Orleans Technical Institute
Court Reporting Program
Course Syllabus
Computer-Aided Transcription 1
Instructor: John DeCaro, BA, MA, CRI
Voice Mail: (215) 728-4420
Term: Winter 2011
January 17, Martin Luther King
February 21, President’s Day
COURSE NUMBER/NAME: C101, Basics of Computer-Aided Transcription
CLASS SCHEDULE: Class meets Wednesday evenings, 9:00 to 10:00
PREREQUISITES: S102 or equivalent
COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will develop basic editing skills, learn computer terminology and use computerized steno machines in conjunction with CAT software. Dictionary-building skills include introductory work with StenEd’s Realtime CAT dictionary.You will learn to produce a five-page, first pass transcript with a goal of 95% translation rate.
Upon successful completion of the course you will be able to:
1.Explain the operation of a computer-aided transcription system.
2.Identify the components of a computeraided transcription system.
3.Understand the basic care and maintenance of the computer hardware datainput device.
4.Have an overview of related CAT software packages.
5.Understand system support: customer service, software support, etc.
6.Demonstrate an understanding of computer terminology and resources available.
7.Demonstrate the ability to sign on and off a CAT system.
8.Demonstrate the ability to select Menu functions in CAT and DOS andWindows software.
9.Demonstrate the ability to SELECT USER in Total Eclipse.
10.Demonstrate the ability to change user settings.
11.Recognize and use diverse storage media and demonstrate file storage/retrieval procedures.
12.Demonstrate the ability to COPY a file with all its subfiles.
13.Demonstrate the ability to COPY a particular subfile.
14.Demonstrate the ability to DELETE a file with all its subfiles from the user directory.
15.Demonstrate the ability to DELETE a particular subfile from the user directory.
16.Demonstrate the ability to ARCHIVE/BACKUP a file with all its subfiles from the hard drive toa diskette.
17.Demonstrate the ability to ARCHIVE/BACKUP a particular subfile from the hard drive to a diskette.
18.Demonstrate the ability to RESTORE a file with all its subfiles from a diskette tothe hard drive.
19.Demonstrate the ability to RESTORE a particular subfile from a diskette to the harddrive.
20.Demonstrate an understanding of the structure of the student’s files on the harddrive and the interrelationship of transcript information.
21.Learn how to access Realtime in Total Eclipse CAT software.
22.Learn the psychology of writing realtime through use of CAT dictionary entries andrealtime translation.
23.Demonstrate dictionary maintenance, including archiving and saving Dictionary to a diskette.
24.Demonstrate the ability to create entries in the user’s personal/main dictionary.
25.Learn an overview of litigation support and its role in the judicial system.
- Pass a Final examination regarding above-listed components.
TIME ALLOTMENT:15 clock hours
Students are graded according to the "Academic" Grading Standards as outlined in the school catalog.
Total Eclipse Basic Workbook, Advantage Software, Inc., 2000-2004.
Equipment and Software:
3.5 inch high-density diskettes (3 diskettes needed for class)
StenEd dictionary
EclipseNT software
Other software as available
Pentium computer processors
Stentura computerized steno machines
Laser printer
Note: Don’t worry about any of this stuff. We have it.
Students learn the course material by:
1.Completing a series of supervised activities designed to lead them to comfortable familiarity and competence with the computerized steno machines, the computer, software, and printers.
2.Close supervision of the above activities detailed under Course Objectives.
3.Writing realtime with student's own CAT dictionary and thereby demonstrating need for ongoing monitoring of realtime writing style.
4.Follow along with worksheets on inclass assignments.
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Orleans Technical Institute
Court Reporting Program
Course Syllabus
1.Ongoing monitoring of student activities and worksheets by the instructor.
2. Passing a final examination regarding components of Total Eclipse and Dictionary commands.
The course grade will be calculated on the following:
Final Exam=30%
Quizzes and Assignments=50%
Attendance must be regular. You must attend class a minimum of 80% of the class time to pass the class. You must be on time. Three latenesses equal one absence. Three early departures equal one absence. Excused absences require supporting documentation. If you miss a test and is able to show documentable proof (on letterhead or official stationery) as to the reason for the absence, you may make up the test as soon as youreturn to class.
The Court Reporting Program recognizes that a student may be absent from class due to a serious illness or family emergency. If a student misses a test and is able to show documented proof (on letterhead or official stationary) of the reason for the absence, the student may make up the test as soon as s/he returns to class.
Due to the frequency of testing in steno and keyboarding classes, make-up tests are not offered. Each instructor will determine classroom policy for make-up of other assignments missed due to absence. There is no charge for make up class work during a term.
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Orleans Technical Institute
Court Reporting Program
Course Syllabus
The students demonstrate their competency in each of the COURSE OBJECTIVES (outlined above) via worksheets and the final examination.
