COURSE NAME: Air Force Junior ROTC Aerospace Science I

The Mission of the Air Force JROTC program is to:

Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.

Citizenship Service Responsibility Accomplishment Self-Disciplined Respectful Successful

Good Character & Integrity

CREDIT HOURS: 1 Physical Education OR Elective Credit for the entire year (must complete both semesters)


Lt Col Michael A. Brown, Senior Aerospace Science

SMSgt Torrance L. McGee, Aerospace Science

SMSgt Byron E. Wrenn, Aerospace Science

PHONE: (770) 288-3222; FAX: (770) 288-3230; CELL: (678) 644-4177 (McGee)


Aerospace Science 100: “A Journey into Aviation History”

Leadership Education 100: “Traditions, Wellness, and Foundations of Citizenship”

Air Force Manual 36-2203, Personnel Drill and Ceremonies, V-2627

Unit GA-20102 Cadet Guide, Unit GA-20102 Fitness Program Guide

Learn to Lead Cadet Drill Guide, Course Syllabi,Student Binders, Student Workbooks

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS: Allcourses consist of three components: Aerospace Science(AS) - 40%, Leadership Education (LE) - 40%, and Wellness Program - Physical Education- 20%.

The overall objectives for academic courses are for the Cadet to develop:

a)An appreciation of the basic elements and requirements for national security.

b)Respect for and an understanding of the need for constituted authority in a democratic society.

c)Patriotism and an understanding of their personal obligation to contribute toward our nation and community.

d)A broad-based knowledge of the aerospace age and fundamental aerospace doctrine.

e)An understanding about people and environments and the links between people and places.

f)An interest in completing high school and pursuing higher educational goals or skills.

g)An understanding of the Air Force and military as a possible career path.

h)Development of character, responsibility, accountability, and loyalty.

i)Know the AFJROTC mission and organization, customs and courtesies, and the meaning and purpose of standards, discipline, and conduct.

j)Comprehend why the elements of effective communication skills are important to the dynamics of individual and group behavior, and a key to effective leadership.

k)Comprehend why obtaining a degree or skill after high school is important to having a civilian or military career.

l)Know the historical roots of management, the importance of managers and management, and

  1. the characteristics of a good leader.

m)Fitness as a way of life.

First Year Cadets Curriculum and Standards

Leadership Education 100: “Traditions, Wellness, and Foundations of Citizenship”

(NOTE:Linked Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) Standards is listed with each lesson.)

Chapter 1 Introduction to Air Force Junior ROTC

Lessons 1 The Organization of the AFJROTC(Pages 4-21)

Lesson Learning Targets: Students will learn the following knowledge, concepts, principles, and processes in this lesson:

1. Discuss the history of the nation’s Junior ROTC programs.

2. Explain the organization of JROTC programs.

3. Examine the lines of responsibility and authority in Junior ROTC programs.

Assessment Samples of Behavior: Life Skills - Life Work (McREL) Standards

Standard 2. Uses various information sources, including those of a technical nature, to accomplish specific tasks

2. Follows basic linear paths in organizational charts

Standard 7. Displays reliability and a basic work ethic

1. Understands the concept of reliability (e.g., completing tasks on time; maintaining regular attendance; carrying out assigned tasks; being punctual)

2. Understands ethical character traits as they relate to the workplace (e.g., honesty, integrity, compassion, justice)

5. Develops good work habits (e.g., keeping an effective work station; organizing job responsibilities)

6. Respects authority and is attentive to requests and preferences of supervisor

9. Understands the concept of loyalty to an organization

Standard 8. Operates effectively within organizations

1. Understands the organization’s basic goals and values

2. Understands the extent to which organizational values are compatible with personal values

Lesson 2 The Military Uniform and Appearance Standards(Pages 22-41)

Lesson Learning Targets: Students will learn the following knowledge, concepts, principles, and processes in this lesson:

1. Explain uniform wear and history.

2. Explain the purpose of uniform wear, restrictions, and standards.

3. Describe the uniforms used within special teams.

4. Describe cadet appearance and grooming standards.

5. Identify military pay grades and rank insignia.

Assessment Samples of Behavior: Life Skills - Life Work, Behavioral Studies, Life Skills – Working with Others (McREL) Standards

