Course Number: MTH 991
Course Title: Moral Virtue in Confession
Term: Fall 2015
Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P.
The purpose of this course is to locate the moral virtues within the context of confessional practice. Special attention is given to the virtue of justice and the material sins needed to fully help penitents and encourage a thorough examination of conscience.
- A knowledge of the nature of prudence and its application to the sins against prudence
- A knowledge of the nature of justice and the sins against justice.
- A knowledge of fortitude and temperance and the sins against this.
- The ability to apply this to an examination of conscience and identification of sins to aid confessors
Week One: Moral Virtue in General
- Read: Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1803-1845
- Read Lesson 1
- Listen: Moral Virtues CD 1, 2, 3
Week 2: The Virtue of Prudence in General
- Read: Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, II-II, 47
- Read Josef Pieper, The Four Cardinal Virtues, xi-40
- Read Lesson 2
- Listen: The Moral Virtues CD 4
Week 3: The Parts of Prudence and Imprudence
Read: Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, II-II, 48-56
Read Lesson 3
Listen: The Moral Virtues, CD 5 and 6
Week 4: The Doctrine of Right
- Read Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, 57
- Read Josef Pieper, The Four Cardinal Virtues, pp.43-83
- Read Lesson 4
- Listen: The Moral Virtues, CD 7
- Write: Write a 300 word discussion post plus a 50 word response on the topic: Why is the virtue of prudence necessary for the perfection of the moral life?
Week 5: The Virtue of Justice
- Read: Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, 58-59
- Read Pieper, The Four Cardinal Virtues, 46-69
- Read Lesson 5
- Listen: The Moral Virtues CD 7
- Write: Write a three page paper on the topic: Explain why the doctrine of right is important for justice and what the modern problems from modern philosophy are in the origin of right.
Week 6: Judgement and the Parts of Justice
- Read: Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, II-II, 60-62
- Read Pieper, The Four Cardinal Virtues, 70-116
- Read Lesson 6
- Listen: The Moral Virtues CD 8-9Exe
Week 7: Sins Against Distributive Justice and Commutative Justice: Murder
- Read Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, II-II, 63-65
- Read John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae
- Listen: Moral Virtues CD 10 and 11
Week 8: Marriage and Family
- Read: Aquinas, Summa contra Gentiles, III, 121-126
- Read John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio
- Read Paul VI, Humanae Vitae
- Listen: Moral Virtues, CD 12 and 13
Week 9: Commutative Justice: Robbery and Theft
- Read: Summa Theologiae, II-II, 66
- Read John Paul II, Laborem Exercens
- Listen: Moral Virtues, CD 14
- Write: A 300 word discussion post and 50 word response of the topic: What is the difference between capital punishment and abortion in relation to the virtue of justice?
Week 10: Commutative Justice: Truth in Court and Private Life
- Read: Summa Theologiae, II-II, 67-76
- Listen: Moral Virtues, CD 15
- Write: Write a 3 page paper on the topic: What is the difference between natural family planning and birth control regarding the justice of marriage?
Week 11: Integral and Potential Parts of the Virtue of Justice: The Virtue of Religion
- Read: Summa Theologicae II-II, 81-100
- Listen: Moral Virtues: 16
Week 12: Piety in Country, Family and State
- Read: Summa Theologiae, II-II, 101-119
- Listen: Moral Virtues, CD 17
Week 13: Fortitude and Temperance
- Read: Summa Theologiae, II-II, 123-168 It is not necessary to read all these questions, but you can just use the notes. If you want to look up the origin of my teaching on this then you can try to find it generally in the Summa.
- Read Pieper, The Cardinal Virtues, 117-206. Pieper is excellent here.
- Listen: Pieper, Moral Virtues, 18 and 19
- Write: Write a 300 word and 50 word discussion post on the topic: Explain the Catholic idea of private property in justice.
Week 14: Review
See Review Sheet in Notes
Write: Write a 3-page paper on the topic: Explain the virtue of religion in relation to superstition and irreligion. Include in your answer how the sacrifice of the Mass not implements the virtue of religion.
Week 15: Final Exam
- Three 300-word and 50-word response discussion posts – 25%
- Three 3-page reflection papers – 25%
- Final Exam – 50%
Citations in Papers
For the purposes of the paper in this course, please do provide a full footnote for sources at the end of your post. You will have to type a special character (^) at the beginning and end of your numbers to make a superscript in Populi, e.g. ^1^, ^2^, etcetera. Use the special characters for superscript also in your footnote.
Example Footnote
^1^ Vincent Balaguer, Understanding the Gospels (New York, Scepter Publishers, Inc., 2005), 5, [Hereafter UG].
Also, to bold, italicize, or underline words in Populi, please refer to the “Formatting Guide” located below all discussion/comment fields in Populi.
- Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae can be found on the internet.
