories of Citizenship’ in Phillips, A. (ed.) Feminism and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press + (1)
- Mouffe, C. (1992) ‘Feminism, Citizenship and Radical Democratic Politics’ in Butler, J. and Scott, J. (eds.)Feminist Theorize the Political. London: Routledge. +(2)
- Nash, K. (1998) ‘Beyond Liberalism? Feminist Theories of Democracy’ in Randall, V. and Waylen, G. (eds.)Gender, Politics and the State. London: Routledge. +(2)
- Pateman, C. (1989) ‘Feminism and Democracy’ in The Disorder of Women. Cambridge: Polity Press. + (1)
- Prokhovnik, R. (1998) ‘Public and Private Citizenship: from Gender Invisibility to Feminist Inclusiveness’, Feminist Review 60 (1): 84-104. +
- Young, I.M. (1998) ‘Polity and Group Difference: A Critique of the Ideal of Universal Citizenship’ in Phillips, A. (ed.) Feminism and Politics. Oxford: OUP. +(1)
Additional reading: Women’s Movements
- Fairhurst, J., Ramudsintela, M. and Bob, U. (2004) ‘Social Movements, Gender and Resistance’ in Staeheli, L.A. et al (eds.)Mapping Women, Making Politics. London: Routledge. +(1)
- Molyneux, M. (1998) ‘Analysing Women’s Movements’, Development and Change 29 (2): 219-245. +
- Paxton, P., Hughes, M., and Green, J., (2006) ‘The International Women’s Movement and Women’s Political Representation, 1893-2003.’American Sociological Review (71):898-920. +
- Rowbotham, S. (1992) Women in Movement: Feminism and Social Action. Especially part IV. London: Routledge +(2)
- Scholzman, K.L., Burns, N. and Verba, S. (1994) ‘Gender and The Pathways to Participation: The Role of Resources’, The Journal of Politics 56(4): 963-990. -
- Sparks, H. (1997) ‘Dissident Citizenship: Democratic Theory, Political Courage, and Activist Women’, Hypatia 12 (4): 74-110. +
Additional reading: Voting
- Campbell, R. and Lovenduski, J. (2005). ‘Winning Women’s Votes?’ Parliamentary Affairs, 58 (4): 837-853. +
- Campbell, R. (2004). ‘Gender, Ideology and Issue Preference’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 6 (1): 20-44. +
- Conover, P.J., (1988) ‘Feminists and the Gender Gap’, Journal of Politics 50: 985-1010. +
- Dolan, K. (1998) ‘Voting for Women in the “Year of the Woman”‘, American Journal of Political Science 42 (1): 272-93. +
- Fraser, E. and MacDonald, K. (2003) ‘Sex Differences in Political Knowledge in Britain’, Political Studies 51 (1): 67-83 +
- Inglehart, R., Norris, P. and Welzel, C. (2002), ‘Gender Equality and Democracy’, Comparative Sociology 1 (3-4): 321-346. Available at +
- Hill, L. (2006) ‘Women’s Interests and Political Orientations: the gender voting gap in three industrialised settings’ in Hill, L. and Chappell, L. (eds.)The Politics of Women’s Interests. London: Routledge. -
- Sapiro, V. and Conover, P.J. (1997) ‘The Variable Gender Basis of Electoral Politics: Gender and Politics in the 1992 US Election’, British Journal of Political Science 27: 497-523. +
- Shapiro, R.Y. and Mahajan, H. (1986) ‘Gender Differences in Policy Preferences: A Summary of Trends from the 1960s to the 1980s’, Public Opinion Quarterly 50: 42-61. +
- Stokes, W. (2005) ‘Voting and Elections: Background Information’ and ‘Getting and Using The Vote’ in Stokes, W. Women in Contemporary Politics. Cambridge: Polity Press. +(2)
- Verba, S., Burns, N., and Schlozman, K. L. (1997) ‘Knowing and Caring About Politics: Gender and Political Engagement’, Journal of Politics 59: 1051-72. +
- Welch, S. (1997) ‘Women as Political Animals? A Test of Some Explanations for Male-Female Political Participation Differences’, American Journal of Political Science 4: 711-30. +
- Wirls, D. (1986) ‘Reinterpreting the Gender Gap’, Public Opinion Quarterly 50: 181-99. +
Week 4: Women’s representation in elected office: does it matter