VII Summer Colloquium on Plant Ecophysiology
Parque Katalapi, Pichiquillaipe, Chile
January 21-23, 2012
General information for participants:
- Language: Presentations should be preferably in English. All slides should also be self sufficient and in English. If you desire to make your presentation in Spanish, please consult the organizer.
- Presentations time: a) Short communications: 10 min and 5 for discussion; Short lectures: 20 min and 10 for discussion; Conferences: 40 min and 20 for discussion. The program will be sent to participants by December 15.
- Registration costs: This registration will cover food and lodging from lunch on Saturday 21 until lunch on Monday 23. Professionals will pay $70.000 (Chilean pesos) and students $45.000. Without lodging in the park, professionals will pay $40.000 and students $20.000. Extra meals will cost $5000 c/u and breakfast $1500. Those arriving earlier than January 20 or stay in Katalapi after January 23 should pay $15.000 (pesos) per additional day.
- Lodging for students: Students will be assigned to dormitories within the park. All students must bring sleeping bags. If some students want to pay a lower registration fee, camping facilities are available (consult prices).
- Lodging for other participants: Unless there exists a specific request from the participant, the type of lodging will be assigned by the organizer. Most rooms are quadruple.
- Payment of the registration fee: Payment should be made by December 10 by direct payment or bank transfer to: Luis Corcuera, Rut 5170015-5, account 160-13571-00, Banco de Chile. Please send a copy of your deposit to . International participants may pay during the firs day of the Colloquium. Luis Corcuera (Office phone 41-2203586/mobile 92490228).
- Web page: If you wish to know more about Parque Katalapi, please visit our web page:
- For international participants: January is considered high season for traveling in Chile. For this reason, remember to buy air tickets before August to avoid overcharges for high season.
Instrucciones para llegar a Pichiquillaipe en automóvil:Llega a la plaza de Puerto Montt y sigue por la costanera hacia Pelluco o Caleta La Arena. La carretera Austral parte en la Plaza de Puerto Montt. Después de Pelluco vienen varios pueblos (Coihuín, Chamiza y Piedra Azul). Casi al llegar al km 18 está Pichiquillaipe, que no es un pueblo, sino un sector. Alli, hacia la izquierda, hay un letrero que dice Chocolatería Los Ulmos de Quillaipe. Toma ese camino. Después de unos 500 m el camino se bifurca; toma hacia la derecha. Unos doscientos metros más allá está el portón del Parque Katalapi. Si te pierdes, pregunta por la casa de Don Ricardo Hernández, quien es el cuidador del parque. A él lo conocen todos. Si necesitas transporte especial, comunícate con Luis Corcuera
Puerto Montt
Universidad de Concepción Parque Katalapi
Teléfono móvil de Luis Corcuera: 92490228