- Thomas Aquinas, Summa contra Gentiles, can be found on the Internet
- Josef Pieper, The Four Cardinal Virtues¸ $17.05 ISBN. 0268001030
ISBN-13: 978-0268001032
- Brian Mullady, CDS for Moral Virtues $80.00 available from the Rosary Center:
The Rosary Center -Phone: (503) 236-8393
Mailing Address: PO Box 3617, Portland, OR 97208 USA
The general website is
- John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, Familiaris Consortio, Laborem Exercens
- Paul VI, Humanae Vitae
Discussion posts 25%, Reflection papers, 25%, Final Exam 50%
Students who have difficulty with research and composition are encouraged to pursue assistance with the Online Writing Lab (available at
A94-100;A-90-93;B+87-89;B84-86;B-80-83;C+ 77-79;C 74-76; C- 70-73D60-69;F59 and below
Holy Apostles College & Seminary is committed to the goal of achieving equal educational opportunities and full participation in higher education for persons with disabilities who qualify for admission to the College. Students enrolled in online courses who havedocumented disabilities requiring special accommodations should contact Bob Mish,the Director of Online Student Affairs, at or 860-632-3015.In allcases, reasonable accommodations will be made to ensurethat all students with disabilities have access to course materials in a mode in which they can receive them. Students who have technological limitations (e.g., slow Internet connection speeds in convents) are asked to notify their instructors the first week of class for alternative means of delivery.
Students at Holy Apostles College & Seminary are expected to practice academic honesty.
Avoiding Plagiarism
In its broadest sense, plagiarism is using someone else's work or ideas, presented or claimed as your own. At this stage in your academic career, you should be fully conscious of what it means to plagiarize. This is an inherently unethical activity because it entails the uncredited use of someone else's expression of ideas for another's personal advancement; that is, it entails the use of a person merely as a means to another person’s ends.
Students, where applicable:
- Should identify the title, author, page number/webpage address, and publication date of works when directly quoting small portions of texts, articles, interviews, or websites.
- Students should not copy more than two paragraphs from any source as a major component of papers or projects.
- Should appropriately identify the source of information when paraphrasing (restating) ideas from texts, interviews, articles, or websites.
- Should follow the Holy Apostles College & Seminary Stylesheet (available on the Online Writing Lab’s website at
Consequences of Academic Dishonesty:
Because of the nature of this class, academic dishonesty is taken very seriously. Students participating in academic dishonesty may be removed from the course and from the program.
Even though you are not required to be logged in at any precise time or day, you are expected to login several times during each week. Because this class is being taught entirely in a technology-mediated forum, it is important to actively participate each week in the course. In a traditional classroom setting for a 3-credit course, students would be required, per the federal standards, to be in class three 50-minute sessions (or 2.5 hours a week) and prepare for class discussions six 50-minute sessions (or 5 hours) a week. Expect to devote at least nine 50-minute sessions (or 7.5 quality hours) a week to this course. A failure on the student’s part to actively participate in the life of the course may result in a reduction of the final grade.
An Incomplete is a temporary grade assigned at the discretion of the faculty member. It is typically allowed in situations in which the student has satisfactorily completed major components of the course and has the ability to finish the remaining work without re-enrolling, but has encountered extenuating circumstances, such as illness, that prevent his or her doing so prior to the last day of class.
To request an incomplete, distance-learning students must first download a copy of the Incomplete Request Form. This document is located within the Shared folder of the Files tab in Populi. Secondly, students must fill in any necessary information directly within the PDF document. Lastly, students must send their form to their professor via email for approval. “Approval” should be understood as the professor responding to the student’s email in favor of granting the “Incomplete” status of the student.
Students receiving an Incomplete must submit the missing course work by the end of the sixth week following the semester in which they were enrolled. An incomplete grade (I) automatically turns into the grade of “F” if the course work is not completed.
Students who have completed little or no work are ineligible for an incomplete. Students who feel they are in danger of failing the course due to an inability to complete course assignments should withdraw from the course.
A “W” (Withdrawal) will appear on the student’s permanent record for any course dropped after the end of the first week of a semester to the end of the third week. A “WF” (Withdrawal/Fail) will appear on the student’s permanent record for any course dropped after the end of the thirdweek of a semester and on or before the Friday before the last week of the semester.
Fr. Brian Thomas Becket Mullady, O.P., is the son of an Air Force officer and was raised throughout the United States. He entered the Dominican Order in 1966 and was ordained in Oakland, California, in 1972. He has been a parish priest, high school teacher, retreat master, mission preacher, and university professor. He received his Doctorate in Sacred Theology (STD) from the Angelicum University in Rome, Italy and was professor there for six years. He has taught at several colleges and seminaries in the United States. He is an academician of the Catholic Academy of Science. He was most recently a Professor of Theology at Campion College in San Francisco. He is currently a mission preacher and retreat master for the Western Dominican Province. He also teaches two months of the year at Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, CT. He has had five series on Mother Angelica's EWTN television network. He is the author of two books and numerous articles and writes the Answer column in Homiletic and Pastoral Review.