COURSE NAME: MA Professionalization Group

TERM: Spring 2008


Karen Godfredsen, Ph.D.









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PP 7110



Faculty Information

Faculty Name: Karen Godfredsen, Psy.D.

Campus: Chicago

Contact Information:

Office Hours: TBA

Short Faculty Bio: Dr. Godfredsen earned her bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature from BrownUniversity and went on to earn a Masters in Social and Cultural Studies in Education from UC Berkeley. After two years as a bilingual elementary school teacher, she returned to complete her Doctorate in Psychology from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA. Her clinical training has included work in jails, family therapy centers, community mental health clinics, VA hospitals, and private practice settings, all with an emphasis on social justice issues, client empowerment and cross-cultural practice. Before joining the faculty at Argosy she served for three years as Director of Behavioral Health at the AIDS Resource of Wisconsin, and maintains a small private psychotherapy and consulting practice. She is certified by the American Psychological Association to offer training on a variety of topics related to HIV/AIDS and Mental Health. She also conducts trainings in Strength-Based Practice, Vicarious Trauma and Burnout, Motivational Interviewing, Multicultural Competence, Couples in the Transition to Parenthood, Family Therapy, and Parent Child Interaction Training.

Catalog Description:“These discussion groups for first year students are led by a core faculty and meet once a week for one hour. Students discuss topics related to professional psychology and the development of a professional identity. The faculty leading the group will help students with academic and field training planning, general consultation on problems or difficulties in the program, and questions emerging during the student’s first-year academic experience.”


Program Outcomes: The Doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at Argosy University Chicago Campus is an APA accredited program (APA, 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC20002, 202-336-5500). This program is designed to educate and train students so that they may eventually be able to function effectively as clinical psychologists. To ensure that students are prepared adequately, the curriculum provides for the meaningful integration of theory, training and practice. The Clinical Psychology program at Argosy University Chicago Campus emphasizes the development of attitudes, knowledge, and skills essential in the formation of professional psychologists who are committed to the ethical provision of quality services. Specific objectives of the program include the following:

  • Goal 1: Prepare professional psychologists to accurately, effectively, and ethically select, administer, score, interpret, and communicate findings of appropriate assessment methods informed by accepted psychometric standards and sensitive to the diverse characteristics and needs of clients.
  • Objective 1a: Accurately and ethically administer and score various psychodiagnostic instruments.
  • Objective 1b: Accurately interpret and synthesize assessment data in the context of diversity factors, referral questions, and specific objectives of the assessment, and organize and communicate results in writing and orally.
  • Objective 1c: Examine psychometric properties of psychological assessment instruments, and use that knowledge to evaluate, select, administer, and interpret psychological tests and measures appropriate for the client, the referral question, and the objectives of the assessment.
  • Goal 2: Prepare professional psychologists to select, implement, and evaluate psychological interventions consistent with current ethical, evidence-based, and professional standards, within a theoretical framework, and with sensitivity to the interpersonal processes of the therapeutic relationship and the diverse characteristics and needs of clients.
  • Objective 2a: Synthesize the foundations of clinical psychology, including psychopathology, human development, diagnosis, diversity, ethics, and various therapeutic models in clinical applications.
  • Objective 2b: Select, plan, and implement ethical and evidence-based interventions with sensitivity to the diverse characteristics and needs of clients.
  • Objective 2c: Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effectively implement and participate in psychological consultation and supervision.
    Objective 2d: Demonstrate personal development and self-reflective capacity, including growth of interpersonal skills, and therapeutic relationships.
  • Goal 3: Prepare professional psychologists to analyze the complexity and multidimensionality of human diversity, and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to understand diverse worldviews and the potential meaning of social, cultural, and individual differences for professional psychological services.
  • Goal 4: Prepare professional psychologists to examine the historical context and the current body of knowledge of biological, cognitive, affective, developmental, and social bases of human functioning.
  • Goal 5: Prepare professional psychologists to critically evaluate the current and evolving body of scholarly literature in psychology to inform professional practice.

The Master’s Program in Clinical Psychology has been designed to educate and train students to enter a professional career as MA level practitioners. Argosy University/Chicago Campus provides students an educational program with all the necessary theoretical and clinical elements that will allow them to be effective members of a mental health team. The program introduces students to basic clinical skills that integrate individual and group theoretical foundations of applied psychology into appropriate client interactions and intervention skills. In addition, the Program offers excellent preparation for those considering application to the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology.


