Email of Introduction
EDU 224 Foundations of Teaching and Learning

Learning Outcomes

Course goals assessed by this assignment are as follows.

  • Engage in reflection and examination of your motivations for selecting teaching as a profession and the responsibilities involved in that choice (LO #2).
  • Prepare for a successful job search and first years of classroom practice through written reflection, preparation of important documents, and participation in educational organizations (LO #4).

Assignment Description

Compose an interesting and engagingemail introducing yourself to your instructor.

Include 1) your reasons for wanting to be a teacher, 2) relevant information about yourself,and 3) any teaching experience you have had so far. If this were a cover letter, your email should make the instructor want to hire you once you achieve certification.

Use a somewhat formal (but friendly) style. Remember that this is an email; it is meant to be read quickly. Be sure to edit for correct grammar and spelling. In the future this letter can be revised for use with a variety of field experience mentors and even as a job application cover letter.

Email of Introduction Evaluation

Your email will be assessed using the following checklist.

Your Points / Points Possible / Item
5 / Reasons for wanting to be a teacher
5 / Relevant information about yourself
5 / Teaching experience
5 / Correct grammar and spelling
5 / Reader interest
25 / TOTAL

Based on your email of introduction, as a principal, I would…

_____Welcome you to my school.

_____Welcome you to my school with some reservations.

_____Keep you out of my school for now.

Email of Introduction Evaluation

Your email will be assessed using the following checklist.

Your Points / Points Possible / Item
5 / Reasons for wanting to be a teacher
5 / Relevant information about yourself
5 / Teaching experience
5 / Correct grammar and spelling
5 / Reader interest
25 / TOTAL

Based on your email of introduction, as a principal, I would…

_____Welcome you to my school.

_____Welcome you to my school with some reservations.

_____Keep you out of my school for now.

Email of Introduction Evaluation

Your email will be assessed using the following checklist.

Your Points / Points Possible / Item
5 / Reasons for wanting to be a teacher
5 / Relevant information about yourself
5 / Teaching experience
5 / Correct grammar and spelling
5 / Reader interest
25 / TOTAL

Based on your email of introduction, as a principal, I would…

_____Welcome you to my school.

_____Welcome you to my school with some reservations.

_____Keep you out of my school for now.