Course Module Framework

HIT 104 Databases I

Module Name: / Give a name to this particular module.
HIT104 Databases I
Module Description: / List the goals and objectives for this module. Describe the course content.
Participants will be able to perform these tasks:
  • Create, open and save a table
  • Enter data
  • Print tables

Prerequisites for this Module / What modules must precede this particular module?
HIT 100 – Basic Computer Operations
Needs Analysis: / Prior to attending this course participants must complete a written questionnaire to assess their needs. Suggested questions/points should include (a) information about their content area, (b) grade levels they teach, (c) specific experience with the module topics (may want to consider a Likert scale), (d) software (system software?) and computer access, (e) workshop expectations (may relate to prioritized objectives), and (f) motivations (journal/reflections).
See attached Needs Analysis form.


/ A hook is an activity related to the subject matter that catches the attention of the participant and keeps them coming back for more. The learning experience must touch teachers at their core, awakening their curiosity, appealing to their sense of wonder, and harnessing their passion. In designing workshops, the staff developer should explore the techniques used by various kinds of performers to cause the eyes to widen and the mouth to drop open.
Show participants a pre-built database to show them how to organize and enter data in a timely manner.- Have a database ready and as participant enter- they can enter data into a form. Use the database to do some of the guided practice.
Team Building Practice/Small Group Discussion / Divide the participants into small groups (3 – 6 participants). What criteria and method will you use to divide the participants into groups? How can the instructor initiate an exciting and productive group discussion about applicable ways to use the concept introduced? Discussion and instruction are focused on students learning content or job related responsibilities, i.e. administrators, counselors. How do you develop opportunities for participants to have some choice/control over what they learn?
Divide participants into cooperative learning groups where one individual may have background in Microsoft Access to assist in leading the group. The group will discuss how they could use databases in their respective areas to improve student learning and processing information.
Guided Practice / What activities will you use to walk the participants through the learning materials? How will you present the materials? How will you accommodate different learning styles? How do you provide opportunities to share, reflect, analyze, and generalize from their new learning experience? How will informal pacing and progress checks take place at this time? Technology is modeled twice with participants working along and teachers are encouraged to generate their own connections through discussion. Examples and instruction are focused on students learning content. Reference GA Student Technology Standards.
Use handout to walk participants through the steps of creating a table in design view; enter data in datasheet view, sort and filter data, and print data.
1) Planning and Designing Databases
  • Determine appropriate data inputs/outputs for your database
  • Create table structure
2) Working With Access
  • Create a database in design view
  • Select an object using the Objects Bar
  • Print database objects (using MS Word)
  • Navigate through records
3) Building and Modifying Tables
  • Discuss and set a primary key* discuss primary key importance
  • Modify field properties
  • Use multiple data types
  • Modify tables using Design View
  • Use the Lookup Wizard
  • Use the Input Mask Wizard
4) Viewing and Organizing Information
  • Switch between object views
  • Enter records using datasheet view

Individual Practice / What happens during individual practice? How will you lead-in to the 40% of time where individuals create their own materials for classroom use? Approximately 40% of workshop time is allotted for teachers to invent uses for their own classrooms. Teachers are encouraged to generate their own connections through discussion. Teachers are allowed to choose from a variety of tutorials or activities during hands-on learning time. How will informal pacing and progress checks take place at this time? How do you develop opportunities for participants to have some choice/control over what they learn? Describe your role as facilitator.
Participants will create a database that they can use. Participants can choose from the following list or create an artifact that is pertinent to their job responsibilities (curriculum).
  • Create a database of student or class information
  • Create a database of research facts for analyzing
  • Create reports from data (printing data)
  • Create a database for students to enter in facts about topics

Action Plan for Individuals / A written evaluation feed back form with open-ended questions is provided at end of class. It is very important for each individual to have an action plan developed before leaving class (an IAP). An IAP will give participants a recipe for success: direction, focus, strategy, and a goal. With the action plan, the participant puts in writing what goals he wants to achieve and how he expects to get there. It serves as the map that the participant can refer to again and again to see if he is on the right track. Make sure the participant’s action plan is something they will use, not a "shelf" plan. It should be specific enough to cause real change, not temporary disorientation. An action plan might be a table that includes (1) goals (2) action steps, (2) timeline, (3) resources, (4) indicators of success, (5) date of completion. How can they support one another through peer coaching? How will they determine progress towards their goals?
See Attached
Ensuring Sustainability / Instructor written contact information is provided to participants including support hours/numbers (i.e., office hours for individual instruction) or group information.
How will follow up information be supplied to administration? i.e. attendance, etc.?
A paper handout and web page will be provided with contact information including phone number(s), email address and office hours. The instructor will report follow-up information to the Technology Services Director as well as keep a school-based database.
Evaluation / Prior to the participants leaving class, they should complete an evaluation form for this particular module. What questions should be asked?
See Henry County Schools SDU evaluation form.
Resources / When the participants leave class, what written resources will be available to them? What electronic resources (tutorials) will be available to them? Be specific.
List resources available to participants outside of class.
