Chabot College

Course Outline for Psychology-Counseling 39, Page 1

October 1999


Chabot CollegeApril, 1993

Course Outline for Psychology-Counseling 39


Catalog Description:

39 – The Confident Student1 units

Develop and review study skill techniques for becoming a confident student and to work towards college success. Emphasis on motivation on learning, time management, personal learning style, active listening, improving memory, critical thinking, note-taking, test-taking, confidence builders and managing stress. 1 hour.

Prerequisite Skills:


Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course the student should be able to demonstrate:

  1. Awareness of personal style
  2. Awareness of personal motivational patterns
  3. Improved skill in active listening
  4. Improved note-taking
  5. Techniques to improve critical thinking skills
  6. Knowledge of good study habits
  7. Use of effective test-taking strategies
  8. Understanding steps involved in problem solving
  9. Effective time management skills
  10. Ways to strengthen concentration and memory
  11. Practical strategies on stress management and test anxiety

Course Content

  1. Individual exploration of learning style, motivation, and attitudes;
  2. Introduction of programmed materials in specific skill area;
  3. Active listening;
  4. Note-taking;
  5. System of note-taking
  6. Modeling of note-taking;
  7. Practice of note-taking;
  8. Feedback on students’ use of note-taking systems;
  9. Test-taking strategies—subjective and objective;
  10. Textbook review system—survey, question, read, recite, review;
  11. Understanding instructor style and adjusting to instructional techniques;
  12. Creative analysis and problem solving;
  13. Time Management;
  14. Use of peer study groups;
  15. Memory improvement techniques;
  16. Techniques to improve concentration;
  17. Effective use of visuals, charts, graphs;
  18. Individual feedback;
  19. Relaxation and anxiety control;
  20. Overview of students’ strategies to academic success.

Methods of Presentation:

  1. Lecture
  2. Small group discussion
  3. Class activities
  4. Writing assignments
  5. Quizzes

Typical Assignments

  1. Create a study system, using textbook, notes, and time-line for study outside of class.
  2. Collaborative learning exercise with small groups of students where each student participates in varying roles to research a particular strategy in learning to learn.
  3. Writing and reading exercises to develop critical thinking skills.
  4. Take tests to demonstrate knowledge of material covered in the course.

Methods of Evaluation:

  1. Participation in class activities
  2. Class exercises
  3. Assignments
  4. Written
  5. Oral Communication
  6. Quizzes
  7. Attendance

Textbook(s) (Typical):

  1. The Confident Student, Kanar, Carol C., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1998
  2. Chabot College Student Handbook. 1999

Special Student Materials:


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