DS1500s explained
This short brief is intended to help medical professionals and other practitioners understand the purpose and importance of the DS1500 form and the impact it can have when supporting patients.
What is a DS1500?
A DS1500 is a form that may be requested by patients or their representatives that sets out some medical facts relating to people with cancer (and other progressive, life limiting conditions).
Terminal illness is defined in Social Security legislation as: 'a progressive disease where death as a consequence of that disease can reasonably be expected within 6 months'. If a patient is suffering from such an illness can claim certain benefits under what are termed as 'special rules'.
The DS1500 sets out the patientscondition, clinical findings, treatment, date of diagnosis and date of form completion. It is a medical factual report and it is usually valid for 3 years.
It is used to help patients accessing certain welfare benefits through fast track routes, meaning they are able to be paid their entitlements much quicker and without the usual claiming requirements. This is particularly important when the patient is very unwell. It also enables the patient and their family access other forms of financial support which can include including drawing down on insurance and life policies and/or pension funds.
What it is not?
The DS1500 does not mean that the medical professional completing it will be held to account if the patientsprognosis and outcome is better than expected. For example, a patient may respond well to treatment and survives the 6 month period.
As mentioned above, DS1500s last for 3 years and if used to claim benefits, a review of the benefit claim will occur before the end of that 3 year period. If another DS1500 is appropriate then it can be requested and sent to support any further claims.
That the patient has had a better outcome than expected, does not reflect on the medical professional completing the form, nor does it detract from the effect and purpose of a DS1500.
Who can complete them?
Only certain people can complete the DS1500 form.
These are usually doctors and consultants although some Clinical Nurse Specialists other professionals also can complete them.There is also a fee payable for completing them – but this is for a limited group of medical professionals – see below.
Guidance is available from DWP on completing and obtaining DS1500 forms and getting paid. This guidance can be found via the link below
The pertinent sections are 2.7 detailing the completion of the form, where to get more blank forms and how to submit electronically; and section 3.2.7 which explains who else can complete medical factual reports. These sections have been reproduced at Appendix A
How does it help patients?
As mentioned above, the form is valuable in terms of helping patients and their families access a variety of forms of support much more quickly.
However, some surgeries send the DS1500 off to the DWP direct and this can be even if there is no claim involved. These forms can get lost and vitaltime can be lost to the cost of the patients. The DWP also change postal processes and centres and sometimes forms are sent to the wrong address - again being lost for some time.
Some surgeries have older practices whereby they send DS1500 forms direct to the Macmillan Team. This can cause a number of issues in terms of tracking down information on clients that may not be known to us. And, from time to time, other agencies will have already been supporting that patient and the position gets complicated as you might appreciate. And, again, valuable time can be lost unpickingthese cases.
It is preferable that if you are going to issue a DS1500, it might be better to issue it and advise the client/families to seek advice on their benefits. This can be us (and we can let you have some of our cards) or an advice agency of the clients choice.
We understand that your time is valuable and you and your practices can be very busy, and when we or another agency requests a DS1500 for a client, it can take some time to organise. However, advice agencies such as ours have experienced delays of up to 4-5 weeks in getting the form, with the client missing out on benefit in the meantime. So please let us know how we canhelp you help our shared clients.
Appendix A – Extract from DWP guidance
2.7 DS1500 report form
2.7.1 Background
Your patient or their representative may ask you to complete form DS1500 if they think they are terminally ill. The form can be used for UC, ESA, PIP, DLA or AA claims and will ensure that they are dealt with rapidly under special provisions.
The completed report should either be handed to the patient or their representative or it can be sent directly to the DWP.
2.7.2 Obtaining Blank DS1500 Forms
Requests need to be made by completing the DS 1500 Order Form which can be obtained by ringing the iON Contact Centre on 0845 850 0475 and either faxing your order on headed notepaper to 0845 850 0479 or emailing it to . If you have any questions about this, please ring the iON Contact Centre on 0845 850 0475.
2.7.3 Electronic Submission of DS1500 (England and Scotland) – Personal Independence Payment only
You may complete form DS1500 and the fee form electronically and submit them to DWP by using the NHSmail system. DWP can provide you with an electronic PDF version of the DS1500 and DS1500 fee form, please provide the following information by e-mail from your current NHS.net e-mail address:
•Your NHS.net e-mail address or addresses
•Your surgery/hospital/office postal address and telephone number
- A list of medical professionals using the same NHS.net e-mail address who complete the DS1500 and/or DS1500 fee form
•Please advise where you require the DS1500 and DS1500 fee form, or the DS1500 ONLY
•Send these details to:-
Do not encrypt any part of the e-mail. GSI.GOV.UK is a secure e-mail domain, as identified by the NHS. Any e-mail from a non-NHS.net account will be automatically deleted.
If you do not have an NHS.net e-mail address, contact your local IT helpdesk to request an account. More information can be found at
2.7.4 Specific Questions
DS1500 – parts 1 to 3
The DS1500 asks for factual information and should contain details of:
•Diagnosis and other relevant conditions
•Whether the patient is aware of their condition and/or prognosis, or if unaware, the name and address of the patient’s representative requesting the DS1500
•Clinical features which indicate a severe progressive condition (examination findings and results of investigations including staging if appropriate)
•Relevant treatment including response and planned treatment/interventions that may significantly alter the prognosis
DS1500 – fee form
Fees for completing the DS1500 can be claimed by a GP or GMC registered consultant using the DS1500 fee form. Completion of the DS1500 can be delegated (see section 3.2.7) but payment can only be made to a GP or GMC registered consultant if they have authorised the DS1500 by signing at the end. MacMillan nurses, Nurse Specialists and practice nurses cannot claim a fee.
3.2.7 Delegation of completion of reports
It is acceptable for GPs to delegate completion of the ESA113, FRR2, PIP or DLA/AA factual report to your practice nurse. However, you must confirm your authorisation by signing at the end.
No fee is payable to NHS doctors working in hospital for completion of PIP or DLA/AA factual reports.
Macmillan nurses, Nurse Specialists and practice nurses can complete the DS1500, but only GPs and GMC registered consultants may claim a fee.
DS1500s explained 5 August 2016 1