Behavioral Studies

Standard 1. Understands that group and cultural influences contribute to human development, identity, and behavior

7. Understands that family, gender, ethnicity, nationality, institutional affiliations, socioeconomic status, and other group and cultural influences contribute to the shaping of a person’s identity

Life Skills - Life Work

Standard 7. Displays reliability and a basic work ethic

1. Understands the concept of reliability (e.g., completing tasks on time; maintaining regular attendance; carrying out assigned tasks; being punctual) 2. Understands ethical character traits as they relate to the workplace (e.g., honesty, integrity, compassion, justice) 3. Understands the concept of a professional image, (e.g., appearance, personal hygiene, language)

6. Respects authority and is attentive to requests and preferences of supervisor

9. Understands the concept of loyalty to an organization

Standard 8. Operates effectively within organizations

1. Understands the organization’s basic goals and values

2. Understands the extent to which organizational values are compatible with personal values

Life Skills – Working With Others

Standard 5. Demonstrates leadership skills

1. Understands one’s own role as a leader or follower in various situations

Lesson 3 Customs and Courtesies for AFJROTC(Pages 42-57)

Lesson Learning Targets: Students will learn the following knowledge, concepts, principles, and processes in this lesson:

1. Describe the difference between a custom and a courtesy.

2. Identify historic customs and courtesies.

3. Explain the proper methods to demonstrate recognition and respect.

4. Describe the standard usage of military time.

Assessment Samples of Behavior:Behavioral Studies, Life Skills – Working With Others, Life Skills - Life Work (McREL) Standards

Standard 1. Understands that group and cultural influences contribute to human development, identity, and behavior

7. Understands that family, gender, ethnicity, nationality, institutional affiliations, socioeconomic status, and other group and cultural influences contribute to the shaping of a person’s identity

Life Skills – Working With Others

Standard 4. Displays effective interpersonal communication skills

2. Exhibits positive character traits towards others, including honesty, fairness, dependability, and integrity

Life Skills - Life Work

Standard 7. Displays reliability and a basic work ethic

1. Understands the concept of reliability (e.g., completing tasks on time; maintaining regular attendance; carrying out assigned tasks; being punctual) 2. Understands ethical character traits as they relate to the workplace (e.g., honesty, integrity, compassion, justice) 6. Respects authority and is attentive to requests and preferences of supervisor

9. Understands the concept of loyalty to an organization

Standard 8. Operates effectively within organizations

1. Understands the organization’s basic goals and values

2. Understands the extent to which organizational values are compatible with personal values

Lesson 4 Attitude, Discipline, and Respect (Pages 58-69)

Lesson Learning Targets: Students will learn the following knowledge, concepts, principles, and processes in this lesson:

1. Describe the importance of a positive attitude.

2. Describe the importance of discipline.

Assessment Samples of Behavior: Behavioral Studies, Life Skills – Working With Others, Life Skills - Life Work (McREL) Standards

Behavioral Studies

Standard 1. Understands that group and cultural influences contribute to human development, identity, and behavior

7. Understands that family, gender, ethnicity, nationality, institutional affiliations, socioeconomic status, and other group and cultural influences contribute to the shaping of a person’s identity

Life Skills – Working With Others

Standard 1. Contributes to the overall effort of a group

1. Knows the behaviors and skills that contribute to team effectiveness

2. Works cooperatively within a group to complete tasks, achieve goals, and solve problems

Standard 4. Displays effective interpersonal communication skills

2. Exhibits positive character traits towards others, including honesty, fairness, dependability, and integrity

Standard 5. Demonstrates leadership skills

1. Understands one’s own role as a leader or follower in various situations

Life Skills - Life Work

Standard 2. Uses various information sources, including those of a technical nature, to accomplish specific tasks

2. Follows basic linear paths in organizational charts

Standard 7. Displays reliability and a basic work ethic

1. Understands the concept of reliability (e.g., completing tasks on time; maintaining regular attendance; carrying out assigned tasks; being punctual) 2. Understands ethical character traits as they relate to the workplace (e.g., honesty, integrity, compassion, justice) 5. Develops good work habits (e.g., keeping an effective work station; organizing job responsibilities) 6. Respects authority and is attentive to requests and preferences of supervisor

