Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Development
COURSE:______ / Expected contents / Considerations / Deadline
(2015- 2018 cycle) / √
Standing Requirements
Learning Outcome / Course Student Learning Outcome Statements (CSLOs) that describe what a student should know/achieve/perform at the conclusion of the course. / In developing CSLOs, consider the following prompts to develop meaningful outcomes that can be measured in the assessment plan:
- What will the student learn to do?
- How will the student learn to do it?
CSLOs must be mapped to Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) and Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs). / In addition to the above prompts, consider:
- How the CSLO will help the student learn the [PSLO].
Assessment Cycle
Assessment Plan / Measurement method describing how the CSLO will be assessed / In addition to the above prompts, consider:
- How the student will show me that they’ve learned the CSLO.
Standards and targets for student achievement of outcomes (Ideal target is optional)
Example: 85% [target] of students will achieve a 70% grade [standard] on the assessment. / In developing standards and targets, consider the following:
- A standard is the minimum level students must achieve to… succeed in the next course, succeed in the workplace, succeed in the next degree program.
- What is “passing”?
- A target is the proportion of students you want to meet your minimally adequate standard.
- If essential for health/ safety: 100%
- If essential for subsequent success: close to 100%
- If not essential… why a key outcome?
- Would you be happy if all of your students were just minimally adequate? Consider adding an “ideal target” for exceptional performance.
Assessment Findings / The findings (i.e. data samples) are defined and described. / Consider the following when determining how to record assessment findings:
- Miramar is currently flexible on how to record the data. Faculty/ staff can record aggregated results, or disaggregate at various levels (i.e. which sections were assessed, the demographic profile of those that were assessed, online versus face-to face, etc.)
Note: while the deadline is Spring 2018, the Action Plan and Status Report are also due, so plan accordingly to allow time for meaningful action.
Action Plan / Actions identified to improve on student learning and/or student success. / Consider the following in developing action plans:
- If the assessment findings provide useful information, dialogue on ways to improve instruction or use results to highlight success.
- If the assessment hasn’t been useful (or is too labor intensive)… do something different
- If students are consistently meeting expectations, does this CSLO provide information to help improve teaching and learning?
- If students are consistently meeting/ not meeting expectations, are there issues with the CSLO statement, measurement method, targets, etc.?
- Ideas for “actions”:
- Modification of teaching or instruction
- Modification of CSLO statement, measurement method, or standards/ targets
- Nothing (but aren’t great teachers always improving?)
Resource needs linked to improvement of student learning and achievement. / As much as possible, consider how resource needs could affect/ improve student learning.
Status Report / Status of above actions and resource needs. / Status can be Not Started, In Progress, Completed, or Not Implemented. Use “Additional Information” field to provide justification/ information on the Status. / Deadline: Spring 2018