Southeast District
Florida Physical Therapy Association, Inc.
A Chapter of the
American Physical Therapy Association
District BYLAWS
I. Name and Jurisdiction
The name of this professional organization shall be the Southeast District of the Florida Physical Therapy Association, Inc., a chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association and is hereinafter referred to as “the District”. The Florida Physical Therapy Association, Inc. is hereinafter referred to as “the Chapter”. The American Physical Therapy Association is hereinafter referred to as “the Association”. The territorial jurisdiction of the District shall include the counties of: Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe.
II. Purpose
The purpose of the District shall be to assist in the development and accomplishment of Chapter goals and objectives by facilitating Chapter activities, providing communication between Chapter leadership and members, and offering educational activities at the local level.
III. Function
The function of the District shall be to cooperate with the Chapter within the territorial jurisdiction of the District in performing the functions as described in the Chapter Bylaws.
IV. Membership
To be a member of the District an individual must be in good standing with the Chapter as defined by the Chapter Bylaws and must have a mailing address within the territorial jurisdiction of this District. Assignment to the District to those with a mailing address outside the territorial jurisdiction requires petition to the Chapter Board of Directors. Members shall have the same rights, benefits and privileges within the District as defined in the Chapter Bylaws.
V. District Officers
A. Composition
The officers of the District shall consist of the Regional Director, District Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
B. Qualifications for Regional Director, Chair or Vice Chair
To qualify for a position as a District chair or vice chair, a person must:
1. Be an Active or Life member in good standing in the Association for at least 2 years immediately preceding their election;
2. Be a Chapter member for two years;
3. Be a member of the District; and
4. Consent to serve
5. Above qualifications may be suspended based on prior Association involvement.
C. Qualifications for Secretary or Treasurer
To qualify for a position of District secretary or treasurer
1. Be an Active, Life, Affiliate or Life Affiliate member in good standing
2. Be a Chapter member for one year;
3. Be a member of the District; and
4. Consent to serve
5. Above qualifications may be suspended based on prior Association
D. Tenure
1. Officers shall serve a term of two years.
2. Officers shall assume office at the Chapter annual meeting in the fall of the year following their election.
3. Officers shall not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
E. Duties of Officers
1. The Regional Director’s duties are defined in the Chapter Bylaws.
2. The Chairperson shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of the District;
b. Represent the District at the Chapter Board of Directors meetings;
c. Establish District committees and appoint committee chairpersons as necessary with approval of the District; and
d. Appoint individuals to fill vacant District positions as needed until elections can occur
e. Submit annual report of District activities to Chapter office prior to end of the fiscal year
f. Have additional duties as outlined in the Chapter Bylaws.
3. The Vice-Chairperson shall:
a. Assume the duties of the Chairperson if he/she is absent or incapacitated;
b. Be the Chief Representative of the District at the Chapter Assembly of Representatives
c. Arrange the District meetings and programs;
d. Maintain the District Bylaws so that they are in compliance with Chapter Bylaws; and
e. Perform other duties as assigned him/her by the Chairperson.
4. The Secretary shall:
a. Keep the minutes of all District meetings;
b. Carry on the official correspondence of the District;
c. Maintain membership records of the District; and
d. Notify members of District meetings.
5. The Treasurer shall:
a. Manage District funds in accordance with Executive Committee and District/membership directives;
b. Maintain records which reflect the financial status and transactions of the District;
c. Write and report the financial status of the District to the membership; and
d. Submit quarterly written reports to the Chapter office and year-end reports to the Chapter Treasurer.
F. Executive Committee
1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the District officers.
2. The purpose of the Executive Committee is to provide a mechanism for exercising the power of the District between meetings of the membership, subject to approval.
3. Three officers will constitute a quorum.
4. If both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson are unable to attend the Chapter Board of Directors meetings, a District member may represent the District and act as Chairperson pro tem upon appointment for this purpose by the Chairperson.
5. In the event of vacancy in the office of Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall succeed to the position for the unexpired portion of the term. In the event the Vice-Chairperson is unable to fill the position of Chairperson, a new Chairperson shall be appointed by the executive committee for the remainder of the term.
6. In the event of vacancy in the office(s) of Vice-Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer, that vacancy shall be filled through appointment by the executive committee for the reminder of the term.
