Vita including work submitted for review and work in progress: December 2, 2009

Cyril Lee Mundell


Date of Birth: March 25, 1944 Business Address: P.O. Box 235, Loyola University New Orleans, 6363 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118 Office telephone: 504 864-7935, Cell: 504 813-8620 Fax: 504 864-7970 E-mail:


University of North Carolina, Ph.D. (Economics) 1976; University of Florida, B.S.B.A. (Economics) 1967

Research Interests:

Applied Statistics, Quantitative Methods, Simulation Games

Employment History/Teaching Experience:

LoyolaUniversity: Associate Professor of Decision Science, 8/81 to present; MBA Director 9/82-5/87 and 12/89-5/92…University of Arkansas at Little Rock: Assistant Professor of Economics 8/77-5/81…North CarolinaStateUniversity: Visiting Instructor of Economics 8/75-5/77…WesternCarolinaUniversity: Instructor of Economics 9/69-6/74…University of North Carolina: Teaching Assistant 9/68-6/69

Recent Courses Taught: Business Statistics, Introduction to Business and

Statistics and Quantitative Methods 1 and 2

Professional Activities:

Refereed Journal Articles: C. Lee Mundell and Jack E. Adams, “The Laffer Curve and the Keynesian Model,” The Journal of Economics, VI 1980, pp. 236-38; C. Lee Mundell and Jack E. Adams, “The Laffer Curve, Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply,” The Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business, 21 (1) Winter 1982, pp. 13-25, Abstracted in Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 20 No. 3, Sept. 1982, p. 1365; Elizabeth Coote, Jerry Dauterive, Lee Mundell and Ernest Nordtvedt, “Has the Vieux Carre Been Preserved?,” New Orleans Preservation in Print, vol. 9, no 7 Oct. 1982, p. 8; Pearson, Michael M., and Lee Mundell, “Spatial Modeling with Spreadsheets: The Evolution of a Store Layout Model for Classroom Use,” Marketing Education Review, Spring 1999, Volume 8, Number 2; Pearson, Michael M., Lee Mundell, Teri K. Henley and Jim Eiseman, “Spatial Modeling with Spreadsheets: Development of Four Advertising Layout Exercises for the Classroom,” Journal of Advertising Education, June, 2001;

Refereed Journal Articles (cont): Pearson, Michael M., Caroline Fisher, Lee Mundell, and John W. Barnes, “Spreadsheet Model for the Classroom: The Value of Position on the Web Page,” Journal of Internet Commerce, 2002; Pearson, Michael M., and Lee Mundell, “Spreadsheet Modeling of Spatial Problems: A Classroom Exercise,” Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 2003; Pearson, Michael M., Caroline M. Fisher, Lee Mundell, and John Barnes, “Spreadsheet Modeling for the Classroom: The Value of Position on the Web Page,” Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol. 2(2) 2003

Academic Presentations/Proceedings: LeBlanc, Louis and C. Lee Mundell, “Management Science: The Service Arena, “ 1982 Southeastern American Institute for Decision Sciences annual meeting; Jerry Dauterive and C. Lee Mundell, “Supply-Side Hypotheses: A Look at the Empirical Evidence,” 1982 SWFAD annual meeting;Pearson, Michael M.; Lee Mundell; Terri Henley and Jim Eiseman, “Spatial Modeling with Spreadsheets: Research and Classroom Use for Advertising Research,” Academy of Business Disciplines National Conference, Fort Myers, FL, November 11-12, 1999; Pearson, Michael M., Lee Mundell and Caroline Fisher, “Value of Position on the Web Site: Spreadsheet Models for the Classroom,” Direct Marketing Educators Conference, New Orleans, October 15, 2000. (Paper presented at conference and published in conference proceedings as extended abstract.); Pearson, Michael M., and Lee Mundell, “Spreadsheet-Based Spatial Modeling for the Retail Management Classroom: Three Models,” The Sixth Triennial AMS/ACRA Retailing Conference, Columbus, OH, November 2000. (Paper presented at conference and published in conference proceedings, Retailing 2000: Launching the New Millennium.); Pearson, Michael M. and Lee Mundell, “The Evolution of Spreadsheet-Based Shopping Center Layout Models for the Retail Classroom,” Winter ACRA/NRF Conference, NYC, January 14, 2001; Pearson, Michael and Lee Mundell, “A Spreadsheet-Based Shopping Center Model for the Classroom,” Academy of Marketing Science Tenth Biennial World Conference, Cardiff, Wales, June 27 - July 1, 2001. (Paper presented at conference and published in conference proceedings.); Pearson, Michael M., Fisher, Caroline M., Barnes, John W., Frederickson, Scott, and Mundell, Lee, “Computer-based Exercises for the Music Merchandising Classroom: Comparing the Reaction of Music Students to Traditional Retailing Students,” Annual Conference of the Atlantic Marketing Association, Portland, Maine, September 26-29, 2001. (Paper presented at conference and published in conference proceedings.); Pearson, Michael M., Lee Mundell, “Using the LOOKUP Command to Construct Spatial Models with Spreadsheets,” Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, CA, November 17-20, 2001. (Paper presented at conference by Mundell and Pearson, and published in conference proceedings.); Yao,Lee J. and Mundell, C. Lee, “Operating Models, Revenue Models and Sustainability of U.S. e-Commerce Organizations,” Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, LA, November 14-17, 2009

University and Community Service(This listing begins with my 1996 annual reports. I do not have computer files or paper copies of earlier committee work and university service. The college may have paper copies.)

University Committees and Service

Human Subjects in Research, 1996-2001

Graduate Fellowships Committee, 1996-98

Advisor to Loyola Crew Team, 1999-2001

Vice Chair of University Senate, 2001-02

Secretary of University Senate, 2003 spring

Senate rep. on the University Fringe Benefits Committee, 2002-05

Quality Enhancement Plan – First Year Experience, 2006-2008

University Rank and Tenure committee, 2008-2010

College Committees and Service

Co-advisor to the college Delta Sigma Pi chapter, 1996-97

Advisor to the college Delta Sigma Pi chapter, 1998-2000

Faculty Advisor, Beta Gamma Sigma chapter, 2008-

Library Committee, 1996-2001

Computer Expectations for CBA Students Committee (ad hoc), 2003

Rank and Tenure Committee, 2004-2008

Curriculum Committee, 2004-05, 2008-2010

Strategic Planning Committee, 2006

Community Service:

Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestra-Data Base Dev. Com, 1996

Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestra Board, 1997

JohnQ.AdamsMiddle School Band Booster President 1999

IsidoreNewmanSchool Band Executive Committee, 2000-03

Church leadership roles, 1996-2004, 2009-2012

Work in Progress and Work Submitted for Review:

Michael A. Pearson, Lee Mundell and Thomas M. Hickman, “A Random-Generated Spreadsheet Exercise to Simulate a Typical Day for a Retail Store Manager” Submitted to the Decision SciencesJournal of Innovative Educationin November 9, 2009.

Michael A. Pearson, Lee Mundell, Thomas M. Hickman, Karen Arnold, “Combining In-basket and Survival Game Pedagogies into an Experiential Learning Exercise” Submitted for presentation at the Marketing Educators’ Association Conference in March 2010.

Mehmet F. Dicle and Lee Mundell - The purpose of this research is to determine if returns on the Taiwanese and Thailand stock markets can be predicted using U.S. stock returns. We expect to submit an article to a refereed journal in early 2010.