Students in PE will develop lifetime attitudes regarding physical activity and healthy lifestyles. The movement and fitness curriculum is based on:

1. Demonstrating competency in activity and physical fitness

2. Deriving satisfaction thru fair play, skill development, participation with people of diverse backgrounds

3. Applying complex thinking through problem-solving skills in activity settings

4. Developing strategies for a lifelong healthy lifestyle

5. Applying attributes of responsible citizenship


1.  DRESSING: STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO DRESS IN THEIR PE UNIFORM EVERYDAY! All students will be required to have/wear 4 items. 1; a plain white or grey t-shirt (NO tank tops, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, bare midriffs, etc. $9.00 from school), 2; blue shorts (NO plaids, boxers, jeans, $9.00 from school) OR any “South” apparel, 3; socks, and 4; every student is required to have a whistle, as well($1.00 from the school). Also proper tennis shoes (No platform or thick soled shoes). It is recommended that compression shorts or supporters and sports bras be worn. All jewelry must be removed and hair tied back. All electronic devices (including cell phones) are not allowed in class, unless specified by the teacher.

a.  Every Friday, the students are to take their PE clothes home to wash. On Mondays, the students need to show us their clean, nicely folded clothes, which will account for part of their dressing and participating grade. The four things needed for clothes check are shirt, shorts, socks and a whistle. If the student fails to wash their clothes or fails to bring any of the four items required for clothes check on Monday, they will lose part of their dressing and participating grade that they cannot earn back.

b.  If the students forget their clothes on any given day, they will borrow/rent clothes from us, and be required to dress. This will count as an “Incomplete Dress” resulting in a partial loss of credit. Students will be required to give us their student id or a phone to receive rental clothes from us and the id or phone will be returned to the student when they turn in their rental clothes back to the teacher. Rental clothes not turned back in will result in a $9 fee for the shirt and a $9 fee for the shorts.

2.  GRADING: Grades will be determined through dressing, participation, unit assignments/tests, and the Presidential Fitness tests. Dressing and participation will be worth 80% of the grade and any testing will be worth 20% of the grade. Any time a student is not in class, absent or otherwise, the student will lose 10 points and every incomplete will result in the loss of 3 points. If the student has more than 10 absences during the term, they will no longer receive a letter grade. They will earn pass/fail credit. A, B, C, D, F grades will be earned based on the following:

A 90-100 Miss Taylor’s blog

B 80-89 Mrs DeNoyer’s blog

C 70-79 Mr Murphy’s blog

D 60-69 Mr Hanes’ blog

F 59 and lower

Pass More than 10 absences with a 60 or higher

Fail More than 10 absences with a 59 or lower

MAKE-UP: ALL ABSENCES, SKILLS OR FITNESS TESTS, DOCTOR NOTES, PARENT NOTES, OR SCHOOL EXCUSED ABESENCES MUST BE MADE UP. A doctor’s note is the only thing that will allow a student not to dress for class. If a note is brought from home the students will be required to dress but will be excused from the activity and will help the class by keeping score or being a ref in a game. Truancies and incompletes CANNOT be made up. For each day missed in a PE class, the student will have 3 different ways to make it up. 1. Ask your P.E teacher to request you for Spartan forum on Thursday. That counts as one make up day. 2. Two days of intramurals will count as one make up day. You will need to get a note from Mrs. Kennedy to give to your P.E. teacher. Or 3. Outside of school, the student will be required to complete 30 minutes of exercise on his/her own. Any activity in which the student’s heart rate is increased to the ‘target heart rate zone’ (60%-80% of Max. Heart Rate) and sustained for the required time (30 min.) will qualify for make-up. Only one activity may be made up per day. When the activities have been completed for each school day missed, the student will be expected to get the form off of their teacher’s blog and then complete the form by answering all questions. This form then needs to be signed and dated by a parent, guardian or coach and returned to your teacher within one week of the date of the PE class missed to receive full credit. If this form is turned in later than the one week time frame than it is only worth half credit.


4.  TARDIES: Roll will be taken 5 minutes after the tardy bell rings. After 2 tardies it will result in a loss of 5 points and will affect citizenship.

1-2 tardies = S 3-4 tardies =N 5 or more = U

5.  Students who choose to shower will be allowed to go in at the first cleanup bell. Students who do not choose to shower will continue participating in the activity until the second cleanup bell. Showering is not required nor is it a part of the grade.

6.  ALL STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO STAY IN THE LOCKER ROOM UNTIL THE BELL RINGS. If you leave the locker room early, you will be marked truant.

7.  Get drinks before showering and changing. You cannot leave the locker room after you changed.

8.  There is to be NO CELL PHONES, food, gum, pop, backpacks, binders etc. in the gym or locker rooms under any circumstances. Keep the locker rooms clean!!

9.  Do not leave items out during class. Be sure to lock your lock before leaving the locker room! This also means during class. The school is not responsible for things stolen from the locker rooms.

10.  You are responsible for the lock the school issues you. If you lose your lock, a $9.00 fine will be given.


Please state any medical conditions that we need to be aware of or that might interfere with class participation.

Parent/Guardian signature ______/ Class Period _____
Student signature ______
Students name printed ______