7. Meetings: The Executive Committee shall meet prior to each District membership meeting.
A. Composition
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the District officers and the committee chairpersons
B. Qualifications
To qualify for a position as a member of the Board a person must:
1. Be an Active, Life, Life Affiliate or Affiliate in good standing with the Association for at least one year except for two years for the chair person and vice-chair persons immediately preceding their election or appointment
2. Be a member of the District
3. Consent to serve
VII. Delegate to Association House of Delegates (HOD) from District
A. The Regional Director shall serve as the district’s Active member Representative to the Chapter Delegation in the Association’s House of Delegates, if he/she attends the House Sessions. If he/she does not attend, the District shall select an alternate from its active membership. If the alternate does not attend the House Sessions the Chief Delegate shall appoint a delegate from the Florida active membership in attendance.
B. Qualifications to serve as Chapter Delegate
1. Be an Active member in good standing of Association for at least two years immediately preceding their election;
2. Be a member of the District;
3. Consent to serve.
C. Tenure will be 2 years.
D. Term will start January 1 following election.
E. Duties:
1. Comply with Chapter Delegation policies
2. Report to District Membership
a. Prior to annual HOD to allow for District input on upcoming business of HOD
b. After annual HOD to inform of actions taken
VIII. Chapter Assembly of Representatives
A. Qualifications to serve as District Representative
1. Be an Active, Affiliate, Life or Life-Affiliate member in good standing the Chapter for at least one year immediately preceding their election;
2. Be a member of the District;
3. Consent to serve.
B. Tenure will be 1 year.
C. The number of District Representatives will be determined annually by the Chapter in accordance with Chapter Bylaws.
D. Duties
1. Represent the District at Chapter Assembly of Representatives
2. Report to the District Membership on Chapter business conducted at Assembly of Representatives.
IX. Committees
A. District committees shall be created as are deemed necessary and with the approval of the District membership.
B. Tenure and Vacancies
1. Length of appointment shall be appropriate to the task of the Committee as determined by the Chairperson with the approval of the District membership.
2. The District Chairperson with the approval of the District membership shall appoint committee chairpersons and members.
C. The District shall attempt to provide member representatives to each Chapter Division or Committee as required and/or requested.
X. Meetings
A. Number
A minimum of four regular District business meetings shall be held during each fiscal year, and such additional meetings as are necessary shall be called by the District Chairperson, if approved by a majority of the Executive Committee. A regular business meeting is to be held within 60 days prior to each meeting of the Assembly of Representatives.
B. Notice
Notice of the time and place of all District meetings will be given to the membership at least 14 days prior to the date of each meeting.
1. Attendance at District business meetings shall be restricted to District members or persons having obtained prior permission of a member of the District Executive Committee.???
2. Guests are welcome to attend the education program but in the event that a
fee is required there will be a differential charge for members versus non-members.
D. Quorum
A total of twenty-five (25) voting members, of which at least twenty (20) are Active members, shall constitute a quorum.
E. Recording
1. There shall be no recording of District business meetings via audio, video or verbatim transcription nor shall meetings be broadcast or otherwise transmitted without the written consent of the District Executive Committee. Only individual(s) designated by the District Executive Committee for the sole purpose of maintaining official District records shall otherwise be exempt from this rule.
2. There shall be no recording of educational programs sponsored by the District unless permission has been obtained in advance from the speaker.
XI. Elections
A. Election of officers and assembly representatives will be held prior to the end of the calendar year. Election shall be by secret ballot.
B. Election for the District Chairperson and Secretary will be held in ODD numbered years. Election for Vice-Chairperson and Treasurer will be held in EVEN numbered years
C. Election for the Representatives for Chapter Assembly of Representatives will be held yearly.
XII. Finance
A. The fiscal year of the District is from January 1 through December 31.
B. The District Treasurer’s books shall be submitted for audit with the Chapter Treasurer’s books in accordance with Chapter procedure.
C. Reimbursement- District shall allocate funds according to yearly budget. For unbudgeted expenses a quorum of the voting members or the executive committee shall vote regarding approval.
XIII. Parliamentary Authority
The District shall be governed by the parliamentary rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
XIV. Amendments
A. The District Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the District by the affirmative vote of a majority of the voting body present and voting.
B. The Chapter must approve amendments to the District Bylaws voted in the affirmative by the District before becoming part of the District Bylaws. The date the District Bylaws are approved by the Chapter Board of Directors shall be the date the District Bylaws become effective.
Approved by FPTA Board of Directors