University Of Utah: LEAP Pre-Health Sciences Professions Research Course
Spring 2018 SemesterQualitative Syllabus

Course Number:MDLB 2010-001

Course Title:Introduction to Research Techniques and Laboratory Skills:
The Qualitative Component

Total Credits:2 credits

Class Location and 2:15 PM - 5 PM(Thursdays);

Meeting Time:January 11 - March 20, 2017

Faculty:Donna Harp Ziegenfuss,Ed.D.Associate Librarian,

J. Willard Marriott Library

Office: 1726E; Office hours by appointment


Phone: 801-585-0542

Skype: dziegenfuss

NOTICE: This course will meet in the Marriott Library Room1009– not in HSEBfrom 1/11 – 2/22

The first half of the semester, first 7 weeks, we will meet in room 1009 in the Marriott Library for the Qualitative Research component of the MD LB 2010 course.

No Required Text

There is no required textbook, you will be directed to articles, videos, online books, handouts, web links, etc.,as needed through the Canvas course. We will be using:

  • Videos created at Yale University College of Public Health (series of 6 short videos on qualitative research), and coding videos from Graham Gibbs
  • The Community Toolbox, a website for developing Community Qualitative Research and Evaluation skills from the Work Group for Community Health and Developmentat the University of Kansas (
  • I will add resources based on your research interests/topics once we have identified those in the course

Iwill also provide “OPTIONAL” materials for each module if you would like more information on what we are working onor if you would like information presented in a different way. These optional readings materialswill be available all semester for you to access from the module pages so do not feel pressured to read themor download them immediately while in each module as you move through the course. I will add resources based on your research interests once we have identified those in the course.

Course Description

Although this course is a two-credit full semester course that includes both quantitative and qualitative components, this syllabus only covers the 1sthalf of the semester (1/11/18 to 2/22/18), which is the seven-week component that focuses on qualitative research skills. This course component provides an introduction to qualitative research and includes conducting literature searches, using advanced research tools and software, and collecting and analyzing qualitative data. You will create some examples of qualitative research work that you could integrate into a research portfolio that you can use as you search for research assistant positions in the future.This class will be presented in a flipped format, that is, you will read and watch videos and lectures before coming to class. There will not be lectures during class time. In class we will “do qualitative research”.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Articulate the tenets, principles, and practicesof qualitative research
  2. Recognize ethical issues embedded in qualitative researcher roles and research practice
  3. Design and develop components of a basic qualitative research plan
  4. Apply qualitative coding and analysis skills to qualitative data
  5. Analyze and draw conclusions from qualitative research data

Course Structure and Sequence

The course will be organized into week modules and you will find a link to these 7 modules on the MDLB2010 Qualitative Part of the Canvas homepage. Each week will have a separate Canvas page which will contain links to your pre-class, in-class, and after-class assignments. The qualitative modules are:

  • Week 1: Introduction to qualitative research (January 11, 2018)
  • Week 2:Designing a qualitative research study(January 12-18, 2018)
  • Week 3:How do you collect and analyzequalitative research data?(January 19-25, 2018)
  • Week 4:Practice collecting and analyzing qualitative dataqualitative data(January 26 - February 1, 2018)
  • Week 5: Practice collecting and analyzing qualitative data (February 2-8, 2018)
  • Week 6:Analyzing qualitative data& writing up a qualitative research study report(February 9-15, 2018)
  • Week 7:Analyzing qualitative data & writing up a qualitative research study report(February 16-22, 2018)

Course Overview

This introductory qualitative inquiry course will utilize a practical and “hands-on” approach for introducing you to the literature, methods, and tools for conducting qualitative researchfor the health professions. You will gain knowledge about a variety of qualitative research methods, apply knowledge as you learn about the qualitative research process, and experiment with data analysis tools and strategies as you reflect on being a qualitative researcher. Your assignments will be submitted in a variety of formats: paper or electronic copies for in-class assignments, reflection assignments submitted through Canvas, and 2 main assignments also submitted through Canvas. At the end of the class you will have items you could include in a research portfolio that can be used as evidence of your qualitative research work to use when applying for a research assistant position in the future.

This course will explore the underlying tenets and principles of qualitative research. You will learn how to differentiate qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Since you will not have a defined research project before taking this course, you will first learn about how to do qualitative research by deconstructing, dissecting, and reflecting on published qualitative research studies and then you will apply your knowledge to design your ownqualitative research plan. The framework for this course will align with the qualitative research process and you will learn about qualitative research as you participate in the qualitative research process. You will be encouraged to take ownership of your research ideas and be self-directed in your learning.

