
Course Outline for Business 50M, page 2

Fall 2008

ChabotCollegeFall 2008

Course Outline for Business 50M


Catalog Description:

50M – Workplace Diversity 1 unit

Tips and tools to value and manage diversity in the workplace. Overview of theoretical and legal perspectives, dimensions of diversity, the impact of diversity on the workplace. Case studies to acknowledge differences and successfully build relationships with people of diverse backgrounds. 1 hour.
[Typical contact hours: 17.5]

Prerequisite Skills:


Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  1. relate theoretical and legal perspectives of diversity;
  2. differentiate among diversity dimensions, layers, and current diversity legislation;
  3. assess positive and negative impact of diversity on the workplace;
  4. understand current practices in diversity management and training and evaluate some of those practices;
  5. analyze case studies on workplace diversity;
  6. assess his/her own perceptions and stereotypes.

Course Content:

  1. A theoretical perspective of diversity: definitions, dimensions, diversity wheel, and four layers of diversity
  2. A legal perspective of diversity: legislature, protected classes, history, present, and the future
  3. Diversity management and training in organizations: successes and failures
  4. Case studies on successes and failures of workplace diversity
  5. Skill development: analyzing self, understanding differences, assessing organizations

Methods of presentation:

  1. Lecture/discussion
  2. Case studies analysis and presentations
  3. Questionnaires and self-assessments
  4. Interviews
  5. Independent library and internet research
  6. Videos and film segments

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

  1. Typical assignments
  1. Complete a homophobia quiz at Write a reflection paper (1-1.5 pages). Address whether you agree/disagree with the results of the quiz, your feelings while taking the quiz, the validity of the questions asked.
  2. Access the PBS’ website on the issues of race at Complete exercises in Sorting People, Take a Human Diversity quiz, and study the Race Timeline. In small groups of 3-4 students discuss the following questions:
  3. Name three things that surprised you in exploration of various racial dimensions through the website and the quiz.
  4. List advantages and disadvantages of racial diversity to a workplace. Think of the market, management, employees, customers.
  5. As a team, look up one current (2005 or later) legal case involving racial diversity. Prepare a 5-7 minute presentation of your findings to the class
  6. Prepare a written report on diversity initiatives of leading US businesses. Research the websites of two companies from the list of top 20 at

2.Methods of Evaluating Student Progress

  1. Discussion boards
  2. Written assessments: reflection papers, article summaries, position paper, video case analysis
  3. Case analyses
  4. Exams
  5. Presentations
  6. Final exam

Textbook(s) Typical:

  1. Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory, Cases, and Exercises, Kathryn A. Canas & Harris Sondak, Prentice Hall,2007, ISBN 978-013-1343061
  2. Diversity in Organizations, Myrtle P. Bell, Thomson / Southwestern, 2007, ISBN 9780324302578

Special Student Materials:


DK Aug07

Bus50M course outline.doc