Spring 2016 / Education in the English speaking countries
Course location: Amb210Instructors: Karáth Tamás, Reményi Andrea, Reuss Gabriella
Time: 8:30 – 10:,,
Course objectives and requirements
This seminar course aims to introduce ELT majors to the structure and traditions of the educational systems of the United Kingdom and the United States. An overview of the American and the British system, followed by the examination of some of their language policy issues, will include close-ups to some problematic issues, reforms and controversies, with two objectives in mind: (1) to make our future teachers knowledgeable on the topic, (2) to open up their mind to different educational philosophies and processes, practical solutions and their consequences.
Students will be required to attend classes and be active, do home assignments (readings, written/oral reflection,data collection,project) and write the end-of-term test. Assessment will be based on class attendance and activity, home assignments (project) and the end-of-term test.Only three absences (for whatever reason) are tolerated.Presence at the project presentation and the end-of-term test is required.
Academic research and its presentation are embedded in a large dialogue. In the process of thinking and arguing we are necessarily influenced by others: we borrow ideas from other writings and integrate them into our own. You can use others’ ideas or words in form of literal quotes or paraphrases, but you must indicate the source of quotes, paraphrased passages, and all sorts of factual information in all cases. The failure of keeping a correct record of borrowed material, either due to ignorance or to deliberate theft of ideas, is plagiarism. Assignments showing evident signs of plagiarism will fail.
Compulsory readings will be made downloadable:
Baxter, Judith (2000) Going public: teaching students to speak out in public contexts, English in Education, 34 (2), pp. 26-34.
Csapó, Benő (2008): A közoktatás második szakasza és az érettségi vizsga. In: Fazekas, Károly - Köllő, János – Varga, Júlia (szerk.): Zöld könyv 2008, a magyar közoktatás megújításáért. Ecostat. pp. 71-93.(available in English)
Gibb, Nancy (2001): “America’s Holy War,” Time 24 June.
Havas, Gábor (2008): Esélyegyenlőség, deszegregáció. In: Fazekas, Károly - Köllő, János – Varga, Júlia (szerk.): Zöld könyv 2008. A Magyar közoktatás megújításáért. Ecostat. pp. 121-137.(available in English)
Henry III, William A. (1990): “Beyond the Melting Pot.” Time 9 April.
Nagy Péter Tibor (2006):The Social and Political History of Hungarian Education. MEK, OSZK.
Oakland, John (2015): Ch. 10: Education. In:British Civilization. Routledge, 8th ed. (*2006 edition: pp. 209-230.; 2002 edition: pp. 189-213)
Rothstein, Richard and Rebecca Jacobsen (2006): "The Goals of Education," The Phi Delta Kappan 88 (4).
Skuttnabb-Kangas, Tove (1990): Language, literacy and minorities. London: Minority Rights Group. (available in Hungarian)
Spring, Joel (1994): American Education. 6th edition. McGraw–Hill. 2007.
Suggested readings* available in the PPKE Faculty library
*Abercrombie, Nicholas – Alan Warde (eds.) (2001): The contemporary British society reader. Cambridge: Polity.
*Cummins, Jim – Merrill Swain (1992): Bilingualism in education: Aspects of theory, research and practice. Harlow: Longman.
*Johnson, R. K. – Merrill Swain (1997): Immersion education: International perspectives. Cambridge: CUP.
*Mauk, David – John Oakland (2005): American civilization: An introduction. London: Routledge. 4th edition.
*Oakland, John (2001): Contemporary Britain: A survey with texts. London: Routledge.
Feb11 / Karáth, Reményi, Reuss / Introduction / Homework (due by thedate in the same row!)
Feb18 / Reuss / UK education system and its changes – an overview - contrasting the British system with the Hungarian one (lecture+ group tasks) / Oakland 2015: 1-22,
Csapó 2008
Feb25 / Reuss / project tasks + readings discussed / Havas 2008
Mar03 / Reuss / project tasks + readings discussed / project report
Mar10 / Karáth / American and Hungarian education: Aims in a historical perspective / Nagy 2006,
Rothstein-Jacobsen 2006
Mar17 / Karáth / American education, the civil rights movement and the equality of opportunities / Gibb 2001, Spring 2007 (assigned chapters)
Mar24 / + Mar31 / SPRING BREAK
Apr07 / Karáth / American education and multiculturalism: curriculum debates / Henry III 1990, Spring 2007 (assigned chapters)
Apr14 / Reményi / Types of bilingual education / Explain & update Table 4 in Skutnabb-Kangas (1990/1997)
Apr21 / Reményi / The achievement gap and the Ebonics debate in the US / data collection & explanation
Apr24 / Project report submission deadline
Apr28 / Reményi / The oracy reform in the UK / Baxter 2000
May05 / Karáth, Reményi / American education and language policy test
May12 / Karáth, Reményi, Reuss / Feedback, grades