  • You will learn about a variety of qualitative methods and use a variety of tools and strategies for conducting qualitative research and will have some opportunities to pursue your own research interests.
  • You will develop qualitative researcher skills and practice advanced literature research skills beyond what was covered in your previous LEAP classes.
  • You will reflect on and hone your research skills and document your personal research learning and growth process as you move through the course.

Assignments will build on each other. You will begin assignments during class time and will receive grades and feedback for that part of the assignment. Then 2 main assignments will be extended beyond the work we do in class and you will complete them and submit them on the specified dates. In addition, opportunities will be presented to work with classmates in a “research group” format so you can gain experience in working as a research team.

Teaching and Learning Strategies:This course is a “Flipped Course” and that means that class time will be spent ‘doing’ research not listening to lecture information about research. You will watch short online lectures or do readings before coming to class as homework, and then participate in learning activities when you come to class. This course is divided into 3 parts:

PRE-CLASS:A“flipped” delivery format means that what you would traditionally do in a class, like listening to a lecture about qualitative research and taking notes or reading articles, will be done instead for homework BEFORE you come to class. Then when you come to class we will be engaged in “doing” qualitative research. Theonline videosor other materialsthat you will watch or read before coming to class relate specifically to the work you will be doing in-class.You will submit reflections about what you learned from the pre-class resources or in-class exercises. The video watching and reflection will take you approximatelyone hour to an hour and a halffor each class.Then when you come to class you will be prepared and ready to jump into doing research!

IN-CLASS: When you come to class you will engagein the process of planning and conducting qualitative research. You will work on individual and group in-class learning activities as you engage in the process of qualitative research during class. You will hand in worksheets before leaving class that will document the work you have done in class, or if you prefer upload an electronic version of your in-class work by 11:59PM of that class day to Canvas. You willreceive grades for this in-class work.

AFTER-CLASS: Although most of the work required for this course will be done preparing for class and in-class, there are 2 assignments that will be started in-class and then completed outside of class. Due dates for these assignments areprovided on the course schedule.

Evaluation Methodsand Criteria for Grading

You will be evaluated on three types of course assignments:

  1. Reflection assignments related to your engagement with the pre-class materials are due by 2:00PM the day of class
  2. In-class work you completed and turned in at the end of class before leaving eachclass or if electronically submittedby 11:59PM the day of class
  3. Two refined assignments started in-class and completed out-of-class and submit through Canvas on designated due dates.Late work will not be accepted. Assignments are due by 11:59pm on the due date.
  4. Exceptions to this policy will be granted only for well-substantiated reasons provided before the assignment is due (e.g., documented illness or other documented absence). You are responsible for knowing what happens during class meetings whether or not you attend class since the assignments and work sessions will build on each other. In-class assignment grades include an opportunity to drop assignments (for in-class and reflection assignments), so if you are ill and miss a class you can use that missed class as one of the dropped grades. However, it is very important that you attend class and participate in qualitative research exercises in class and keep up since the 2 main assignments build on in-class work.

Grading Scale

100 – 94% = A
93 – 90% = A– / Excellent performance, superior achievement (outstanding work)
89 – 87% = B+
86 – 83% = B
82 – 80% = B– / Good performance, substantial achievement (work that is above average)
79 – 77% = C+
76 – 73% = C
72 – 70% = C– / Standard performance and achievement (passing grade; work that meets the standard requirements in all aspects)
69 – 67% = D+,
66 – 63% = D,
62 – 60% = D– / Substandard performance and achievement (not passing; work that meets the standard requirements in some aspects)
59% & below = E / Unsatisfactory performance and achievement (failed; work insufficient to merit any credit)

Grading DistributionTotal Points: 100

  1. Pre- and-post course surveys (2.5 points/each)about qualitative research perceptions
    (both done in class)5
  2. Pre-class: Online Reflections about Qualitative Research - 5 Online Reflections
    (5 points for the 3 best of the reflections)15
    There will be5 online reflective prompts related to your pre-class readings in-class
    activities and your assignments. The 3 with the highest grade will count for your grade.
  3. In-Class: Practice Exercises (10points for best 3 in-class assignments)30
    You will complete6 in-class exercises and hand in the paper worksheet before leaving
    each class or electronically by midnight of the class day. These will be graded.
    Your 3 highest scores will count towards your grade.
  4. After-Class:Major Assignments(2 assignments at 25 pts. for each)50
    All of these assignments will be started in class and completed outside of class.
  1. Design plan for a qualitative research study and a script for a qualitative interview or focus group as part of that study
  2. Interview script, transcribed interview, as well as data analysis and findings summary(including coding, themes and a summary of qualitative research finding).