Standard 8. Operates effectively within organizations

1. Understands the organization’s basic goals and values

2. Understands the extent to which organizational values are compatible with personal values

Lesson 5 Ethics (Pages 70-89)

Lesson Learning Targets:Students will learn the following knowledge, concepts, principles, and processes in this lesson:

1. Describe the four basic rules of ethics.

2. Identify the four types of values.

3. Identify the core values of the US military services.

4. Explain cultural and universal norms

5. Describe how to make ethical and moral decisions.

6. Identify your personal code of conduct.

Assessment Samples of Behavior:Behavioral Studies, Life Skills – Working With Others, Life Skills – Self-Regulation, Life Skills - Life Work (McREL) Standards

Behavioral Studies

Standard 1. Understands that group and cultural influences contribute to human development, identity, and behavior

1. Understands that cultural beliefs strongly influence the values and behavior of the people who grow up in the culture, often without their being fully aware of it, and that people have different responses to these influences

7. Understands that family, gender, ethnicity, nationality, institutional affiliations, socioeconomic status, and other group and cultural influences contribute to the shaping of a person’s identity

Standard 2. Understands various meanings of social group, general implications of group membership, and different ways that groups function

1. Understands that while a group may act, hold beliefs, and/or present itself as a cohesive whole, individual members may hold widely varying beliefs, so the behavior of a group may not be predictable from an understanding of each of its members

Life Skills – Working With Others

Standard 1. Contributes to the overall effort of a group

1. Knows the behaviors and skills that contribute to team effectiveness

2. Works cooperatively within a group to complete tasks, achieve goals, and solve problems

4. Demonstrates respect for others’ rights, feelings, and points of view in a group

Standard 4. Displays effective interpersonal communication skills

2. Exhibits positive character traits towards others, including honesty, fairness, dependability, and integrity

12. Demonstrates sensitivity to cultural diversity (e.g., personal space, use of eye contact, gestures, bias-free language)

Standard 5. Demonstrates leadership skills

1. Understands one’s own role as a leader or follower in various situations

2. Knows the qualities of good leaders and followers

Life Skills – Self-Regulation

Standard 2. Performs self-appraisal

4. Identifies basic values, and distinguishes values from personal preferences, needs, and wants

Life Skills - Life Work

Standard 7. Displays reliability and a basic work ethic

1. Understands the concept of reliability (e.g., completing tasks on time; maintaining regular attendance; carrying out assigned tasks; being punctual) 2. Understands ethical character traits as they relate to the workplace (e.g., honesty, integrity, compassion, justice) 5. Develops good work habits (e.g., keeping an effective work station; organizing job responsibilities) 6. Respects authority and is attentive to requests and preferences of supervisor

Standard 8. Operates effectively within organizations

1. Understands the organization’s basic goals and values

2. Understands the extent to which organizational values are compatible with personal values

5. Understands the organization and culture of different work groups and companies

Lesson 6 Social Etiquette and Dinning-In, Dinning-Out (Pages 90-117)

Lesson Learning Targets: Students will learn the following knowledge, concepts, principles, and processes in this lesson:

1. Analyze etiquette and manners in formal and informal settings.

2. Demonstrate proper dining etiquette.

3. Explain the handling of social invitations.

4. Demonstrate the proper application of public courtesies.

5. Describe historical background of Dining-Ins and Dining-Outs.

Assessment Samples of Behavior: Behavioral Studies, Life Skills – Working With Others, Life Skills – Self-Regulation, Life Skills - Life Work (McREL) Standards

Behavioral Studies

Standard 1. Understands that group and cultural influences contribute to human development, identity, and behavior

7. Understands that family, gender, ethnicity, nationality, institutional affiliations, socioeconomic status, and other group and cultural influences contribute to the shaping of a person's identity

Standard 2. Understands various meanings of social group, general implications of group membership, and different ways that groups function

2. Understands that social organizations may serve business, political, or social purposes beyond those for which they officially exist, including unstated ones such as excluding certain categories of people from activities

