College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
Department of Mathematics and Statistics / Math 136 Calculus 1
Spring 2010 Section 1 Class Number 5166
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:10 – 10:00am Room 221


523-6864 : : AMB 133


Tuesday 2:00 – 3:00 pm

Wednesday 12:30 – 2:30 pm

Thursday 10:40 am – 12:40 pm

others by appointment

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Calculus 1 is first and foremost a course about ideas, especially the derivative and the integral. The conceptual approach to some of the topics we will see might stand in contrast to previous mathematics courses you have taken. Nevertheless, our course will encompass concepts, techniques, interpretations and applications. In order to succeed in this class, you will need to both strive for understanding and visualization of the concepts and ideas covered as well as commit substantial time to mastering the techniques and methods used. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in MAT 125 or satisfactory placement.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

Express an understanding of the concepts of limit, derivative and integral.

Calculate limits, derivatives and integrals.

Construct and interpret graphs of functions.

Apply the derivative to analyze graphical behavior, motion, rates of change, and optimization problems.

Apply the definite integral to analyze motion, change, and area.

TEXT AND COVERAGE: This course will use a free online text found at:

This text can be downloaded in its entirety or in sections, or you can simply utilize it online. While this text provides a detailed, thorough, and clear explanation of the topics we will cover, my lectures may differ in the order and/or emphasis of topics, so notes from my lectures should be your primary resource when preparing for tests.


Homework will be primarily administered through an internet based program called Webwork. Information on accessing Webwork assignments will be given early in the semester. These assignments will be supplemented by written problems as I see fit.

As you should know by now, you can't learn math without practicing it yourself - the homework is not designed to be a burden, but to provide you with this practice. You may find you need more or less help than the assigned homework provides. If this is the case, it is your responsibility to communicate with me and to find ways to get the practice you need.

We may occasionally have small quizzes.

A fewprojectsmay be assigned during the semester.

Four in-class examinations and acomprehensive final examwill be administered during the semester. Real tentative dates for the four in-class exams are

Test 1Monday, February 1

Test 2Friday, February 26

Test 3Friday, April 2

Test 4Monday, April 19

The final exam will be Wednesday, May5 at 7:30am.

Your overall course grade is determined as follows:

Homework, quizzes, projects:25%


Final exam:25%

Grades will be based on your combined percentage from the above categories, with the usual 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% cutoffs. I reserve the right to lower these cutoffs, but I wouldn’t count on it if I were you.


Regular attendance is an essential ingredient for success in this course. Test make-ups are acceptable if you schedule them with me beforehand (meaning at least 24 hour notice), but not if you don’t. Calculators are permitted on homework and tests, but full credit will never be given without proper work shown. Additionally, I may prohibit calculator use on some portions of some assessments. Cell phones, iPods, and the like should not be seen or heard in class. I will use the website above for posting course documents, not Vista.

I’ve done my best to be concise, clear, and correct here, but if changes need to be made, they will be and you will be notified.

“Be excellent to each other,” Bill S. Preston, Esquire

All other university policies outlined in other official documents apply to this class and will be enforced accordingly.

College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
Department of Mathematics and Statistics / Math 136 Calculus 1
Spring 2010 Section 2 Class Number 5168
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 – 8:50 am Room 221


523-6864 : : AMB 133


Tuesday 2:00 – 3:00 pm

Wednesday 12:30 – 2:30 pm

Thursday 10:40 am – 12:40 pm

others by appointment

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Calculus 1 is first and foremost a course about ideas, especially the derivative and the integral. The conceptual approach to some of the topics we will see might stand in contrast to previous mathematics courses you have taken. Nevertheless, our course will encompass concepts, techniques, interpretations and applications. In order to succeed in this class, you will need to both strive for understanding and visualization of the concepts and ideas covered as well as commit substantial time to mastering the techniques and methods used. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in MAT 125 or satisfactory placement.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

Express an understanding of the concepts of limit, derivative and integral.

Calculate limits, derivatives and integrals.

Construct and interpret graphs of functions.

Apply the derivative to analyze graphical behavior, motion, rates of change, and optimization problems.

Apply the definite integral to analyze motion, change, and area.

TEXT AND COVERAGE: This course will use a free online text found at:

This text can be downloaded in its entirety or in sections, or you can simply utilize it online. While this text provides a detailed, thorough, and clear explanation of the topics we will cover, my lectures may differ in the order and/or emphasis of topics, so notes from my lectures should be your primary resource when preparing for tests.


Homework will be primarily administered through an internet based program called Webwork. Information on accessing Webwork assignments will be given early in the semester. These assignments will be supplemented by written problems as I see fit.

As you should know by now, you can't learn math without practicing it yourself - the homework is not designed to be a burden, but to provide you with this practice. You may find you need more or less help than the assigned homework provides. If this is the case, it is your responsibility to communicate with me and to find ways to get the practice you need.

We may occasionally have small quizzes.

A fewprojectsmay be assigned during the semester.

Four in-class examinations and acomprehensive final examwill be administered during the semester. Real tentative dates for the four in-class exams are

Test 1Monday, February 1

Test 2Friday, February 26

Test 3Friday, April 2

Test 4Monday, April 19

The final exam will be Monday, May 3 at 7:30am.

Your overall course grade is determined as follows:

Homework, quizzes, projects:25%


Final exam:25%

Grades will be based on your combined percentage from the above categories, with the usual 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% cutoffs. I reserve the right to lower these cutoffs, but I wouldn’t count on it if I were you.


Regular attendance is an essential ingredient for success in this course. Test make-ups are acceptable if you schedule them with me beforehand (meaning at least 24 hour notice), but not if you don’t. Calculators are permitted on homework and tests, but full credit will never be given without proper work shown. Additionally, I may prohibit calculator use on some portions of some assessments. Cell phones, iPods, and the like should not be seen or heard in class. I will use the website above for posting course documents, not Vista.

I’ve done my best to be concise, clear, and correct here, but if changes need to be made, they will be and you will be notified.

“Be excellent to each other,” Bill S. Preston, Esquire

All other university policies outlined in other official documents apply to this class and will be enforced accordingly.