Total: 100 points

Assignment Descriptions

  1. Pre- and-post course surveys about qualitative research perceptions will be used to assess your comfort level with qualitative research processes and skills. Each of these electronic surveys are worth 2.5 points and will be completed in the 1st and 7th class.
  2. Pre-class: Online Reflections about Qualitative Research - 5 Online Reflection Assignments, each worth 5 points each, will be assigned on the course schedule. The purpose of these assignments is to help you reflect on your pre-class work preparation (video and reading materials) and think about how qualitative research might be applicable to your health sciences career interests. However, only the 3 reflections with the highest grade will count toward your grade. This provides some flexibility for you if you cannot complete a few of the reflections.
  3. In-Class: Practice Exercises You will complete 6 in-class exercises and hand in the paper worksheet before leavingeach class, or if electronically, submit by 11:59PM of the class day. The purpose of these assignments is to help you develop skills such as coding, using excel, writing research questions, etc, that will help you in your larger graded after-class assignments. These exercises will be graded. You will receive up to 10 points for all 6 in-class assignments, however only your 3 highest scores will count towards your grade. This flexibility will allow for absences etc.
  4. After-Class:Major Assignments (You will complete 2 assignments at 25 pts. each that we will start in class but you will finish after and outside of class.

Assignment #1 - Design a plan for a qualitative research study and a script for a qualitative interview or focus group related to that study plan
Assignment #2 – Create an interview/focus group script, conduct the interview, transcribe the interview or focus group, and complete a data analysis and findings summary (including coding, themes, and a summary of qualitative research finding).

After-ClassAssignment #1 (25 points):Design a plan for a qualitative research study of your choosing, and a script for a qualitative interview or focus group as part of that study
DUE: Friday2/2/18by 11:59pm

You will work individually on creating a research study plan based on your health profession interests, written in APA format. This assignment will provide an opportunity for you to go step by step through designing a qualitative study around a topic or issue that interests you. You will use a provided guide to help you write the proposal. You will have an opportunity to start this in class and finish outside of class. A rubric and more detailed information will be provided.
The 5 components of this research proposal are:

  1. Introduction and rationale for a research problem
  2. Brief review of the literature (including 5 qualitative articles on your topic)
  3. Research design & methods

a)Overview of the design methodology

b)Population and sampling strategy

c)Research methods

d)Ethics, human subjects, and data management strategies

  1. Strengths and weaknesses of your study plan
  2. References (in APA format)

After-Class Assignment #2 (25 points): Construction of an Interview/Focus Group Script, Conducting an Interview/Focus Group, and Data Analysis of your Interview/Focus Group

DUE: Friday March 2 at 11:59pm

This assignment will focus on the data collection and analysis process, around a topic of your interest. In class, we will start working on creating questions for your interview or focus group. In-class you will practice interviewing and analyzing data, then after-class you will conduct and audio-tape an interview, transcribe the data and then analyze the data. This assignment can be different from your research proposal project idea or related to the topic of your research proposal assignment. I will work with you to find a way to collect data around a topic that interests you. Your choices are:

  • Interview script (questions)and a completed transcript of a20 minuteaudio-recorded interview OR
  • Focus group script(questions) and a transcript of a20 minuteaudio-recorded focus group

This assignment will also focus on the analysis of qualitative data. Data analysis includes coding data, organization into themes, with a summary of themes and findings. You will analyze the data you collect in assignment #2 and present that as an analysis narrative. You will also need to connect your findings back to the literature. Guidelines and a rubric will be provided.

Course Communication

The main form of communication for this class will be through the Canvas course by using the messaging system or via email at email. You use the Canvas messaging system by clicking on the inbox link in the top right corner of the Canvas course page and then the compose a new message (pencil icon) and send me a message. Assignments MUST BE submitted through the Canvas assignment feature, not via email. I have also provided a discussion forum where you post questions you have about the course or assignments. We can also set up an appointment to meet outside of class or talk in class. If I do not know you are having a problem I cannot help you;so, please ask.

ADA Statement

The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations.