Michigan Department of Education

Office of Professional Preparation Services

IACET CEU Conversion

to SB-CEUs

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) entered into a collaborative agreement with the International Association for Continuing Education and Training, IACET (http://www.iacet.org), whereby CEUs obtained via an approved IACET Authorized Provider are eligible for conversion to SB-CEUs through an application process initiated by an approved SB-CEU Sponsor.

Upon completion of the IACET Authorized Provider sponsored training, the participant must submit to the SB-CEU coordinator the transcript/certificate of completion, and the training brochure, issued by the IACET Authorized Provider which confers the awarding of the IACET CEU.

The SB-CEUs sponsor then submits an application for approval for the conversion from IACET CEUs to SB-CEUs. The number of SB-CEUs converted shall not be less than the minimum (0.3 SB-CEUs) or the maximum (9.0) allowed for program approval as established by the SB-CEU criteria/guidelines.

After approval is granted, the SB-CEU sponsor uploads the individual’s information into the SCR, which will generate the online evaluation procedure. When the individual completes the online evaluation, the SCR will award the

SB-CEUs to the individual’s account.

Please contact your local SB-CEU sponsor with questions

concerning a specific SB-CEU offering.