Topics covered:
1.Operation of a computer-aided transcription system.
2.Components of a computer-aided transcription system.
3.Basic care and maintenance of the computer hardware data input device.
4.System support: customer service, software support, etc.
5.Computer terminology.
6.Signing on and off a CAT system.
7.Selecting Menu functions in CAT and Windows software.
8.Selecting a User in Total Eclipse.
10.Setting up user settings.
11.File and storage/retrieval procedures.
12.Copying a folder with all its files.
13.Copying a particular subfile.
14.Deleting a file with all its subfiles from the user directory.
15.Deleting a particular subfile from the user directory.
16.Backing up a file with all its subfiles from the hard drive to a diskette.
17.Backing up a particular subfile from the hard drive to a diskette.
18.Restoring a file with all its subfiles from a diskette to the hard drive.
19.Restoring a particular subfile from a diskette to the hard drive.
20.Structure of the student's files on the hard drive, and the interrelationship of transcript information.
21.Accessing Realtime in Total Eclipse CAT software.
22.The psychology of writing realtime through use of CAT dictionary entries andrealtime translation.
23.Dictionary maintenance, including saving Dictionary.
24.Creating entries in the main dictionary.
25.Overview of litigation support.
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Orleans Technical Institute
Court Reporting Program
Course Syllabus
Week 1Introduce CAT software and steno test editing on Eclipse according to OTI Transcript Guidelines. Outline, rules, text; handouts; determine levels of experience.
Hardware: Care and maintenance; identify hardware; ports; identify components of realtime CAT system; explain their operation. Homework: Read and Complete Handout Packets on Computer Terms; Read Lesson 1 of Eclipse NT Workbook, pp 1-17.
Week 2Discuss hardware. Discuss computer-aided transcription procedures, How Computers Work CD, overheads, and compare/contrast of CAT software and word processing software.
Week 3Continue Hardware discussion.
CAT software packages -- Vendors at NCRA/PCRA conventions
System support: customer service, software/hardware support, training
Homework: Read Lesson 17, pp 213-221.
Week 4Worksheet No. 2, CAT systems comparison; Discuss handout “How to Choose a Personal Computer”; Review current hardware via Internet, ads, and demonstration. Homework: Read “afterword,” pp 237-239; Lesson 2, pp 17-28.
Week 5Quiz on Hardware terms, 20 minutes. Set up Eclipse NT user areas; booting in DOS; Survey history of Microsoft and Apple computer companies, especially in terms of software. Homework: Read Lesson 3, pp 29-31.
Week 6Learn path name and extension conventions. Hard drive backup systems versus saving files individually. More software discussion and demonstration. Homework: Read Lesson 4, pp 41-42; Lesson 7, pp 65-75.
Week 7Backup and Restore CAT dictionary to hard drive; backup CAT dictionary work in class on dictionary entries. Homework: Practice dictionary commands.
Week 8Place emphasis on production of simplified transcripts from easy caption page to reporter’s certification.
Week 9Discuss System Options andLitigation Support. Worksheet No. 3 “Formatting Disks.” More transcript production including read-in of parentheticals and setting up pre-defined speaker tables. Homework: Read Lesson 11, pp 125-133.
Week 10Learn how to “add” bytes for diskette storage. Review hard drive backup systems versus saving files individually. Complete more basic transcript production. Homework: Read Lesson 9, pp 93-109; Lesson 14, pp 179-182.
Bring Transcription Guidelines 2010 to next class.
Week 11Quiz on software terms and commands. Work on dictionaries.
Week 12Review file manager. Court reporting office simulation. Homework: Practice copying files.
Week 13Review how to write realtime in Eclipse NT and the purpose of writing clear, realtime steno. Write in realtime. Review, Worksheet No. 4 and review for final. Practice transcription. Homework: Review for final.
Week 14Realtime and review for final.
Final exam. Two hours allotted.
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Orleans Technical Institute
Court Reporting Program
Course Syllabus
Hard disk drives (C:\)
Hard disk backup devices
Floppy disk drives
Floppy disk drive sizes and storage capacities
Drive designations (excluding OTI network)
A:\ usually is 3.5” diskette
B:\ usually is second 3.5” or 5.25” diskette
D:\ usually is CD-ROM (newer DVD-ROM)
E:\ may be the ZIP drive
Character (on a keyboard)
Screen resolution
Flat Screens
Steno writers
Dot matrix printers
Laser printers
Ink jet printers
Facsimile vs. modem
Internal device
External device
Parallel ports
Serial ports
USB ports
Diskette parts (Standard floppy diskettes are discussed to foster understanding of digital writing process. These ideas are then extended to more current backup media.)
Read/write opening
Metal slide
Labeling media
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