Course Outline 2016 – 2017for English 10Honors

Mrs. Martino

This course is for students who have academicintegrity and a strongworkethic, attend school regularly, and who would like a challenging, rigorous curriculum. The curriculum throughout the year is driven by the NY State Common Core Learning Standards ( with a focus on the 11th Grade Regents Exam, the SAT, and presenting students with higher-level texts and assignments that foster critical thinking. Students will be required to read, write, listen, and speak on an advanced, independent level. In addition, students must be organized, for they will be working on various tasks simultaneously.

Course Requirements & Expectations:

  • Students must maintain an overall class average of 87 to remain in the Honors program; students must maintain a 90% attendance rate.
  • No late work will be accepted for credit.Students who are absent must submit their assignments and take any missed quizzes/tests on the day of their return.
  • Students should check my Teacher Webpage daily to obtain assignments, handouts, and class information.
  • Students will be expected to use their MHS Google account for email use of Google Drive throughout the year: Student Log-In: first name.last Student Password: s# 6 Digit Student ID
  • Students should be in their seats and prepared to learn when the bell rings.
  • Students should be respectful to others.
  • Students should assume responsibility for their own learning.

Reading: Students will be required to read, comprehend, analyze, and respond to texts on an independent and advanced level. While we read one major work as a class, students will often be required to read a work independently as well. Students will read either the entire text or passages from any/all of the texts listed below

  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  • Lord of the Flies by William Golding
  • A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
  • Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
  • Animal Farm by George Orwell
  • The Crucible by Arthur Miller
  • Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
  • Animal Farm by George Orwell
  • Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose
  • Short Selections from Holt Elements of Literature textbook *Students have Internet access to the textbook at
  • Various nonfiction articles from The New York Times
  • Historical speeches
  • Texts for Independent Reading: Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers, Black and White by Paul Volponi, A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks, Bleachers by John Grisham, A Time to Kill by John Grisham

In addition to the full-length reading selections, students will often receive a Weekly Homework Packet everyMonday. Students will read and annotate the articles and readings in the packet and in order to be prepared for a quiz on Friday.

Writing: This course is writing intensive; students will write for a variety of purposes on a regular basis. Honors students will complete all departmental writing requirements in addition to class assignments that foster critical thinking and analytical skills.

  • Departmental Requirements:Students will complete for Departmental CommonTasks throughout the course of the year: Text Analysis Response (fiction), Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary (Word of the Week), Emulation of Author’s Style Project, Text Analysis Response (nonfiction). The grades attained on these four tasks will count towards students’ mid-term and finalexam grades for the year.
  • In addition to Common Tasks, students will also complete writing assignments that foster critical thinking/analysis in order to prepare them for SAT, AP, and college-level writing.
  • Writer’s Notebook: Each student will be required to keep a Writer’s Notebook throughout the year. The purpose of these notebooks is to keep students writing consistently and continuously throughout the year. This notebook should be in class everyday, and students should be writing in their notebooks continuously for a variety of purposes. Students will be required complete 15 full pages of writing in their Writer’s Notebooks every five weeks; notebooks will be collected and graded every five weeks.

(More on the back …)

Speaking: In order to improve and hone their speaking skills, students will participate effectively in a range of discussions and present their knowledge and ideas in a variety of ways:

  • Students will be required to complete an extensive Inquiry-Based research project. Students’ products will incorporate the use of appropriate technology and will demonstrate an understanding and proper use of MLA style formatting.
  • Students will share their ideas and insights through class discussions, small group discussions, and Socratic Seminars

Vocabulary, Grammar, and SAT Prep:

  • Vocabulary will be studied in the context of our literature units. The vocabulary words will be chosen with the SAT in mind, and special emphasis will be placed on preparing students for this exam in terms of vocabulary. Students will also complete weekly vocabulary journal assignments which will require them to use the words properly, see the words in a variety of contexts, and use the MHSWords of the Week.
  • Students will complete a comprehensive grammar unit at the commencement of the school year and will incorporate the use of propergrammar in their writing throughout the year. Grammar skills will also be reinforced and reviewed through the SAT preparation assignments (WDP).
  • Wilson Daily Prep (: Students will complete daily online activities to help them prepare for the SAT exam using Wilson Daily Prep. In addition, students will have to demonstrate their growth and developing understanding through “Logs” in their Writer’s Notebooks. These assignments will be counted as a homework grade every five weeks. *Please see the attached letter for more information about Wilson Daily Prep.
  • Extra-Credit:Several extra-credit assignments are available for those students who would like to challenge themselves:
  • Students are encouraged to use the College Board or the Khan Academy websites regularly to complete the English SAT question of the day. Students must answer the question, print out the answer page, and defineall vocabulary words and/or grammar rules. Students must complete 10 (5 vocabulary and 5 grammar) questions for each 5-week period to receive extra credit.
  • Independent reading poster (assignment available on my website)
  • Annotations and non-required days for Wilson Daily Prep.

Final Exam: Mid-Term and Final Exam: The Mid-Term for 10th grade will be administered during January Regents week and will consist of the following tasks: Common Task #1 (Text-Analysis Response), Reading Comprehension, and Word of the Week. The Final Exam for 10th grade is based on the following Common Tasks: Reading Comprehension and Word of the Week, Emulation of Author’s Style Project, and Text-Analysis Response.

Extra Help: In order for students to truly improve their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills, individualized extra help will most likely be necessary at some point in the year. Extra help is always available upon student request. I am willing to meet with students during my free periods as well as before (7:15 – 7:35am) and after school. I will be available for extra help after school until 4:00 on Wednesdays.


  • A 3-ring binder OR Two-Pocket Folder for Handouts
  • Loose-Leaf Paper
  • Highlighters
  • Small Post-Its
  • Composition Notebook to use as a Writer’s Notebook

Parent & Student Acknowledgement of the 2016 – 2017Course Outline for Mrs. Martino’s English 10 Honors Class

*I have read the above information and understand the requirements and expectations for this class.

Student’s Name (Printed)Parent/Guardian Name (Printed)

Student’s SignatureParent/Guardian Signature