The professionalization group serves many functions. While the group offers a structure within which students obtain advisement with respect to academic and training issues, it also provides an opportunity for students to gain personal and professional support as they begin their graduate education in this broad, complex, and dynamic field. Throughout the course of the year, the group will meet to discuss questions and concerns that arise as you embark on this stage of your professional development. We will also talk about your observations, prepare for some of the milestones in your PsyD training (such as practicum, comprehensives, and CRP), and read and discuss articles pertaining to important issues in professional psychology. In addition, the pro group provides opportunities for you to offer and receive feedback on some of the related, but not specifically academic, skills we think a clinician should possess (e.g., critical self-evaluation; being able to articulate your ideas clearly, etc.).

Course description/objectives:

1. To assist students in making a successful academic and personal adaptation to ISPP/Argosy University, Chicago.

2. To familiarize students with the mission of the school program.

3. To acquaint students with the various roles, responsibilities, and work settings of the professional psychologist.

4. To promote personal and professional self-growth.

5. To provide academic advisement to students regarding school policies, procedures, course selection, and requirements.

6. To facilitate adherence and commitment to the ethical codes and standards of the profession.

7. To assist with practicum planning and placement.

8. To sensitize students to the issue of diversity as a central component of professional training.

Course Pre-requisites: None

Required Textbook: None

Technology: Pentium III CPU/ Windows 98; 128MB RAM printer; Microsoft Office: Acrobat (full version); Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (PC), 5.0 (MAC), or Netscape Navigator 4.08; Norton Antivirus.

Course length: 30 Weeks

Contact Hours: 45 Hours

Credit Value: 3.0

Group Format

The group will meet on Mondays from 5-6 p.m. throughout the Spring semester. There will be no Pro Group meeting on Monday, January 21st for the Martin Luther King holiday. There will be no group meetings during final exam or break weeks.

Group sessions may include didactic presentation, discussion, student presentations, small group tasks, experiential exercises, and guest faculty visits. Learning and growth occur most optimally in an environment of safety and trust. Students are requested to collaborate in creating and maintaining such an atmosphere. Confidentiality of student self-disclosures is required.


a. Consistent attendance and active participation in discussions:

Please let me know if you will not be in class. More than two absences in one semester will constitute failure for the course. I do expect everyone to participate. Each group member has something to offer, and it is important for you to speak, both for your own development (clinicians need to be able to speak up in a group and assert their opinions), but also for the benefit of your peers who will learn from you.

b. Completion of any reading assignments by assigned date.

c. Completion of written assignments (on time, typewritten, free of typos, grammatical errors, etc.)

d. Effort both to understand and appreciate, as well as critically evaluate varied perspectives in the theory and practice of professional psychology.

e. Openness and effort to develop skills in critical self-appraisal which allows for recognition and acknowledgment of both strengths and areas in need of further development.

f. Respectful treatment of peers and faculty.

Additionally, students should feel free to make suggestions about topics, specific articles, or other activities for the group.

Tentative Schedule of Spring Class Activities

January7 Welcome, Introductions, and Overview

Program Questions and Answers

January 14 Successful Matriculation: Time Management, Stress Management, Test-Taking Skills, Writing Skills, Accessing Services, Overview of Program – Staying on Track

January 21Martin Luther King Day, No class meeting

January 28Library Orientation

February 4Becoming a Professional Psychologist: Professional Associations, Licensure, Diverse Career Paths

February 11Preparation for Presentations

February 18Introduction to Ethics

February 25 Exploration of Diversity

March 3 Diversity Continued

March 10 Student Presentations

March 17 Student Presentations

March 24 TBA

March 31Beginning Steps for Practicum Placement

April 7 No class session: individual advisement appointments

April 14 No Class Session: Final Exam Week (Self Eval. Due)

Spring term assignments:

Presentation to the Group

On two or three dates in Spring term, we will use our pro group time to do semi-formal presentations to the group. You must choose a topic and prepare a brief, but organized and informative presentation to the group. (Plan to speak to the group for at least 8, but no more than 12 minutes). You will not have to hand in anything for this assignment; rather, the group will give you feedback on your presentation highlighting strengths and areas in need of development. In this way, the presentations give you important opportunities to practice two skills—speaking to groups and offering feedback.

