Main Street Academy


C.CLARK Weekly Lesson Plan Format


Unit Essential Question: How can you divide tangible items/ shares fairly with multiple players involved?

Beginning Date: 10/17/2011 Ending Date: 10/21/2011

State competency goal and objective: 2.03- Model and solve problems involving fair outcomes: d) Fair Division

Date / Essential
Question (s): / Activating Strategy/ Emotional Hook
(1. Start the lesson) / Teacher Input
(2. Presentation)
Student Active Participation
(3. Guided practice)
Additional Student Activities
(4. Independent practice) / Summarizing Activity
(5. Evaluation) / Closure
10/24/11 / How do you apply the method of sealed bids to discrete fair-division problems? / Warm- ups:
Review problems from previous lessons: #78 pg. 119 / Instruction:
3.6 Sealed Bids Method- PowerPoint
Guided Practice:
Guided Notes Handout- 3.6
Review Chpts. 1-3:Interact math online
Independent Practice: / 3, 2, 1…
3 things you learned.
2 things you are unsure about.
1 way you can relate this to real life. / Define the Sealed Bids method and its components to a total stranger.
3.3 pg. 114-115 (54-60) even
10/25/11 / How do you apply the method of markers to discrete fair-division problems? / Warm- ups:
Review problems from previous lessons: #74 pg. 118 / Instruction:
3.7 The Method of Markers- PowerPoint
Guided Practice:
Guided notes- 3.7
Review Chpts. 1-3:Interact math online
Independent Practice:
Chapter 3 Review handout
Review Chpts. 1-3:Interact math online
/ A. Ann, Bob, Carol, and Don are the four heirs of an estate that includes a small house, a cabin in the mountains, a 1965 mustang and $95,000 in cash. They decide to divide the estate using sealed bids. Their bids on the three main items are listed in the following table. Each one is entitled to one-fourth of the estate.
What does Ann receive as her share of the estate?
What does Bob receive as his share of the estate?
What does Carol receive as her share of the estate?
What does Don receive as his share of the estate?
Observe the situation from Bob’s perspective. What is the dollar value of the share of each heir from Bob’s view? / Chapter 3.7 conclusion PowerPoint
Pg. 116-117 (62-70)even
10/26/11 / How do you model and solve problems to insure fair outcomes? / Warm- ups:
Review problems from previous lessons: sample Midterm problems / Instruction:
Direction for Chapter 3 Internet Excursion
Guided Practice:
Chapter 3 Internet Excursion- student help if needed.
Chapter 1 -3 Practice Multiple Choice Questions
Independent Practice:
Chapter 3 Internet Excursion
Chapter 1 -3 Practice Multiple Choice Questions / Check: Chapter 1 -3 Practice Multiple Choice Questions / Discussion
10/27/11 / How do you model and solve problems to insure fair outcomes? / Questions: any from student / Instruction:
Guided Practice:
Independent Practice:
Midterm / Midterm / Midterm
Literacy enhancements/Key Vocabulary: / Desired Outcome
Perceived Value
(Fair Share)
Estate / Divider/Chooser
Divider / Last
Diminisher / Marker
Sealed Bids / Array
Absolute terms
Adaptations/Differentiation: / Use overhead instead of doc. cam / Visuals of situations / Use real cake to divide