5. Understands that social groups may have patterns of behavior, values, beliefs, and attitudes that can help or hinder cross-cultural understanding

Life Skills – Working With Others

Standard 1. Contributes to the overall effort of a group

1. Knows the behaviors and skills that contribute to team effectiveness

2. Works cooperatively within a group to complete tasks, achieve goals, and solve problems

4. Demonstrates respect for others’ rights, feelings, and points of view in a group

Standard 4. Displays effective interpersonal communication skills

2. Exhibits positive character traits towards others, including honesty, fairness, dependability, and integrity

3. Knows strategies to effectively communicate in a variety of settings (e.g., selects appropriate strategy for audience and situation)

5. Uses nonverbal communication such as eye contact, body position, and gestures effectively

12. Demonstrates sensitivity to cultural diversity (e.g., personal space, use of eye contact, gestures, bias-free language)

Life Skills - Life Work

Standard 7. Displays reliability and a basic work ethic

1. Understands the concept of reliability (e.g., completing tasks on time; maintaining regular attendance; carrying out assigned tasks; being punctual) 2. Understands ethical character traits as they relate to the workplace (e.g., honesty, integrity, compassion, justice) 3. Understands the concept of a professional image, (e.g., appearance, personal hygiene, language)

6. Respects authority and is attentive to requests and preferences of supervisor

Standard 8. Operates effectively within organizations

1. Understands the organization’s basic goals and values

2. Understands the extent to which organizational values are compatible with personal values

5. Understands the organization and culture of different work groups and companies

Chapter 2 Personal Behavior

Lesson 1 Note Taking and Study Skills (Pages 120-139)

Lesson Learning Targets: Students will learn the following knowledge, concepts, principles, and processes in this lesson:

1. Analyze effective note taking strategies.

2. Describe the eight types of Thinking Maps®.

3. Demonstrate effective study skills.

4. Recall effective strategies for taking exams.

5. Develop an effective homework plan.

Assessment Samples of Behavior: Life Skills – Thinking and Reasoning, Life Skills – Working With Others, Life Skills - Life Work (McREL) Standards

Life Skills – Thinking and Reasoning

Standard 3. Effectively uses mental processes that are based on identifying similarities and differences

1. Uses a comparison table to compare multiple items on multiple abstract characteristics

4. Identifies the qualitative and quantitative traits (other than frequency and obvious importance) that can be used to order and classify items

Life Skills – Working With Others

Standard 1. Contributes to the overall effort of a group

1. Knows the behaviors and skills that contribute to team effectiveness

2. Works cooperatively within a group to complete tasks, achieve goals, and solve problems

4. Demonstrates respect for others’ rights, feelings, and points of view in a group

Life Skills - Life Work

Standard 1. Makes effective use of basic tools

1. Uses work space effectively (e.g., organizes materials, information, computer records)

Standard 2. Uses various information sources, including those of a technical nature, to accomplish specific tasks

2. Follows basic linear paths in organizational charts

Standard 7. Displays reliability and a basic work ethic

5. Develops good work habits (e.g., keeping an effective work station; organizing job responsibilities)

Lesson 3 Making Positive Decisions (Pages 156-171)

Lesson Learning Targets:Students will learn the following knowledge, concepts, principles, and processes in this lesson:

1. Employ a goal setting process to arrive at healthful decisions.

2. Explain the impact of communication skills on leadership.

3. Apply responsible use of electronic media devices.

Assessment Samples of Behavior: Behavioral Studies, Health, Life Skills – Working With Others, Life Skills – Life Work, Creativity and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making, Digital Citizenship, Technology Operations and Concepts (McREL) Standards

Behavioral Studies

Standard 3. Understands that interactions among learning, inheritance, and physical development affect human behavior

6. Knows that human thinking involves the interaction of ideas, and ideas about ideas


Standard 4. Knows how to maintain mental and emotional health

1. Knows skills used to communicate effectively with family, friends, and others, and the effects of open and honest communication

Standard 5. Knows essential concepts and practices concerning injury prevention and safety

4. Knows how refusal, negotiation, and collaboration skills can be used to avoid potentially harmful situations