You are welcome to do your presentation without notes, from an outline, or from elaborate, written notes, or powerpoint—it’s up to you. Clear your topic with me in advance (we will set deadlines once we have finalized our schedule). You may choose any topic within or related to psychology, but keep in mind the time constraints, and try to choose something you can really say something about in 10 minutes.

Examples of appropriate presentation topics:

”The benefits of meditation on physical and psychological health”

“Latest Innovations in Treatment for Eating Disorders”

“A brief introduction to the principles of Narrative Therapy”

“Common ethical dilemmas for psychologists in the military”

“Effective strategies for helping young children with nightmares”

I encourage you to be creative, and/or focus on something that really intrigues you or stimulates your passion, as you are likely to do a better job if you care about what you’re saying. You are not required to document library research in order to prepare, although I expect you to base your presentation on some kind of writing in the field. If you want to present something you already know well, that’s fine.

Grading Criteria

The Professionalization Group is graded on a Credit/No Credit basis. A written evaluation of each student will be submitted on the grade sheet. The evaluation will include commentary on the student’s attendance and participation in pro group, adaptation to the program, and developing skills.

Library Resources

ArgosyUniversity’s core online collection features more than 21,000 full-text journals, 23,000 electronic books and other content covering all academic subject areas including Business & Economics, Career & General Education, Computers, Engineering & Applied Science, Humanities, Science, Medicine & Allied Health, and Social & Behavior Sciences.All electronic resources can be accessed through the library’s website at User IDs and passwords are distributed during orientation, but can also be obtained at the circulation desk, calling 312-777-7653, or by e-mail at .

In addition to online resources, ArgosyUniversity’s onsite collections contain a wealth of subject-specific research materials searchable in the Library Online Catalog. Catalog searching is easily limited to individual campus collections.Alternatively, students can search combined collections of all Argosy University Libraries. Students are encouraged to seek research and reference assistance from campus librarians.

Information Literacy: ArgosyUniversity’s Information Literacy Tutorial was developed to teach fundamental and transferable research skills, including selecting sources appropriate for academic-level research, searching periodical indexes and search engines, and evaluating and citing information. In the tutorial, students study concepts and practice them through interactions. At the conclusion of each module, they can test their comprehension and receive immediate feedback. Each module takes less than 20 minutes to complete. Please view the tutorial at

Academic Policies

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism: In an effort to foster a spirit of honesty and integrity during the learning process, ArgosyUniversity requires that the submission of all course assignments represent the original work produced by that student. All sources must be documented through normal scholarly references/citations and all work must be submitted using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th Edition (2001). WashingtonDC: American Psychological Association (APA) format. Please refer to Appendix A in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th Edition for thesis and paper format. Students are encouraged to purchase this manual (required in some courses) and become familiar with its content as well as consult the ArgosyUniversity catalog for further information regarding academic dishonesty and plagiarism.

Scholarly writing: The faculty at ArgosyUniversity is dedicated to providing a learning environment that supports scholarly and ethical writing, free from academic dishonesty and plagiarism. This includes the proper and appropriate referencing of all sources. You may be asked to submit your course assignments through “Turnitin,” ( an online resource established to help educators develop writing/research skills and detect potential cases of academic dishonesty. Turnitin compares submitted papers to billions of pages of content and provides a comparison report to your instructor. This comparison detects papers that share common information and duplicative language.

Americans with Disabilities Act Policy

It is the policy of ArgosyUniversity to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If a student with disabilities needs accommodations, the student must notify the Director of Student Services. Procedures for documenting student disability and the development of reasonable accommodations will be provided to the student upon request.

Students will be notified by the Director of Student Services when each request for accommodation is approved or denied in writing via a designated form. To receive accommodation in class, it is the student’s responsibility to present the form (at his or her discretion) to the instructor. In an effort to protect student privacy, the Department of Student Services will not discuss the accommodation needs of any student with instructors. Faculty may not make accommodations for individuals who have not been approved in this manner.

The ArgosyUniversity Statement Regarding Diversity

ArgosyUniversity prepares students to serve populations with diverse social, ethnic, economic, and educational experiences. Both the academic and training curricula are designed to provide an environment in which students can develop the skills and attitudes essential to working with people from a wide range of backgrounds.