Morning Prayer

Dear Divine Teacher,

Another school year has come before us, for some they are starting their adventure in to high school, for others they are starting to close the chapter of high school and open the doors to college. At the beginning of this new school year we thank you for blessing us with the ability to learn, progress and grow. On behalf of the entire Swordsmen community we ask that you fill each classroom with the joy of discovery, praise for every good and honest effort to master each lesson and words of encouragement to try again on difficult subjects. Free our students from the stress of perfectionism and give them the wisdom to ask for help when they need it. Help them to make new and lasting friendships, and teach them compassion, patience and how to get along with others Bless not only the students, but the staff as well, they not only teach us straight from text, but teach us life lessons too. Thank you for calling our teachers into their profession. Help them receive joy from their work and reward them by seeing the steady progress made by their students. Give them the time, energy, materials, training and health to do their job well. We thank you for the promise and excitement that comes with a new school year. You make all things new and You give us fresh starts in life. We ask that you place your hand over the community of St. Paul High School this year and we pray that it will be good to all of us. We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen. St. Paul, pray for us.

Pledge of Allegiance

Announcements 8-16-17

Today and all this week we will be on a minimum day schedule with a 12:15 dismissal. We will have periods 1, 2,3 then break. After break we will go to periods 4, 5 and 6. Today only, following 6th period, all classes will head over to the gym for a brief assembly.

Any students interested in joining the St. Paul Marching band, please come to our informational meeting today during break in the band room, room 506. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary.

Attention all NHS members, the first NHS meeting of the year will take place tomorrow, Thursday, August 17 at 12:30pm in the library. The meeting is mandatory and will only last about 20 minutes.

Would you like to sing in a festival with the other school choirs? How about in a tree lighting ceremony event? Or singing in a church? Or serenading songs for the Mayor's breakfast event?Or how about caroling this Christmas season and singing awesome songs for concerts? Well then come sing with us! The St. Paul Choir is looking for new members to join the fun. No Auditions necessary. See Mr. Cayetano this coming Friday after school in room 502.

And now for today’s sports announcements.


The freshman football team is looking for managers. If you are interested in volunteering, please see Mr. Garcia in room 401. The managers will earn Christian Service Hours for their service.

That was your last announcement Swordsmen, have a great day!