Algebra II 2013-2014
Course Expectations/Syllabus
Building on their work with linear, quadratic, and exponential functions, students extend their repertoire of functions to include polynomial, rational, and radical functions. Students work closely with the expressions that define the functions, and continue to expand and hone their abilities to model situations and to solve equations, including solving quadratic equations over the set of complex numbers and solving exponential equations using the properties of logarithms. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. -
This course is designed to instill in the student an understanding in, and prowess with, algebraic thinking as preparation for using mathematics in future school and work experiences. The key aspects of this course are related to the Common Core State Mathematics Standards and the Standards for Mathematical Practice as listed below.
Students who successfully complete this course will be well prepared to continue their study of mathematics at FHS. The majority of students in this course should plan to move on to take more mathematics to facilitate their access to a successful life of work.
More information about Mr. Young’s Algebra II course may be discovered at:
Mr. Young’s Classroom Norms 2013-2014
- Students will comply with all District and FHS Discipline Policies including the Honor Code. (See your Handbooks).
- Students will show Mr. Young respect and Mr. Young will show respect to all students.
- Students will start class in their assigned seat, on time, and ready to learn.
- Students are expected to participate in class and not speak when Mr. Young is speaking during whole class instruction.
- Students are expected to be on-task during class and be aware of the nature of the current task.
- Students should place their Nspire calculator back in a Charging Bay when they have finished using it.
- Students should not use their personal electronic devices while class is in session unless they are on-task or have permission.
- Students should not throw anything in any way in class.
- One student at a time will be allowed to use the pass. Please ask as you leave, and use your discretion in choosing a time to leave. In the case of an emergence leave and explain when you return.
- Mr. Young will open the door for anyone wishing to enter class. The door will remain closed and locked.
- Students will NOT line up at the door before the end of class.
Students in the course will be responsible for knowing and following the Fayetteville Digital Resources Policy Use Agreement that can be found at as well as the Norms stated above.
I would like to have at least four contacts with your parents this year. Please encourage them to email me at and to attend our conferences through the year.
What Technology will be used?
TI-84/83 Plus, TI-NSprire CAS; Digital Camera; TI-Navigator; and Calculator Based Data Collection with various probes.
Web Browser, Windows 7, VideoPoint, GSP, and Microsoft Office.
Your grade will be calculated each term using the scores from the following (weighted as shown):
-Examinations (50%)*
-Quiz (20%)
-Class Participation (10%)$
-Homework (10%)#
-Journal (10%)
* Examination scores that any student feels may need improvement may be retested. A student who wishes to retest must meet with Mr. Young and review their work. The student will have 10 school days to retest (outside of class). The higher grade will be used for the grade on that exam.
$ Classroom Participation grades will be given at random. Mr. Young will pick a class period and monitor the participation of each student. While this is not a grade for behavior, student who break the Norms of the class, will more than likely be off-task and therefore not participating. Mr. Young will let the students know when this grade is collected, usually just at the end of the period.
# Homework will collected at Mr. Young’s discretion. It will be graded for effort and completion. It is important that you do homework, but if you are spending multiple hours on an assignment you should seek help.
Your semester grade will then be the weighted average of the term (4/5) and the Semester Final (1/5). As you do things in this class, you will be assigned grades. These scores will appear on the Grade Viewer at:
We believe FHS has been one of the schools selected to administer the first PARCC test, trial run this spring for the new common core EOC for Algebra 2. We are not sure how the testing will be administered but we believe the test will be on the computer. To prepare you for this test, we will be using technology to assess you various times during the year.
Office Hours
My planning period is 7that which time I will be in Room 1002 (version 91). I also will be in my room after school by appointment and can meet with you at lunch and before school as needed.
Feel free to contact me at: .
David Young
994 W. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Acknowledgment Form
Please fill out the form below, sign it and return to Mr. Young as soon as possible.
Student Information
Name: ______Grade: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Phone: ______
E-mail: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Phone: ______Period: ______
I have read, and understand the Course Expectations/Syllabus outlined above.
Student Signature: ______
Date: ______
David Young 2013-2014page110/19/2018