4-1 Instructional Design (ID) Storyboard Template

<Note: Each module follows a pattern of structural elements (introduction, initial activity, etc). For source information relevant to the SCBEWC project, see step 1 (1-1 Instructional Design Analysis documents such as 1-3 Project Background,1-4 Learners,1-5 Gender and Minority, 1-6 The Standard Project Schools, 1-7 New Curriculum, 1-8 Student-Centred Instruction, and 1-9 DeliveryResources

For source information relevant to this project, see 4-1-2 Structural Elements, 4-1-3 Aspects of Planning4-1-4Organizing Your Content,

Module <#> - <Name of Module> (Time: <expected module duration> )
Structural Element
<The following are basic structural elements commonly found in courses and resources prepared in the SCBEWC project. > / Content
<For each structural element, provide a brief outline of the content that is planned for this segment of the module with as much information as is currently available.> / Instructional Method
<For each structural element, indicate the proposed instructional method(s). For source information relevant to the SCBEWC project, see 4-1-5 Instructional Methods, and 4-1-6 Assessment / Media
<For each structural element, indicate the proposed media. For source information relevant to the SCBEWC project, see4-1-8 Media,.
<Title of this segment>
Design Notes:
<Optional. Put any notes here that might be relevant – things to emphasize, history of a decision, outstanding questions, etc.>.
Time: <expected duration> / The introduction should include:
  • a short narrative or description of the unit
  • (see step ) 2-2 Writing Objectivesthat will be met by the learner upon completion of the module that are stated in a measurable form. (Objectives should be at the higher levels of 4-1-9 Bloom’s taxonomy.)
/ This section will include the intended instructional methods for the introduction. / This section will include the intended medias for the introduction.
Initial Activity:
Design Notes:
Time: / The Initial activity:
  • introduce the key concepts in the module
  • helps to determine prior knowledge
  • provides motivation, mindset and focus
/ This section will include the intended instructional methods for the initial activity. / This section will include the intended medias for the initial activity.
Presentation (or Readings):
Design Notes:
Time: / The presentation or readings provide the foundational ideas to be used in the activity. / This section will include the intended instructional methods for the presentation. / This section will include the intended media for the presentation.
Design Notes:
Time: / The activity (or activities) can be assignments or self-assessments.
  • must model good SCI practices
  • should link theory to practice
  • can form a part of the learner’s portfolio
  • should include how and when assignments should be completed and submitted.
  • Can help learners to assess their understanding of the material presented
  • Can use scaffolding at inquiry points that suggest things that a response should include.
/ This section will include the intended instructional methods for the activity.
Note that the activity should 4-1-10 be engaging and maximize student experience.
Consider4-1-11 instructional factors when designing an activity. / This section will include the intended media for the activity.
Note that the learner is generally a producer of media here, rather than a consumer of it.
Summary / The summary should relate the activities and presentation(s) to the objectives but not restate the module objectives. / This section will include the intended mediafor the summary – usually html text.
Reflection: / The reflection is a personal text (usually a journal entry) by the learner, often guided by questions that encourage higher order thinking on the content of the module
Tips to guide the reflections should be placed in the helpful hints / This section will include the intended instructional methods for the reflection. / This section will include the intended mediafor the reflection.
Extension: / The extension consists of additional readings and resources in other courses and resources in this project that extend or support the learner’s understanding of the content of this module. / This section will include the intended mediafor the extension – usually html text..